The Most Famous Sculptors Today: A Reasoned Top 20 Using Objective Career Facts

The Most Famous Sculptors Today: A Reasoned Top 20 Using Objective Career Facts

Contemporary Art Issue

55 лет назад

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In this article, we are pleased to present you the most extensive online resource on contemporary sculpture, with a reasoned selection of 20 highly established artists, ranked from 20 to 1 using the Artfacts algorithm measuring their influence and importance using objective data and career facts, such as exhibitions at major institutions, auction results, participation in major art events, art fairs and exposure in major art publications.

As we can only touch briefly on every artist, we have included hyperlinks at the end of every artist biography, referring to the best monographic publication available on the artist in question.

20. Richard Long:
19. Tony Cragg:
18. Christian Boltanski:
17. Alicja Kwade:
16. Anish Kapoor:
15. Jenny Holzer:
14. Isa Genzken:
13. Jeff Koons:
12. Richard Serra:
11. Franz West:
10. Ai Weiwei:
9. Marcel Broodthaers:
8. Kiki Smith:
7. Yayoi Kusama:
6. Nam June Paik:
5. Rosemarie Trockel:
4. Erwin Wurm:
3. Louise Bourgeois:
2. Bruce Nauman:
1. Joseph Beuys:

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👨 About the host Julien Delagrange:
Julien Delagrange is an art historian, contemporary artist, and the founder and director of CAI. Delagrange studied Science of Arts at Ghent University, Belgium, and worked for the Centre for Fine Arts (BOZAR) in Brussels, the Jan Vercruysse Foundation, the Ghent University Library, and has contributed to the international contemporary art scene as an art critic, lecturer, curator, gallery director, consultant, advisor, and as an artist. As an artist, he is represented by Galerie Sabine Bayasli in Paris, France, and Gallery Space60 in Antwerp, Belgium.

🎯 The mission of the CAI YouTube channel:
→ To empower artists by providing adequate and industry-approved advice for artists for long-term success in the highest realms of the art world, sharing inside information and proven strategies based on real-life experiences in the art world.
→ To contribute to the online canonization of recent art history, having its finger at the pulse of contemporary art.

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Every effort has been made to trace copyright holders. However, if you feel you have inadvertently been overlooked, please take up contact with Contemporary Art Issue.

Table of contents:
0:00 – Intro
0:20 – Contemporary Sculpture
01:30 – Honorable Mentions
02:03 – 20. Richard Long
02:49 – 19. Tony Cragg
03:24 – 18. Christian Boltanski
04:04 – 17. Alicja Kwade
04:45 – 16. Anish Kapoor
05:31 – 15. Jenny Holzer
06:08 – 14. Isa Genzken
07:00 – 13. Jeff Koons
07:45 – 12. Richard Serra
08:29 – 11. Franz West
09:16 – Intermezzo
09:47 – 10. Ai Weiwei
10:33 – 9. Marcel Broodthaers
11:30 – 8. Kiki Smith
12:02 – 7. Yayoi Kusama
12:55 – 6. Nam June Paik
13:43 – 5. Rosemarie Trockel
14:27 – 4. Erwin Wurm
15:22 – 3. Louise Bourgeois
16:18 – 2. Bruce Nauman
17:11 – 1. Joseph Beuys
18:20 – Outro


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@wolf5420 - 21.01.2023 20:21

all this art is pure crap is all marketing and publicity this type of art doesnt say shit !!!

@wolf5420 - 21.01.2023 20:23

all this called hamparte lol art of havign no talent

@wolf5420 - 21.01.2023 20:23

the surrealistic sculptures are good

@wolf5420 - 21.01.2023 20:24

wow luise bourgois is good !!!

@eduardocervino8216 - 23.01.2023 20:17

20% art mixed with 80% BS,

@tvam2389 - 24.01.2023 19:49

The Rocking Machine & Christ Unltd. by Herman Makkink, which was also used as a prop for "A Clockwork Orange"...💛

@犬-t4v - 26.01.2023 01:59


@Fusain-呼吸単位 - 29.01.2023 17:44

A very informative, very clear video 👍👍👍

@lukatsetskhladze8563 - 08.02.2023 14:30

don't forget Carl Andre

@wllm4785 - 27.02.2023 01:00

Koons is a physical manifestation of TV. Same thing over and over. His best and by far most interesting work was this week when someone accidentally smashed one of his sculptures.

@barbarawallace9105 - 20.03.2023 20:06

Have you done anything on Jean Dubuffet, French, (1901-1985) Large Scale Sculptures? Which Large Scale Sculptors would you compare his Large Scale works too?

@DanielLopes-jt8yl - 03.04.2023 03:56

Sculpture has always fascinated me due to it’s curiously inventive ways to place itself with out a stand. In future when we occupy outer space with it’s zero gravity- sculpture will at last be free!

@airtimedroneguy6449 - 03.04.2023 21:37

Nice sculptures

@DanielLopes-jt8yl - 05.04.2023 05:20

I have to keep revisiting this stuff they are so concisely packed unpacking them; is like dismantling an atom bomb with toothpicks. One needs to be clear absolutely clear not only as to the artist intention but the intention of contemporary art. Even then conclusions are difficult. Darn thing blows up just when I stick that toothpick right there…

@languagelolli - 04.05.2023 20:46

And also that dog 😂

@jonbismo - 11.05.2023 01:48

You should search about Jorge Oteiza and Eduardo Chillida

@CasperLCat - 14.05.2023 01:09

Koons isn’t a sculptor, or an artist, he’s an art businessman.

@CasperLCat - 14.05.2023 01:12

Seeing Michaelangelo, then Jeff Koons — What the h*ll happened ?

@johanngm6846 - 23.05.2023 17:00

beside a few artists its mostly real shit. Shit is art right?

@talmaslavi - 26.05.2023 11:23

Anish kapoor is top 5

@mgu1N1n1 - 27.05.2023 20:58

Holzer is NOT a sculptor.

@mariowilson-ox6kx - 14.06.2023 10:12

This list, I don't agree with!

@LauraGonzalez-vn3cc - 23.06.2023 22:55

Awesome video for humans and puppies! Thank you.

@SydneyCarton2085 - 23.07.2023 00:03

All conceptual skill aside, what about pure realistic skill? Are there modern sculptors with the skill of da vinci or michaelangelo?

@Tonabillity - 23.07.2023 13:09

It’s interesting, that no African-American sculptors are mentioned, including John Outterbridge, or Lauren Halsey. I guess it will be a couple of more centuries before African-American artists will be considered “good enough.” 🤷🏾

@christianalarcon863 - 18.08.2023 21:17

First of all, nice painting of Julien Delagrange behind you, hahaha

@coz_DS - 05.09.2023 23:33

Most of these installations are bullshit and most definitely NOT fine art. What are people falling for?

@LUISROMERO-o9v - 07.09.2023 18:47

Amaszngly White

@coz_DS - 12.09.2023 06:22

Thank you for the reply. However art is NOT a feast, it has rules to follow, time that needs spent to develop the skills necessary to become just mediocre. From the "stuff" shown here, it's as if art is now defined as a free for all, and the people mostly to blame are art critics and people who try too pass themselves off as art historians and knowledgeable about fine art. Just because you can put paint to canvas, charcoal to paper, or clay to armature, in NO POSSIBLE UNIVERSE makes you an artist.

@Vukuzenzele - 08.10.2023 13:58

Thank you for providing this list of examples on how not to sculpt. Contemporary art is kak.

@rydeck239 - 10.10.2023 07:05

who was responsible for choosing some of the least relevant examples for each artist? yeah let's only show lesser works for the summarized introduction video

@rickbrummer3628 - 15.10.2023 06:47

very interesting

@michianm2055 - 22.10.2023 12:06

Love the Assistent ❤ he is cool 😊

@escultorheinerguidov.9115 - 23.10.2023 06:59

I am a sculptor from Costa Rica, I have 16 years of work, I ask you for an honest opinion of my work, leave me a comment on my channel please, I will read it and I will take it very seriously in my work.

@armandogavilan1815 - 23.10.2023 07:21

damned useless garbage made by fraudsters with no talent at all but love for money and fame

@escultorheinerguidov.9115 - 26.10.2023 20:54

I loved the pieces, I invite you to see my work on wood sculptures, and leave me a sincere review of my work.


@sirmelanieofzundert3645 - 05.12.2023 05:26

Don't wanna be so mean or rude but I must say that I'm really looking forward to what the new generations will bring. Though I can't deny that most of these sculptors DO have a sense of proportions and know how to enhance the space to amplify the viewer's experience, I can't but feel such dullness when looking at most of their artpieces. Even wonder if the future generations will be able to consider them "art pieces" if one of those goes unknown and unrecord.

@BakkerSamuel - 22.12.2023 14:05

Most of these is really tasteless 'art'. There are no sculptural qualities and there is no skill in making. These objects need long texts to explain any meaning and they have to try so hard talking and using fancy words to convince you that a toilet is art... After Rodin true sculpture has died...

@Noyb.265 - 26.12.2023 19:21

Jeff Koons is a con man, not an artist. He does not create things with his own hands anymore. When he did they were dreadful and betrayed his complete lack of anything resembling talent.

@tommymanuel8687 - 10.01.2024 12:22

A lot of bullshit is what these are. 😂

@TheNosarajr - 25.01.2024 13:12

Sometimes junk is just junk. Yes mixed in with genius.

@sebber7992 - 22.03.2024 20:45

None of these so called artists are sculptors. Their work can be best described as "found object", "installation", or "art-object". It is essential that the artist creates his works with his own hands. I've seen the works of Weiwei, Kapoor and Graham, and they've successfully bored me to death. Luckly I can access to real sculptures (Rodin, Yrurtia, Bourdelle).

@BroderickFenoglio - 26.03.2024 21:29

Excellent video, thank you!

@maddashecho5486 - 03.06.2024 17:56

What a load of nonsense

@ankitachakrabortyart - 20.07.2024 17:02

Is their any greater issue then the contemporary art issues?

@YeamanME - 25.09.2024 22:36

Wonderful, fast and furious drive through of contemporary sculpture....thanks so much!

@ankhpom9296 - 27.09.2024 10:31

If you can’t make it, make it BIG.

@mariodavila2565 - 25.10.2024 01:07

Excellent survey of famous sculptors, the placing of Beuys at the top of the list made me smile. His conceptual work in all facets of his life, and his assertion that everyone is an artist, has been an endless source of inspiration for my work as a teaching artist. Perhaps a video can be made which lists a lesser known and more diverse group of sculptors. Thanks!

@planje4740 - 23.12.2024 00:27

- да, да
- али то тако радите јер не знате направити ништа добро
- и тада "склепате ма што" поставите у музеј и вели се на тв нешто је
//видјели смо већ вашу умјеност у њемачкој
- поставили такви као ти на цесту такву умјетност
- наиђе "градска чистоћа" како то не представља ништа
- покупе у камион и баце у смеће
//али то је истина било
- како може бити то да се није могло препознати да је то као умјетност
- јер и није
- само што се тако мора да мисли јер ви тако желите и они који вас подржавају
што ја мислим о вама
- да сте ви болесни и да вам треба медицинска помоћ
//само што
- и свака курва има своју клијентелу управо тако и ви на тај начин радите
//јер ко вели да су сви интелигентни овуда
- зашто ова ради што ради
Tita Lau LIVE @ TAKE OUT E1 London, UK Tech House / House / Techno
- јер не зна као ни ви направити ништа своје и оргинално
//како живи и ради
- и свака курва има своју клијентелу управо тако и ви на тај начин радите
- човјек за пола године набавио си све такве миксете
- и што сад
- та сад је и он "умјетник" као и она
- та како ћеш за пола године бити умјетник
- нећеш никако и никада
- али како се и глупост продаје као и ви зато је и он умјетник у пола године постао
- ако мало дијете које препознаје објекте у томе не види ништа
- то никада умјетност не може бити
. ако се за умјетност мора објашњавати што је то
- то не може бити умјетност него глупан објашњава своју глупост што је радио другим глупанима и глуапачама да је купе
- имаш ли ти што рећи али смишљено
- хе хе хе хе
- а да ниси из француске
//ако си из француске британије жидов америке
- онда мени не мораш ништа рећи ја вас у потпуности схватам
//али имамо проблем
- медицина се није измислила још но још већи проблем нико се и не бави са тим

@blingiy - 03.02.2025 22:39

I hate to disagree with many, but most of this is simply random, meaningless, uninteresting, physcotic, nonsense. In a hundred years, it will all be forgotten in the garbage heap.
