Which AA Rechargeable Battery is Best after 1 Year?  Let's find out! Eneloop, Duracell, Amazon, EBL

Which AA Rechargeable Battery is Best after 1 Year? Let's find out! Eneloop, Duracell, Amazon, EBL

Project Farm

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@CambioJoe - 25.09.2024 06:40

I don't know where I got my addiction to rechargable batteries but if the 70 something I own, I prefer my eneloops the most.

@hotlamon3965 - 25.09.2024 20:19

Another great video! I love my Eneloops; I've had them for 10 years. I also heard somewhere that Amazon Basics are just re-skinned Eneloop batteries. Not sure how true that is but these tests are speaking volumes on that.

@Peanut-Butter-Banana-Rama - 29.09.2024 02:51

Does this still hold up today?

@HasanulIslam-r6j - 03.10.2024 20:43


@Unknown-pc9yq - 08.10.2024 17:01

Todd even though you've done this video multiple times, I think after all of the storms so far, this would still be a big video to redo in 2024/2025. Sitting here in central FL about to get creamed by a hurricane. Just left western NC because I was tired of not having power! Bad move on my part! Another thing would be any type of small led lights for a house in a black out, which lasts the longest, brightness you know all the things. Of course drop tests!

@silverzelricc8083 - 12.10.2024 16:52

very awesome !!

@apollosun5251 - 19.10.2024 12:49

Amazing review. Thanks so much.

@bert0069 - 23.10.2024 03:59

need a test like this....on the smart chargers for them. I'm having problems deciding which one is best

@END6987 - 24.10.2024 05:32

IKEA LADDA 2450 is more comparable to the eneloop pros. As the IKEA LADDA 1900 are comparable to the eneloop. There is speculation that the IKEA are eneloop's or at least made in the same factory.

@Lance54689 - 25.10.2024 12:49

I have a lot of experience with rechargeable AAs, I've been using them in camera hot-shoe flashes for decades. In my experience the rated output doesn't many anything, I've had 1800 batteries perform much better than 2400 batteries. Another wildcard is that lots of brands the batteries just fail, they won't charge anymore, for no apparent reason. By far the best battery I've every tried are the Eneloop. They work very well, keep working very well, and I've never had a failure.

@21boxhead - 26.10.2024 01:50

for me the EBL didn't last a year never again would i buy EBL

@JeanV1986 - 28.10.2024 11:14

Very impressive and useful work, thank you!

@CabanonGuitarHero - 28.10.2024 14:17

so, where's the 2-3-4 years test !? :)

@pani_alex - 28.10.2024 14:21

a ma sing

@GeoGrig - 29.10.2024 05:01

Eneloops are 1900 not 2000. Makes them 1st place near the ikea. They came best at tests

@jimbefit3073 - 31.10.2024 02:57

* nice test! Thank you! But what... are the lowest temperatures those batteries in the solar yard lights were exposed to? Liion batteries DONT like being charged in low temperatures. Thank you.

@henrynguyen4132 - 01.11.2024 16:46

Thank you for the great video about rechargeable batteries. One idea is monitoring the voltage during use. Start with fully charged battery and put it in a latern, then measure battery voltage at every 5-10 minutes interval until battery die.

@gr-lf9ul - 14.11.2024 22:45

the 2-year update is hidden at the end of a video about li-ion aa cells instead of being a separate video :(
on another note, these lamps are unable to charge the full cell (probably not even a quarter of it actually) in a single day so the supposed 300+ charge cycles shown here (or 700+ in the followup) are not full cycles. these results are not indicative of battery longevity with more traditional charging methods, where even the top brands will be dead in 300 cycles.

@PolishRawr - 19.11.2024 04:16

hello sorry but i havent had any time watching this for long, is there like a tldr or rather tldw summary? which is the best

@leonardoherrerapena1596 - 19.11.2024 16:44

so the best battery is duracell?

@ecotts - 23.11.2024 06:01

China #1 Scratch that, Japan #1 🤔

@IncogNito-gg6uh - 25.11.2024 09:19

I have been using eneloop in a beard trimmer for years. They test at 1.6V when fully charged.

@juanpbotha - 27.11.2024 13:12

Please share a link for the Duracell 2450. I can't find them online. Surely, that's a Duracell 2500.

@michaelmappin4425 - 30.11.2024 03:06

I would like to know how the rechargeable compare with alkaline batteries.

@skua691 - 07.12.2024 14:46

Will a 3600Mah 1.5v battery, that is powering a heated glove , make the glove feel hotter than a 1.5v battery with a lower Mah?

@soldiersvejk2053 - 15.12.2024 17:02

Did you make another update after this? Thanks!

@andyr72 - 18.12.2024 23:29

Hi. The only Duracell 2450 batteries I'm finding are coin batteries. The ones on Amazon that look like the ones you've tested are listed at 2400.🤔

@UdoU-k2b - 19.12.2024 16:40

Great work! Have you noticed that eneloops, like an 8 pack, there will be about a 1/2 to 2/3rds of them that charge up and last longer than some of the other batteries in the same pack. I use them in the same device which doesn't require a constant draw and I've got 4 of 8 that last longer than the other four. So it seems like when you buy mutiples of these, you get roughly half that perform to spec and the rest do not. BTW I made sure I got the Japan manufactured ones.

@PureChivalry - 22.12.2024 19:46

I like your Fisher Space pen in the photo. I have the same one myself. Just got an idea while writing this! Do a pen review with the space pen in it!!!! 👍

@alexschneider812 - 27.12.2024 06:23

Not sure if you're still doing any testing, but Tenergy batteries seem to be pretty great from my personal experience. If you go through this again, I'd love to see them included!

@acecountry55 - 27.12.2024 12:53

Hard to believe this test was done 5 years ago already! Now sadly its obvious that product quality has been tanking with everyday use products like this making us spend more, id like to see to a new video on the rechargeable non-lithium AA batteries to see if theres been an improvement or a drop in quality in recent years since the pandemic. Hope you had a merry Christmas and cant wait to see whats next

@kirkb2286 - 27.12.2024 14:31

I would like to see robot vacuum

@justoalma9585 - 28.12.2024 20:57

Oh man. Every time I want to buy something I need his videos pop up my YT channel for exactly what I need. This is crazy. Best channel ever.

@gwmattos - 04.01.2025 19:54

Fantastic professional Test. Eye opening. I use AA batteries from Costco. Will try to find manufacture.Thank you.😊

@ballisonfargo - 05.01.2025 21:47

The Duracell rechargables are now made in China.

@aerlas1 - 15.01.2025 17:05

How many charge cycles did the batteries go through?
Isn't that more interesting than how long a battery will maintain its capacity at almost no use?

@dhallftworth1 - 17.01.2025 01:40

I’d like to see an update to this

@Greyman13A - 17.01.2025 03:45

EBL are still rubbish in 2025 in AA and AAA

@yr6sport418 - 19.01.2025 18:56

Great.. thanks..

@Splarkszter - 22.01.2025 23:55

Hi! The amazon basics ones seem to be manufactured in China, not in Japan anymore.

Can you please test that issue? Thank you :)

@mathewburke1485 - 27.01.2025 04:03

The amount of work you put in and the evidence you provide is amazing. Everyone should ditch the UL White Book and just use your Project Farm reviews on products... it is a huge help for those of us that care about what we buy. Thank you for the effort you put into your videos.

@bertsawicki9265 - 30.01.2025 21:46

can you add a link to the battery charger you use? I want you to get your $$ for referral!

@markfalina9160 - 31.01.2025 07:24

I'm sorry if I left this request on a different video. Please do a similar test on AAA batteries.

@KirbyStarsProductions - 03.02.2025 08:51

I was ordered Duracell AAA Alkaline Batteries Maybe there's a better chance for this one

@FabianWinkler - 08.02.2025 12:19

It would be great to see another "Eneloop after 5 years" test. My Eneloop are over 10 years old and still have 90% of their capacity and lost only a little bit of charge, when not used.

@felixfelix5516 - 20.02.2025 11:54

Would like to see a test for the cold . I have wireless cameras that use double aa batteries . Here in chicago we got days that weather drops below 10.

@wadesandstrom5212 - 04.03.2025 04:38

I have 15 year old eneloops still in use. I bet I have a couple hundred of them, and not one has failed. I've also had Duracell and rayovac. They're all dead and gone. I do have some green amazon basics and some ladda batteries, but I won't be able to trust their longevity like I do the eneloops for another 10 or 15 years of testing.
