This Will Be The Future Of Log Splitters - I’m Calling It Now

This Will Be The Future Of Log Splitters - I’m Calling It Now

Hometown Acres

7 месяцев назад

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@lukeschroder5928 - 05.12.2024 11:04

nightmare to be the guy loading the rounds.

@c113-n7f - 09.12.2024 11:14

This and the firewood delivery video were both fascinating, especially seeing the business insights of it all.

@TwinRiversWoodProducts - 10.12.2024 09:49

I'm not impressed at all with that yellow and blue machine. A lot of trash in there

@alanbloodworth2653 - 10.12.2024 22:33

Computer? No thanks.

@RogerKeulen - 12.12.2024 21:52

Fun fact: Europe had wood heated bath houses 2400 years ago. With better efficiency than a modern American wood boiler.
Did you already see our spider ? The fully automated lumberjack that walk through the forrest on hydrolic legs. Will cut your tree, remove the branches and cut the desired length in one go.
We let them dry there in the wood before we remove them by horse. Not a single tire or track needs to be in our forrests (as it should be).

@CashGravel - 14.12.2024 17:54

well its a shame we still have to put all that carbon in the air but time passes slowly. great rig

@rubinbrown8142 - 21.12.2024 07:01

Does it work?

@geoffoutdoors - 23.12.2024 13:58

Wow interesting splitter 👍

@marklelohe3754 - 24.12.2024 20:17

Looks like the Pinosa is making a fair proportion of kindling too. So you have 2 products to sell from1 process which is a good thing isn't it?

@clintdaniel7511 - 25.12.2024 07:13

Damn you yanks cut small compared to our Aussie hardwood. Chunky lasts so much longer

@306champion - 25.12.2024 08:17

I'm used to measured tons and measured metres, what is a cord?

@skeets6060 - 25.12.2024 20:43

Cant say I'm real impressed, seems to be a lot more waste than needs be

@tinaann3323 - 25.12.2024 21:10

Either way, you’re using more strokes. So, he’s not gaining, he’s just trading it for continuous feeding.

@johnmoyer5515 - 28.12.2024 15:18

Nice machine

@stephendobie5013 - 28.12.2024 16:55

Insurance is like a good snowblower....need to think about sizing it for the worst case AND hope you never have to use it!

@tony2227 - 28.12.2024 20:47

It might just be me because I am a true ignorant BUT …. BUT …BUT … to me it looks like the problem with the other machine is that it needed to split some of the logs more than once because some where to thick so the owner thinks that it’s a waste of time BUT it seems to me that this new machines split the SAME LOGS MORE THAN ONCE …look at the video again and you see that the machine DOESNT CUT 1 LOG 1 TIME it takes 2 cuts to the same log … the only difference is that it doesn’t have a human grabbing the piece to put it again thru it .. that’s just me

@lukeforks9134 - 29.12.2024 07:49

Always keep your back (spine) straight when lifting. Over time, if you turn your shoulders relative to your hips while lifting, the discs between your vertebrae go from jelly into 'crab meat'.

@richardbruce8111 - 30.12.2024 07:22

Intelligence meets Practical meets engineering with Good Guys = EXELLENCE made my day

@jefferyshall - 30.12.2024 12:30

What's wrong with those small pieces? Why are they considered waste? If I was getting firewood I would actually want those.

@Jack-r1r8y - 30.12.2024 18:31

Guess I’m just simple minded. Have been using firewood for over 40 years. Yea I done like some of pieces but come on. It’s firewood

@archangel729 - 30.12.2024 23:05

Small ones can be sold as kindling lol 🎅

@sergeharrison5804 - 31.12.2024 06:30

Italians are excellent engineers that build delicate equipment !

@jerrymilligan8841 - 31.12.2024 23:44

Built Rite Forestry Equipment
Cavendish, Vermont
Builds an excellent wood processor

@dominicm2175 - 01.01.2025 06:44

That ram is still operating at more than 1:1 ratio, plus the wood is being handled between machines…..if the owner says it’s a better system then can’t argue with that but when narrating the pros and cons from old to new im just not getting it

@cybertrucktreeman - 01.01.2025 19:10

sweet !

@haygood9 - 05.01.2025 14:28

Sounds like he really cares about the product he offers to his customers. Very rare quality nowadays

@lennyhale5308 - 06.01.2025 00:36

Hello, trying to figure out where to buy one of these machines anybody have a source?

@stan7764ify - 07.01.2025 00:30

Ok your ram is coming back to soon. You are not get enough distance apart making to small pieces and looks like a lot waste. With parcel pieces

@rustyellis3702 - 11.01.2025 05:36

Get that wood to Lubbock Texas and make a fortune

@zenbright9213 - 12.01.2025 16:33

If the machine malfunctions could we repair ourselves or if there is a customer care abd repair offer

@MikeySkywalker - 15.01.2025 10:14

Three or four thousand? Bro there are videos there with 170k views.

@MattMorris481 - 17.01.2025 20:53

I like the stuff they call waste I like all the sizes that come out of that machine.

@JeffGoike-m3e - 20.01.2025 07:03

How much does one of those Pinosa's go for?

@jrmlandscapes4566 - 21.01.2025 19:25

Just curious, why not get something that can be loaded by machine, and eliminate people having to handle the wood?

@thejasonrk - 22.01.2025 21:01

simple design, I could build that with automation and programmability for probably about 15-20k.

@LANDSCAPING-jt2bs - 25.01.2025 04:31

bro probably makes 40 cords a day meanwhile me and my grandfather are out in the woods cutting 1 cord of wood in 2 days

@johnkearns6048 - 27.01.2025 00:52

I think a all expensive paid factory tour is in order for you guys 😊

@TheBeast-if6mo - 28.01.2025 03:39

I would like to buy one

@CodyMcGriff - 01.02.2025 01:00

Firewood processors have been around since the 60s....

@craigb8228 - 04.02.2025 00:47

How come y'all have straight timbers for firewood. Here they are lumbered and the crooked pieces are firewood.

@creeker6422 - 05.02.2025 02:17

Simply amazing.

@sertaoprodutivoconfinament5916 - 05.02.2025 04:12

E meu Brasil só atraso

@joemanflyer2001 - 05.02.2025 06:27

Just make the waste part of the bundle like it’s kindling chopped that waist into smaller pieces or even almost sawdust if necessary and package it with the bundle i.e. no more waste

@jackreacher. - 14.02.2025 20:39

... the kid who split 9 cords of wilderness wood for me needs a raise ....

@raywest3834 - 18.02.2025 07:41

Lots of waste with the "X" cutter hitting the log twice.

@BeauSally - 20.02.2025 14:00

Old news.

@justinpolen2855 - 23.02.2025 19:36

Where is it he bought this? Any information? I can’t find it
