#two_bit_da_vinci #betavolt #betavolt_battery #betavolt_nuclear_battery #nuclear_battery #nuclear_diamond_battery #chinese_nuclear_battery #chinese_nuclear_battery_betavolt #betavolt_chinese_battery #betavolt_chinese_nuclear_battery #Chinese_Nuclear_Batteries:_Deadly_or_Genius? #are_nuclear_batteries_safe #nuclear_battery_china #nuclear_battery_betavolt #are_nuclear_batteries_goodКомментарии:
Better ask Tom Cruise.
Ответить". . . why?, it's because of the costs . . . .?"
Man, how often have I heard this in my lifetime? Countless times starting with:
"Color TV will forever stay a niche product for the rich, - because of the costs"
"There never will be such thing as a HOME COMPUTER - because of the costs"!
"Data storage will never be larger than a few MEGABYTES - because of the costs!" (and any ways, who will ever need more than 5 MBs?)
"USB? For private use? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣No way! - because of the costs"
"Graphics cards? Yeah, for scientific government funded super computers - because of the costs"
"Why would any one want a BEAMER at home? - because of the costs" (at that time the smallest projectors still costed 30T upwards)
"First Writeable CDs, and then later on Rewritable CDs/DVDs/double-layer/Blue-rays will never happen - because of the costs!"
"Processors won't get any lager than 1000 MHz - because of the costs!"
"HD Discs will never be larger than 1 TERABYTE - because of the costs"
. . . and on, and on, . . .
. . . and on!
Satanist yahudilerin dünyanın dört bir yanına sakladıkları içinde amerikan atom bombaları olan sandıklarına en az 50 yıl yetecek enerji sağlar bu. 👍
ОтветитьBüyük olasılıkla israilde üretildi bu uydu bağlantılı sandıklar oradan da amerikaya taşınıp hazırlandı. Sonra da dünyaya antartika ve amazonlar başta olmak üzere dağıtıldı.
ОтветитьSandık dediğim içinde ateşleme düzeneği ve uydu bağlantısı var.
ОтветитьTürk istihbaratı Vestel'i kontrol et.
ОтветитьBöyle bir düzenek olduğunu biliyordum. Zira radyoaktif bataryalardan haberim var.
ОтветитьIs it dangerous or genius you forgot the option is it totally fake and it is. The claims they make vs reality is just not there. It's one of the many reasons science is having issues these days from the corruption of it's essence by the usual culprits. I decided to tackle this last year as a little weekend project not taking into consideration size or efficiency I only wanted to see if the concept worked with my own eyes. I also wanted to use betavoltaic semi conductors but I found it was difficult and expensive to make or obtain. And so time goes by because although it is simple science it is still science you need to learn and understand. I settled on this. 2 AA rechargeable batteries, a solar battery charger, 2 americium 241 sources, a switch, a 5v led light. Everything enclosed in a thin box. It's been a year and the batteries are still charging and the little light still glows. Should go until batteries or light deteriorate or in 420 years. Was it anti orgasmic and useless. Very much so.
ОтветитьIt’s seems like product placement is taking more and more percentage of the actual video length which leads me to believe the main initial motive of the video was in fact a bonafide infomercial.
ОтветитьThey are nothing than CGI.
Dont fall for Chinese Propaganda
Short answer: they will revolutionize everything. Game changer kinda stuff.
ОтветитьDepleted uranium thats very bad
ОтветитьYou description is a plain bait, i expected link to the nuclear battery, not some cleaner robot :D
ОтветитьCouldn't the slowing of the beta particles create Bremsstrahlung radiation?
ОтветитьThe words Chinese and Nuclear, don´t go well together.
ОтветитьNuclear is healthy and good. Radiation it is very positive for living beings. So whatever this battery will be , will be very safe and good for health.
Ответить100 micro watt , only 2500 USD.
ОтветитьCould a giant version be built to power ships and submarines? A all-electric ship or sub would be awesome. Lots of space could be saved. So much plumbing, turbines, steam machinery, etc. Could be eliminated plus the vessel would be much quieter.
ОтветитьNo offence but alot of Chinese electric bikes are catching fire and there building infrastructure is really poor quality so can we trust a nuclear battery from China..no way...
ОтветитьThis battery is really low power. But the first plane flew only 36 meters. And secondly, we don't use a phone or laptop all the time. During downtime, this battery can recharge the main battery, such as an ionistor.
ОтветитьSince 10 to 20 years, they are telling about new batteries, weekly. But i newer seen one. I think thats a running gag. It seems that physics cant be tricked. My guess for the next 5 or 10 years is a increase by same volume by a factor of 1.2 to 1.8. And thats it. Maybe for ever, when it needs 50 years for a complete new battery chemistry generation. I am not chemist. But my belly told me that. 😊😊😊😂
ОтветитьDoes anybody calculate for fun, how long it takes to charge an iphone completely? Weeks? Months?years?
ОтветитьRobot vacuums and moping vacuums are so much junk I opened a repair shop for them. And make lots of money from people who think they work good they don't their not perfected at all. ANYTHING THAT SELLS RIGHT!!!
ОтветитьWas elon musk talking about using these batteries in the Tesla cars? Before they caught fire. In cases like this on a massive scale, would it be classed as a dirty bomb, even causing lung and other cancers among the population¿¿¿i
ОтветитьThis is a real bad idea. There must be a working concept for recycling them before starting distribution of such things to the masses.
ОтветитьUranium ion solid state ev battery 😅
ОтветитьThe true path two Nuclear power Is the Zarconium battery not diamond.
Ответитьwhy didnt you use your meter on the battery?
ОтветитьI think solar power is the logical way to go, and if its true that musk has a solar phone in the pipeline this will revolutinise the cell phone industry. Without the need for batteries.
ОтветитьSo THIS is where Hunter was investing the Syndicates loot ?
ОтветитьPeople do not understand that not only ganma can irradiate but anything can.
A nuclear battery with low input is as safe as wifi with strong radioactive field.
I hear even visible light green can iradiate, look at laser green light and your eyes get iradiated.
Phone.s iradiate our ears even tho is not nuclear radiation.
UV is also bad is large quantities. So a nuclear batery with small input is as safe as a phone dial while keep it at your ear.
People that stay near 5g radio towers get severe iradiation even thou is not nuclear gamma.
ОтветитьIf you amplify infrared enough you can get cancer from it by iradiation. And infrared carry way lower energy than gamma. Matter the amplification by electricity.
ОтветитьSo its safe, until its damaged or in a landfill. if we ever got to the point of using these they would have to be heavily regulated and disposed of in a safe way. Personally i don't trust your average person to follow these rules.
ОтветитьBut what if I eat the battery? HMMM????
ОтветитьCould this technology work better for a vehicle than a phone where the radiation leaking would be farther away from humans and the size of the battery could be large?
Ответитьconsider it a self charger instead of a battery. when you are not using the device, it is self charging. so say you get 10 hours of constant use, go to bed, it's charged for another 10 hrs in the morning
ОтветитьI would say a nuclear battery is safe made anywhere but China.
ОтветитьI want to see NDB's making light photons and computing on them. THEN I will be impressed.
ОтветитьThe high pricetag is for government and aerospace... The problem is there are too many people that would run over their phones and Chuck them into the trash or worse just toss them out of the window. There would need to be a recycling benefit added to these like soda cans.
ОтветитьCity labs video
ОтветитьI'm wondering if you had something about the size of what would fit into an iPhone made like that how long would that last and would it be feasible to use in a satellite
ОтветитьA 10 minute video, containing 5 minutes of oaid promotion..... Clickbait
ОтветитьThis is a very good explanation of the nuclear battery 👍 i understand it much better now ,thanks.
Ответитьi think rich people would pay $100,000 for a phone that doesn't need to be recharged.. but they may also buy a fridge cooler for camping.. a drone battery.. i can see rich people spending a few million just on devices with these batteries.. and one super major application would be light.. a flashlight that never dies.. even if it's not very strong.. it's a life saving device for campers.. sure you can just bring 3 of them with normal batteries but if we can get the price down to $200 then I might want a nuclear one.. because we forget.. and it's a hassle to recharge.. $200 small price really.. and maybe it uses a capacitor so it's self charging instead of always charged.. meaning you have an hour of use and then it recharges over 4 hours... even at night or on cloudy days.. with 4 of them you could always have light
ОтветитьWhy is no one talking about the diamond batteries invented in Bristol