Keeping It Real About Teaching Abroad | Picky Girl Travels Podcast Episode 5

Keeping It Real About Teaching Abroad | Picky Girl Travels Podcast Episode 5

Picky Girl Travels the World®️

3 года назад

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@RetireAbroadInvesting - 11.01.2022 22:08

Thanks for all of this information Picky Girl Travels the World!. I appreciate it. I am looking into moving from Information Technology to teaching in Mexico OR Panama. I don't see the link for the DOD info that Tia mentioned. Will you be adding that link into the Description? THANKS! Have a wonderful week!!!

@leearmstrong7268 - 12.01.2022 01:49

I plan to visit Mexico City and Portugal this year. I will complete the Ed.D 2022. The specialty is in Adult Education. I've also reviewing the TESL for a certificate. I would like to work online but living in Mexico City or Portugal. My age is beyond 40 years old. I've lived in Metro/Urban Cities, so I'm use to and enjoy a fast pace and noisy cities. I listening to the replay. Thank you for sharing your knowledge of relocating to a country that will appreciate me.

@leearmstrong7268 - 12.01.2022 01:54

I've taught traditional students (17-21 years old) face to face and online. I'm currently working online with adults and IT at the university does not support moving out of USA.

@beeblebomb - 12.01.2022 01:56

I love this podcast because as someone who is preparing to live abroad, the advice given here and experiences are authentic and definitely work with someone who lives like I do so it’s more realistic than listening to a millionaire giving advice on moving and living abroad. Thank you thank you thank you

@Vasper79 - 12.01.2022 22:03

I like Tia's attitude and outlook on things. Another great podcast. Thank you Adelia

@fdoctor79 - 13.01.2022 04:58

Thank you for your labor of love, Picky Girl Travels Guide to Teaching Abroad e-book, Adalia. Although I have a BA in Music Education and M.E. in Education, I am not certified and don't know if I want to enter back into the classroom; however, I am interested in working with international NGOs, schools, intergovernmental organizations in the evaluation capacity within the international education arena. Tfs

@tiffanycherry6483 - 23.01.2022 16:10

Is it possible to be a substitute teacher abroad?
