My first ride with Dave Norona

My first ride with Dave Norona


3 года назад

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@erikrupeiks7929 - 23.03.2021 22:38

How about a low snow conditions video. How to keep your sled cool in low snow very icy. Does anyone make an ice block setup for tunnels. You would think doo would have something for the link system

@pitchpines3851 - 24.03.2021 04:14

Thanks to all the ambassadors who encourage everyone to get out there on the snow.

@robb2498 - 24.03.2021 07:25

How did he make it for an ambassador?

@akkenai417 - 26.03.2021 08:15

Your instructional videos are awesome Dave, and have been a big help for riders like me who are relatively new to the sport. Everything from simple belt changes, to adjusting limiter straps, and how to change chain case oil, all of your videos are easy to follow and are full of good insight and tips. Thanks for being awesome, be safe out there!

@kylejohnson7464 - 26.01.2022 06:46

Hi Dave Great video. Question for you, I just picked up my extremely late 22 Turbo X 165 today,
Can I put a bikeman Can on it ? Will it void the 3 year warranty? Thanks

@richardbrowne3119 - 27.02.2022 06:26

Yo David RB take for a ride out west. Team Subaru adventure racing!
