The Babylon Bee Finds 1970s Advice For Husbands

The Babylon Bee Finds 1970s Advice For Husbands

The Babylon Bee Podcast

2 года назад

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@PhotonTheta - 22.12.2022 14:56

Ask the soy generation these questions

@edwardgabel3701 - 22.12.2022 15:33

I think the guy on the cover is actor Patrick Swazi (sp?)

@everythingfoodmore9208 - 22.12.2022 17:04

Hey honey, what’s todays date? There, I asked her for a date.

@foxinbox500 - 22.12.2022 17:08

Make the mistake of marrying a “ Mama’s boy”. Then when the mil verbally abuses you, your husband will refuse to come to your rescue.

@momkatmax - 22.12.2022 17:26

We don't have kids, but he compliments me in front of the cats.

@cloudbase7799 - 22.12.2022 18:39

Golden rule for husbands: never compare your wife to another woman, including previous flames/girlfriends or your mother.

@ericsiskosky2779 - 22.12.2022 18:56

My mother loves you, but I love you more

@carlahoag7154 - 22.12.2022 21:08

Honestly, the wife/mother love thing depends on a lot of factors. Is the mother a good mother? Is the wife a good wife? If a man has a bad wife, for his sake I hope he has a good mother and the reverse is also true. It shouldn't be a competition because the men are correct - it's absolutely a different kind of love. I say this with plenty of experience: our 50th anniversary is next spring.

@MrKook - 22.12.2022 21:49

"When was the last time you sent your wife a sexist meme?"

This morning, while pooping.

@donnapartow - 23.12.2022 01:05

My dad called my mother every Friday to ask her out on a date

@ifyouloveChristyouwillobeyhim - 23.12.2022 01:58

That's my brother spot-on! Barbeques a lot and does quesadillas.

@5BBassist4Christ - 23.12.2022 07:23

That question about taking your kids out for a Coke, -obviously the important part is spending quality time with your kids, preferably one-on-one time with each individual kid. It doesn't have to be a Coke, just some quality time. This is one of my random memories of my father from when I was a boy. At one point, my dad began a tradition of taking me and my siblings out individually. I don't remember what the schedule was, -was it once a week he would take one of us somewhere, and then the next week he would take another one of his kids? Where did we go? What did we do? I don't remember these details. I just remember that he had a routine of taking one of us out on a regular basis for some quality time. Oh, and there were six of us, and he treated us all equally.

Notice how I remember this, even though I don't remember what we did. We remember what is important. It was important to me that my father cared enough about us to spend individual time with us. It was not important what we did, but that we got to spend one-on-one time with our dad. This is a good practice, and a good way to raise you children, and it could have a life-long affect.

@zippassi - 23.12.2022 18:33

My husband watches the kids while I go to karate classes — it’s better than a girls’ night out.

@Titus-2mom - 23.12.2022 23:28

My hubby does all of these...minus the I love you more than my mother one. Thats just weird. Our marriage is far from perfect but little gestures like that go a long way.

@dansamuelson6689 - 24.12.2022 09:28

My wife and I were married for over 43 years before she died in November from complications of early onset Alzheimer's disease, how does this score? We would tell each other this several times a day, "Nobody loves you more than I do except Jesus."
My mother and my wife got along great.

@portiagts9416 - 24.12.2022 16:17

I love you more than my mother…,o-k

@charlessutherland274 - 24.12.2022 20:24

$20 in 1978 was worth $90 in today's money.

@KneightReinagel - 29.12.2022 05:51

I've told my wife that my mother loves her more than my mother loves me.

@SweboySMM2 - 29.12.2022 18:57

So where is the: '1970s Advice For Wifes' then?

@jjjackson5183 - 30.12.2022 17:15

"Coke and conversation" ask Hunter.

@supertrouperJC02 - 31.12.2022 21:11

It looks like it was easy being a husband in the 70's lol

@donf3877 - 01.01.2023 21:57

I love the guys... lying worse than liberals in Congress.................................................................

@heathb4319 - 02.01.2023 04:46

In the words of Sean Connery...
"Sometimes they just need a little ...slap"

@KjvAsh_PraiseGod - 07.01.2023 20:58

Let’s be honest a woman wants to hear you love them more than your mother more than you expect. My fiancé has silent competition with my mother over my affection before we were dating. Definitely written by a lady lol

@janibeg3247 - 23.01.2023 20:25

advice - Treat her right

@fredwardv6988 - 31.01.2023 10:38

"Very Oedipal." I don't know how to feel about this statement.

@b.n.e6090 - 01.02.2023 02:17

One of the rarest times I see a group of people and I feel comfortable with the way they all look and their personalities.

@Vlad-ss5pm - 13.02.2023 19:46

I love you more than my mother?? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 That's the most sissy feminine sentence you can say 🤣 MAMAS BOIIIIII 🤣

@twitterfree480 - 20.02.2023 03:39

"I love you more than my mother!" She replies, "I don't believe you, I think your mother loves me more."

@debranadeau6305 - 20.02.2023 09:23

pic on the cover looks like Robert Wagner 😳🤣🛟

@aidanw9378 - 29.04.2023 00:20

It's actually kind of sad the way some of these things are worded. I'm traditionalist by nature but these aren't traditionalist, they're just a very low standard of love.

@boldforchrist9000 - 29.04.2023 17:47

Joe still takes Hunter out for coke.

@azurplex - 11.05.2023 22:35

The mother question sounds ultimatum based. As in “it’s either me or her. Decide.“

@davidclark7584 - 25.05.2023 02:14

Here's the best advice for husband's. Don't get married.

@billybarnes9208 - 14.06.2023 16:21

I've been married for 37 years now . I love my wonderful Wife more each day. God bless Her!

@guy2536 - 20.07.2023 13:12

My wife and I have been married over 50 years,just not to each other. We get along great.

@meomy29 - 22.08.2023 04:03

I'd take the "Love you more than my mother" statement to mean that you'd take your wife's side in an argument.

@henrycarlson7514 - 18.03.2024 17:38

So Wise , Thank You . Good Humor

@peopleforpooping - 13.04.2024 01:54

Joe Biden asked Hunter out for coke and a conversation once...and now we're here..

@VickiSmith-eg9oo - 15.06.2024 02:52


@Ike-un6mc - 22.07.2024 22:59

Like they rightly pointed out, love for your mother and your wife arent the same kind of love. Love isn't love, contrary to modern thinking.

@francineschwartz3045 - 01.11.2024 20:31

Hey guys. Love this but here in the south barbecue is a noun. Grilling could be what you meant. Bless your hearts.

@griffinmathers929 - 28.11.2024 21:16

Definitely not babysitting! Thanks for catching that.

@ChristiColonel - 03.01.2025 00:08

I have turned my husband down for dates! I take care of his needs, but I prefer to cook.

@johnmay1109 - 20.01.2025 18:15

Never stop courting your wife.

@rcs8295 - 24.01.2025 04:02

This popped up in my feed. I was interested to watch since my parents were married in the 70’s. It was funny, lol! 😆 Btw, Emma resembles a young Scarlet Johansson.💗

@yeshualionofjudah7107 - 10.02.2025 07:51

I'm engaged to a beautiful Christian woman, she is God sent.

@FruitNDoggie - 15.02.2025 17:56

Gandalf - "Fly, you fools." Seems pretty clear to me.
