Taking her from ZERO running to parkrun in 4 weeks (Part 3)

Taking her from ZERO running to parkrun in 4 weeks (Part 3)

JOG ON with Harry Morgan

2 года назад

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@bronaghpatterson5605 - 18.10.2022 21:05

YES AMI!! that was incredible - what a cracking first 5km time too x

@reelrun - 19.10.2022 00:16

What a fantastic story perfectly portrayed in fluorescent splendour! Awesome progress Ami and a memory to cherish...but hopefully many more to come and you'll reach 800+ one day like your fellow runner Mr Happy (amazing dedication). PS. What an incredible pace that power-walker was doing!

@alexb1084 - 19.10.2022 12:32

Oh cool, I’m crying on a Wednesday morning

@athompson077 - 19.10.2022 13:00

A huge well done!

@tenchmagic - 20.10.2022 19:16

Well done Ami , Louise and Harry 👍👍 A brilliant series , which I'm sure will inspire people who have never tried to run. Really excellent ! And very brave of Ami to have it all filmed 🙌🙌

@welshie000 - 22.10.2022 23:27

Amazing well done Anne-Marie!
I have very recently started doing the park run in Cannock Chase, today I completed my 5th 5k. I’m currently on a weight loss journey and have currently lost 2.5st.
My first park run I ran a 35 minute 5k with today completing in 28.40.
I would love to get this to sub 20 but being 17st I can’t see this happening.

Thanks for the inspiration and I look forward to more videos!
Thanks Harry.

@nataliazen - 23.10.2022 14:55

Oh God. Why did this make me cry? 🙈 Well done Ami! You can be so proud of yourself! Well done! 👏👏👏👏

@Visablehand - 02.11.2022 14:08

Well done. No more parkruns since she finished this in August, any updates?

@barerunners - 27.11.2022 02:49

Absolute legend. Well done all! Amazing!

@samanthaclarke3023 - 05.01.2023 23:54

What a shame she has only done 1 more parkrun since this one.

@perelandrauk - 09.01.2023 16:34

Awesome result, thats a really good time too, I'm still working on getting my time down towards that. Was lovely that Mr Parkrun stuck with you guys and showed so much support too.

@dougspeirs - 10.01.2023 16:59

So proud of you Anne-Marie. Great achievement. After watching a couple of times it motivated me to get off the treadmill and do a local Parkrun. Now ordered the Jog on t-shirt, well got to look good as I'm puffing round the course 😉 Top man Harry.

@jamespeters5043 - 17.01.2023 18:29

What a fantastic mini series this is. I have only just discovered your channel today and it is excellent. Well done to Ami and to all of you for putting this together.

It actually made me very emotional having gone through the journey of non-runner to runner myself very recently. I started about 4 months ago on the back of some difficult things happening in my personal life. It has been life changing and I credit Parkrun for being a big part of it. I have done lots of it on my own but actually, with things like Parkrun and online communities like Strava and other social media groups, you are never truly alone and that is so motivating.

I am running my 10th Parkrun this week and have even managed to convince a few friends to get on board too, with one of them doing their first one this coming Saturday. I have gone from being a non-runner to running a PB of 25.44 last week at Parkrun and I ran a 10k PB of 58.46 literally today. If you would have told me I would do that at the time you filmed this I would have thought you were insane. It is amazing what all of us can do if we put our minds to it and throw ourselves in fully. I am even joining a local running club in the spring!

If anyone is reading this that hasn't started but is thinking about starting, my advice would be to take those first steps no matter how scary they seem because you will not regret it.

Keep up the good work - Running changes lives for the better :)

@jameshickey100 - 20.03.2023 22:33

I hope you come to do mersea Island Park run

@ValenzuelaGustavo - 23.03.2023 15:24

Amazing run! Amazing! i'm in the four week of trainning to my first 5k... i have four weeks more to prepare myself... wish me luck.

@TMM6944 - 28.03.2023 13:06

Excellent, well done H for taking this project on, she did so well and I hope we see more of her continuing to run.

@davidmayes4212 - 07.04.2023 20:05

Amazing job, Ami! I'll be doing my first 5k in a month, and it's really inspiring to see you go through similar training to what I've been doing and do so well on race day!

@emilymaniquet3666 - 17.04.2023 00:29

Thank you for doing this series! It was so inspiring <3 Way to go Ami!!

@LawrenceFoster-i7j - 26.04.2023 16:56

This is a great way to show that first 5K in a decent time is attainable with good preparation for most. One of the biggest barriers to getting into running is your own mind. Once that first 5K is out the way, confidence grows and whilst you always respect the distance, its never as intimidating again, and can actually be really fun!

@timawn - 29.04.2023 11:00

Very cool series. Also very jealous your parkruns start at 9am, 7am starts here in Aus 😢

@louharco - 01.05.2023 01:10

This has popped up on my page the day I have completed my first 5k race at age 26 and I feel so much empathy with Ami and actually quite emotional watching this. Going from no running to a 5k run can happen quicker than you think and once you’ve done it, the mental realisation of, “oh, well what else can I do that I didn’t think I could do” is life changing. Super well done Ami and the team! 💛🏅

@clivewitcomb2839 - 05.05.2023 00:40

I think that it's really good to be reminded that 5K is actually quite a long way to run!
Sure, anyone can do it (with some training), but importantly - NOT EVERYONE DOES.
Great work, Anne-Marie, and lovely to see the support of all around her.
🖤parkrun x

@Wi11i4mJM - 09.05.2023 18:45

Well done Anne-Marie! Today I was meant to do a 25 minute run as part of my C25K but after running for 30 minutes I stopped for a minute to take a photo of my Fitbit and carried on until I finished 5k. Took me 42 minutes including 5 minutes walking at the start and a minute stopped taking a photo at the 30 minute running mark. This channel has increased my determination to push myself.

@capitalistgeneral - 16.05.2023 00:50

This was beautiful, truly had a tear at the end. As someone just looking to start my own journey like this, this series was very motivational. Thank you.

@don.hinton - 19.05.2023 06:45


@Nige. - 05.07.2023 10:51

Would have been better if she had actually run the whole thing

@Shrews1990 - 08.07.2023 18:21

These are really inspirational and relatable, would love to see you go through this with many more people! New series of this please!

@sasanach8 - 12.07.2023 03:51

id like to see where she went from here would be intrested to see what she does and how and if she continues

@brandonbarnett3495 - 23.07.2023 16:51

Very inspiring. I’ve got my first 5k 4 weeks today, with no running experience. I’ll reply to this message the day after with the result

@vintagepromdress - 26.07.2023 13:50

Loved this and go Ami!

@kylieknight8847 - 24.08.2023 00:01

Wow this series of videos was amazing Harry and well done Marie for your achievement in hitting the 5k goal🙌 I thoroughly enjoyed watching and it was extremely motivating to help me start my 5k journey from no running too😃

@legendsofmyself - 28.08.2023 20:31

Pain is Temporary, Glory is Forever!. 💪🏾🤩

@NNK_EDITZ - 27.09.2023 19:57

This is my parkrun

@jbimpersonates - 27.10.2023 18:28


@rhiarnevans9420 - 30.01.2024 00:05

I am so proud of Anne-Marie!

@rseka1979 - 09.04.2024 00:16

This is an inspirational…..just wish I had someone to start the 5K journey with. I’ve tried to C25K and got 5 weeks in (I’m my own) And got ill then gave up. I’d go with a running club but work commitments get in the way. 😢 One day I WILL get to that 5K mark one day soon!

@pjbhc - 09.05.2024 00:52

Well done to Ami and fair play for sticking to it, really great to see. Just gutted she's beaten my Parkrun PB already in her first attempt.

@brianjohnson758 - 21.06.2024 21:47

Just watched it and thanks for the motivation it now i have to lose some more Weight than i will start my training atm at 115 KG started 3 months ago with 143 Kilo will start it fully at about 105 KG in 6-8 Weeks
anyway great Dokumentary :D

@scalyscallion - 26.08.2024 10:43

I got goosebumps watching this! As someone who just started "seriously" running a few weeks ago and following a training plan to run my first park run in about 5 weeks I am so inspired and honestly can't wait for it!

@robertjones7023 - 26.08.2024 20:14

I went through this process exactly one year ago. This project brought me back to those first few days on the track where all I could muster was a 100' jog followed by extreme nausea, internal pain in my lungs, heart, and brain.... I now run 3 5k's (distance not a race) per week and trained for a half marathon a month ago! I have yet to sign up for a race... but I should. Great Job Anne!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@gwenevers - 29.09.2024 19:16

That was wonderful and inspiring to watchl!! I wish I had a Harry and/or Louise to go through this process with me. I'm in the Netherlands and just started running; I've planned my first organised 5K the end of November 🤔

@YourRealName1 - 05.02.2025 01:55

This is the video that has made me hit subscribe.
