What Mega Man Zero FAILED to Do...

What Mega Man Zero FAILED to Do...

Retropolis Zone

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@Kaiziak - 10.10.2024 10:38

This is probably a hot take from someone that only cares about X1-3 but all the other games look so goofy to me and I can't get into them because of that. X1-3 has the best art style by far.

@SiliconSlyWolf - 11.10.2024 06:55

Zero being found as a complete wreck was probably because X5 was supposed to be the end of X series, then the one guy in charge of the X series started working on this series, and then someone higher up at Capcom went behind his back and had X6 made, which completely messed with this game's opening. So then they had to retcon the retcon inside the course of a single game.

@pkspade - 12.10.2024 05:29

i mean to be fair the zero series was not exactly trying to be megaman x

@RafaelMelo-u4y - 15.10.2024 11:44

For me what failed on all Mega Man Zero games, were the ex skills. Which takes way too long to get it and there isn't no hint in how to do it. Especially the last one where we need to do the stages in hard mode otherwise we don't get the ex skills. Also how the weakness from each boss as well is a little complicated. Because in each game there is one boss that has no weakness at all. At the same time the cyber elfs are really a pain to gather and feed it. I just figure it out about the elfs when i was playing Zero 2. On hard mode at Zero 4 is very annoying that we aren't able to use no elfs at all. And to figure it out the correct boss order is very annoying as well. But after Zero 1 is finished, that is when i knew the right order. One more thing in how we need to increase the rank of the weapon which is very grinding as well. Finding the sub tanks and trying to get the body parts takes way too long.

@bokan1056 - 16.10.2024 16:48

Megaman Zero is the only Reason why i do accept Megaman X as a Series

@linguine4500 - 20.10.2024 10:12

Everyone complains about the grinding but like... you don't have to, you can absolutely manage with just saber and level 1 blaster charge. The point of the system was to get stronger as you go through the game I believe, but everyone treats it like 'if I don't max everything it will be too difficult'

Though if I could change the system and not downright remove it, I'd just make it so when you beat a stage your most used weapon gets exp(the game already tracks most used)

What I will complain about how the game never explains that you can do a skull bash, or charge mutiple weapons at once if your control scheme is better, this goes for all 4. Same with reversals for the most part(though I believe they are just a byproduct of the games movement)

@PrismAzure - 20.10.2024 17:16

Love this game, your review is awesome RZ!

@Pan_Z - 21.10.2024 22:45

Despite its mixed success, the Zero series is worthy of respect for its willingness to attempt new things and scrap old staples. The Classic & X series had long staled. Still... how did anyone thinking grinding in an action platformer was a good idea?

@adrian_veidt - 23.10.2024 06:20

"What Megaman Zero failed to do"

Umm, it failed to make me feel better on the megaman zero 1 and 4's ending. Like damn, X and Zero's stories are sad asf.

@Semystic - 25.10.2024 05:46

Imo, you really should have covered the zero series as a whole instead of picking apart just the first game. A lot of your complaints are resolved in the sequels.

@CyclicSineWave - 03.11.2024 18:50

It’s worth noting that the Legacy Collection has a save assist that puts checkpoints into the game.

@regionlocking - 07.11.2024 16:00

I’m kind of mad I wasn’t notified of this video, and am only just seeing it! You did a great job with this one, though!

@ericandre6554 - 13.11.2024 23:00

fantastic review Id say this is the definitive review if the game in my eyes.

@maccamachine - 16.11.2024 12:24

I think I may actually like the zero series out of all the mega man series tbh. Maybe not in terms of gameplay but story wise. I love the story and think it could have been even better if it wasn’t stuck on the gba it feels like they wanted to do so much more. Especially with the extra stuff outside of the games like the audio drama. I really liked when the humans saw zero as the villian at first for taking our copy X because to them life was good and copy X was a great leader. Very interesting concept and stuff they could hav expanded with a lot of the characters. Great video though man I’m just glad to see people talk about mega man still it’s one of my favorite game series so it’s always entertaining to watch more about it.

@moseslalmuanpuia8988 - 16.11.2024 22:43

You can dash jump with the shield boomerang out. You need to do the double tap on the d pad and press jump simultaneously on the second d pad tap. It's tricky but possible

@niemand7811 - 24.11.2024 10:42

In the end they could go new ways with this franchise and make it different enough for it not to be the same we played so many times already. It worked for this franchise, for Sonic the Hedgehog too and also other franchises. It made playing games on the GBA feel different overall. And that was a good thing.

@niemand7811 - 24.11.2024 11:04

Overall Zero feels more punishing at first but mostly due to your personal misunderstanding of the mechanics. You will get used to it and start to play properly. Megaman Zero was back then a new franchise to kick off. And while it was a rough start it was interesting for anyone to stay for more and see where this all goes along. The story is interesting throughout the series. Gameplay becomes even tighter with later entries. I'm glad the Zero collection exists.

@StopHim - 26.11.2024 05:48

Love your videos man!

@zero1994LP - 27.11.2024 23:58

SInce a mission only takes around 5 minutes I still grind at least a b per mission. the only thing I really don't like how my completionist brain is tricked by the elves. especially in the Megaman Zero 2 - 4 Games

@hyperflowey2564 - 05.12.2024 20:22

Great review; it was nice to see your take on the first game! I understand many of your complaints and do agree that the game isn't that great; for me, it's primarily an issue with the skill system pacing, the amount of Cyber-Elf crystal grinding, and the Retry Chips that made this game tedious for me to play through the first time. I don't mind the "hub world" elements as a way to experiment with the structure, and grinding in the hub world can kind of alleviate some of the aforementioned issues, though I would agree the actual level design is basic as a result minus the occasional gimmicks and nasty screen crunch.
Where I might disagree slightly on is the idea that the game should actually be "straight-up" unforgiving with no holds barred. Inti Creates wanting to create "the hardest Mega Man game yet" could arguably mean "demanding and unforgiving to the max," but it could also mean "making the hardest game, but still have some leniency for those wanting to check the game out and see it through to the end." That's why I ultimately don't mind the inclusion of Cyber-Elves as extra assurance, as it not only offers a little bit of world-building that would get expanded upon in later games, but also ensures players who want a "*tough but fair* time" can go ahead and try to have as much of that as they can. It's true that limiting yourselves can arguably give the most satisfying experience in some boss battles, but as X5 and X6 showed, it can also be really overwhelming and exhausting if the difficulty design comes from the wrong places. What makes for good difficulty is pretty subjective, and I personally think games ought to be the "fair, but satisfying" kind of hard first, and ridiculously, full-stop difficult second. Looking forward to your Zero 2 review when it comes out.

@JustinGreene0224 - 07.12.2024 10:38

I don't think I used a single Cyber-elf at all because as a lore-run I didn't gel with the idea of them dying for a power-up for myself.

@Gabriel-ej1xv - 07.12.2024 23:20

SPOILER!!! The reason why zero is destroyed at the beginning of the game is bc Megaman X5 should be the last x series, and on x5 zero is destroyed to save X life, then X keep the Z Saber, that’s why X ( as a cyber elf ) gives Zero the Saber at the beginning of the game

@DarkOmegaMK2 - 08.12.2024 01:41

I like how in this game, most bosses trash talk Zero like he's a weakling, like they don't know his kill count, by that point, is comparable to the population of a small country.

@PiperAtDawn-r7i - 10.12.2024 06:13

Zero 1 was such a weird game and alot of the decisions made for it are questionable at best but id be lying if i said those quirks didnt make it one of the more memorable games ove played

@soulblazerz - 13.12.2024 20:35

I tear up Megaman an X games. Using the casual mode on your first play is WHAT YOU SHOULD DO.
Unless you have no job.
On the first play through, you’ll still die. It’s not a cake walk.

@brannycedeno6823 - 23.12.2024 23:08

Bro, the games NEVER become "too" easy" with Save-Assist. What this thing does is spare you the original, LONGER trail of trial-and-error associated with the GBA versions. The games are still equally demanding and, I'd also say, too hard, to the point fighting enemies is not even fun, only "satisfying"...

The difficulty is demential, though I'd say Megaman Zero 3 was the easiest, and then Zero 4 had a similar approach for bosses and overall playable character development. Capcom just went too far with challenge there.

@Triforce9426 - 29.12.2024 00:00

X is the one that founded Neo Arcadia

@Lizard_of_Linux_Lane - 29.12.2024 07:24

"...tall vertical shaft..." "... exhilarating..."

@alexz.8302 - 03.01.2025 10:02

Im just gonna say what no one else will. They made Zero look like a little bitch femboy. Did my boy dirty. I mean I know they gave him green tits at one point but damn, his design was trash. Idk how people say it was an amazing design.

@MaikeruO - 05.01.2025 23:45

"Megaman Zero" and "failed" can only exist in the same sentence if "didn't" is in between.

@jtab5392 - 07.01.2025 15:28

Bruh... its ok i remember playing zero as a kid and thinking the game is too hard... get gud...

@tek_lynx4225 - 09.01.2025 06:55

Never liked these games. The zoomed graphics due to the GBA combined with the weird plot was not my cup of tea. Everything after X5 was just super bad to mediocre really. Capcom should really just Reboot the series, and combine the OG megaman universe with the X universe by removing the need to train X for 20 years, Consolidating the original series and the X series and allowing both to interact. But they are to adverse to making money and to do the obvious with a super popular franchise that is just languishing around gathering dust.

@crosis2 - 16.01.2025 16:27

The series got better and fixed many of the complains of the first title.

@Kyosukedono - 27.01.2025 07:17

I will never forgive this game for not only botching the cyber elf system but punishing you for using it... like bro what? You went through all that trouble to tell me I suck if I use the things you programmed in? Inti Creates is mentally ill.

Your idea of getting things from bosses gave ME an idea. How about if some bosses drop cyber elf equipment slots until you have 3. Then you Raise a Cyber elf and/or equip it. Instead of it dying when used, they consume your current energy chips. That way, you just can't use and abuse the cyber elves, making the game a cake walk.

@PsycheTrance65 - 29.01.2025 18:39

I'm assuming the weapon level-up system was Inticreates showing that Zero has been asleep for so long that he's rather rusty. It absolutely makes no sense in Z2 though. Why would a year fighting Neo Arcadia alone suddenly make Zero forget how to use his weapons?
It honestly makes replaying those two games a chore and I am so glad they finally dropped it on Z3 onwards.

@slimynaut - 01.02.2025 01:21

MMZ games are all masterpieces

@Zygroid - 04.02.2025 18:01

Copy X doesn't need to to explain why he is prioritizing humans over the reploids
He is just following the first of the robotics laws
That could happen because Copy X didn't have the 50 year sleep that X had

@koriandervermillion1945 - 05.02.2025 03:00



@ImEmpTy295 - 08.02.2025 18:28

What megaman zero failed to do…

Be a worse game than the X series

@6969kratosftw - 16.02.2025 02:38

Only reason why in Zero 1 why Zero cant do special skills is because he has amnesia. Thats why in Zero 2 you can get those skills

@10191927 - 16.02.2025 04:17

Harvesting Zeros play style from X4 was the definitive way Zero should be, while X3 just felt like Zero was a more beefed up Mega Man, X4 was smart in changing Zero to a pure melee fighter and fully using his Z-Saber.

The Zero series for me was the definitive Mega Man experience, it was its own thing down to the pure skill of the player, and I appreciated the series ditching boss weapons, as I felt that had become a bit stale.

@christophe2201 - 26.02.2025 10:52

Everyhting! Musics, level design, story, gameplay. Nothing interesting...

@RetropolisZone - 16.07.2024 19:02

It's finally happening: we're covering Mega Man Zero! I've worked incredibly hard on this video and am very happy with the result, so I hope you all enjoy!
