What's the best insulation for a van conversion?

What's the best insulation for a van conversion?

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@ufuk_yesildag - 11.06.2024 12:37

Is it suitable for health? Does it smell?

@Senna-xi1gr - 22.06.2024 11:44

The sheep’s wool is defo the best because over the years it won’t break down like foam will. Foam eventually goes to dust but natural wool won’t.

@lpon9757 - 22.06.2024 16:36

Thanks for sharing. What about all the holes in the frame, did you use something like expansible foam? Also what king of sound insulation did you use if I may ask.

@kermitefrog64 - 07.07.2024 03:55

Mineral wool, also known as rockwool or stone wool, is made from natural materials like glass, rock, slag, and other minerals that are heated until molten and then spun and formed into fibers. The fibers are then formed into insulation products like slabs, rolls, pipe sections, and loose wool or granulate.

@lyunboiss - 09.07.2024 01:09

Nice vid but would help to put links to the products being used👍🏽👍🏽

@teiltje - 13.07.2024 02:53

Nice video. But I'm afraid you CAN go wrong with some of the options, as different tutorials on YT proof so eventually. Trouble nr. 1 is moist. If you close it in and there is no way to get rid of it, your van will rot away without noticing it.

@rondick6108 - 22.07.2024 22:42

Spray foam like it or not

@wilty5 - 24.07.2024 05:26

Is sheeps wool the same as rock wool? Is closed cell Spray Foam considered to be toxic or non toxic? I’ve never seen nor heard of stick on closed cell foam, what’s the brand name of the kind you used? I’ll try to find it in the USA?

@constantvanlife - 28.07.2024 02:46

How much of the 10mm flexible closed cell foam would I need for my 1995 ford econoline e250.

@ValentinBeeeeee - 01.08.2024 16:32

Do you cover/ insulate over the main pillars or just leave them like that? Wouldn’t cold get inside the van between insulation sheets where the pillars are?

@pualo9263 - 06.08.2024 00:26

What are the black panels on the walls to begin with?

@AdamGoldswain - 11.08.2024 16:43

Cheers fella this was a very informative vid. Straight to the point with great visual demonstration too. I think I’ll choose the self adhesive closed cell purely for ease of installation. Thanks again! 👍😎🇬🇧

@fredpetit335 - 16.08.2024 06:14

Sustainability? You have really been brainwashed by the system. Are you into DEI too?

@dancan6622 - 22.08.2024 06:59

Correction Rockwool does not contain glass fibers

@miked2640 - 28.08.2024 15:29

Hi, what's the smaller black pads already on the van behind the closed cell foam? And how come they are smaller than the panel sizes? Thanks

@lesbetts5694 - 17.09.2024 21:01

my dogs opinion was to insulate in milk bones

@uppertributaries - 18.09.2024 06:32

3M insulation dominates

@mirola73 - 22.09.2024 01:28

You stuck sound proofing onto sound proofing. Could have saved some cash.

@johnward5890 - 25.09.2024 23:10

Rockwool has no fibre glass in it, it is rock slag from the manufacturing of iron from the melted rock and the waste was used to make the insulation. the manufactures make a Rockwool called Comfort 80 with is a solid sheet of Rockwool batting 1.5 inches thick and a R value of 6 it's water proof fire proof up to 2100 degree and mould and mildew resistant. Rockwool is recommended if you have kids with allergies and it doesn't make you itch. I use it for a fire barrier when i am welding or soldering pipes around other flammable materials. I have used it around my Selkirk chimneys in the walls to protect the wood studding from possible chimney fire pipe over heating, every bit of protection is a good thing. And it is it's own Vapour barriers because of it being so compacted air can't pass through it and also repels water.

@AndreasZeike - 27.09.2024 22:08

Your armaflex looks like it has an aluminum foil on the non-sticky side. Where can I get that stuff? I find it absolutely wonderful but here in Germany it seems you never find it anywhere.

@Berlioz12 - 28.09.2024 02:22

Does anyone have any comments on using one layer of the closed cell adhesive and the sheep’s wool?

@BarneyFrankland - 30.09.2024 19:07

Mate, that was so concise and excellent! There's so much confusing information out there. Thanks

@hassan.kerryzarif1807 - 06.10.2024 01:44

Excellent video thanks for sharing 👍 🙏🙏

@lsnow3892 - 09.10.2024 03:07

Correction: rock wool/ mineral wool does not contain any fiberglass fibers

@bunnyandbeyond - 16.10.2024 00:35

I just wish I could FIND self adhesive closed cell foam by the roll- or at all! In the states I can only seem to get reflectix, rock wool or fiberglass at our hardware stores

@johnabardenhagenjr1119 - 20.10.2024 10:30

What about spray insulation

@LazybonezAus - 26.10.2024 04:54

What about doing both the stick on insulation and packing walls and roof with wool😅 that's what I'm about to do🎉

@bradlewis3880 - 28.10.2024 14:07

Hey mate, what have you used to insulate the floor?

@sasstewart1222 - 04.11.2024 07:34

after building a few vans, 3M thinsulate is the best (followed by havelock wool)

@valveneul3958 - 26.11.2024 01:18

What closed cell foam did you use, the brand

@geofffelsing1283 - 27.11.2024 06:36

How much does a roll of the armaflex weigh?

@benitouchiha - 28.11.2024 01:43

Can you leave it like that or does it need to be covered by a wall?im talking about the black one the last one you said was good. Please

@redking88 - 02.12.2024 22:25

Doe's it make big difference if i don't insulation the van I'm thinking to do my van as mobile barber do i need it

@jtouro7851 - 04.12.2024 02:00

Where can I get the armaflex from?

@johnrommelt6560 - 07.12.2024 23:42

Do you need Moisture Barrier?

@johnrommelt6560 - 10.12.2024 08:59

Is Closed Cell removable ?

@gustavocampos2005 - 14.12.2024 22:44

needed this info but for a dog house

@jonathanlambert8889 - 19.12.2024 02:29

Hey mate, just wondering how much of the sound deadener you purchased?

@lweleven3423 - 25.12.2024 15:57

Scientifically I’m sure there is a difference, I’ve done 3 Van 2 myself 1 professionally. I can’t tell any difference other than in the hot weather . My 2 were on the cheap with no knowledge really so each one more money was spent , the first only costing £100 simple foil roll and none itch insulation, second I used the sticky back foil / sound deadening with the same insulation. 3rd unsure as it was done professionally costing 3 / 4 times the price

@Russellbeta - 04.01.2025 22:53

Worth mentioning that the synthetic and adhesive releases VOC's and formaldehyde which is bad for your health, also about the sheeps wool drying out YMMV as it depends on climate, ventilation and how much moisture/heat is inside the van.

@annabellamy8293 - 05.01.2025 09:15

Great, concise, video! Please tell me where you got the rolls of closed cell foam from, in Australia. Having trouble sourcing this.
A similar but different product is available at Bunnings, Moroday (750mm x 10mm x 1.8m, no metal surface. Close enough?

@glenlockyer775 - 08.01.2025 23:43

Last item is good but do seal the joins to stop the "peel off"effect - next use a proprietary insulation, rock wool, sheep's, or even the latest thing...loft insulation made from recycled pop bottles. Be sure to make a vapour barrier, then do whatever interior panelling you like...YW!

@vadim-alex - 25.01.2025 18:10

Thank you for video at first. And I have a question. Is it real, that 0.4 inch polyurethane foam with aluminum surface (R18) better than 2 inch insulation panel😮 from Home Depot ( R12)? I can't believe in that.

@CHZR4500 - 27.01.2025 23:25

This is a super helpful video, thank you so much. I’m waiting my my end of the month payment for this project but I’ve been stressing over what type of insulation I should use. If anyone has any tips or advice, it would be greatly appreciated!!!

@flowerflower1392 - 03.02.2025 01:22

I used Armaflex in my van. I am living in my van since 2018 in the UK and it is great but very expensive here.

@MaacAbra - 10.02.2025 01:14

Any vapor barrier / membrane foli used?

@porkbellyification - 13.02.2025 10:22

Hey @JourneyVanBuilds I'm curious now that it's been in for over a year what your thoughts are on the Car Builders 10mm foam and where abouts in Aus you've spent your time. I've got a 2017 Transit Jumbo and it adds up quickly for covering the whole lot! I'm leaning towards XPS for the majority of coverage and price but knowing it'll be more work, polyester batts for filling the kooks and crannys

@mofriday2307 - 14.02.2025 23:05

so well done. exactly what i needed to know and to the point

@santossilva - 24.02.2025 15:05

Wool is not sustainable because farming animals is not sustainable.

@bobkoontz5814 - 03.03.2025 02:50

Why not spray foam??
