The French Foreign Legion's EBRC Jaguar combat and reconnaissance vehicle at Eurosatory 2024

The French Foreign Legion's EBRC Jaguar combat and reconnaissance vehicle at Eurosatory 2024

Defence Procurement International

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@Waywind420 - 06.02.2025 05:02

I like it, but it seems that if one of the front/ rear wheels is damaged it will destabilize this whole vehicle 🤔
It also seems like it's not ideal for IED's, given it's low height and seemingly flat floor.

@LOLOVAL-os3pq - 31.01.2025 19:16

canon CTA 40 mm , 200 shells per minute in rapid fire, 70 shells per minute in precision fire , 152 mm steel / 1000 meters , 142 mm steel / 1500 meters , elevation = -10° to + 85° , ammunition programmed just before firing, destruction capacity against all aerial targets: planes, helicopters, drones and missiles! type of use: perforation of steel plates of an armored vehicle, explosion above a low wall in shrapnel mode, perforation of a concrete wall and explosion in shrapnel mode in the room behind the wall! 1 AKERON MP double missile launcher, 2 missiles ready to fire and 2 in reserve range of this missile 5,000 meters!

@alex-rx2vu - 26.01.2025 13:46

in my opinon this vehicle has vision systems and so on too much exposed and will be quickly out of combat in despite of modern équipments

@yatumux - 20.12.2024 02:39

I like it. Kinda hit and run !

@Heimrik01 - 05.12.2024 19:04

QUI peut me dire ENFIN où est situé le LGA (Lance Grenade Automatique de 40 mm) sur cet engin ? Est-ce qu'il s'agit des Gallix ou d'autre chose ?

@mohdlotfiibrahim3831 - 29.11.2024 13:03

Suitable for Royal Malaysian Police (jungle patrol) patrolling border Thailand and Kalimantan/Indonesia in operations again illegal immigrants and smugglers and anything could harmful sovereignty of this country.

@pro-gy4nc - 05.11.2024 07:44

It’s not a FFL vehicle, it’s a regular French army vehicle. Get your facts right!

@maynamar2517 - 02.11.2024 09:41

Il n'existe pas encore de version exportable.
Nous n'allons pas envoyer d'arme moderne en Ukraine, pour donner aux Russes nos dernières technologies, à moins que vous ne soyez un troll russe.
Tout d'abord, je ne ferai même pas confiance aux Ukrainiens, ils sont tellement corrompus qu'ils peuvent facilement vendre des pièces et des informations aux Russes.

@Sombraespía - 17.09.2024 07:03

$? 🤑

@paulcoverdale8312 - 27.08.2024 21:10

Great bits of kit❤❤🙏🙏👍👍🇬🇧🇬🇧

@dragononwall8733 - 21.08.2024 02:10


@chandrachurniyogi8394 - 25.07.2024 20:52

a turretless Jaguar EBRC 6X6 armoured IFV . . . it'll feature a heightened (raised) hull that'll provide some much needed space inside the otherwise tight knit/crew troop compartment . . . the Jaguar 6X6 armoured IFV suspension could do with a proper heavy duty 6.3 in. suspension lift for superior off roadability & increased break-over angle . . .

@huiarama - 13.07.2024 04:43

Is the Jaguar have an amphibious derivative?

@WikiWijaya-ul3cm - 11.07.2024 05:39


@Surv1ve_Thrive - 10.07.2024 12:34

Does a 'NATO' type Wheeled Combat Unit work with dedicated anti-drone defence now? Rather than just onboard systems.

@h-jbonnet9597 - 09.07.2024 17:51

Les commentaires c'est bien beau mais une démonstration en situation de guerre serait beaucoup plus parlante et vendeuse

@jazmaj6417 - 09.07.2024 00:25

Armor is bs Say hello to my little drone

@ncs2000 - 08.07.2024 15:48

why is the turret so huge?

@AVB2025 - 08.07.2024 14:34

Impressive combat vehicule 😊👍

@stanislavt6376 - 07.07.2024 21:29

And one cheap drone destroyed everything?

@vladimirratputin - 07.07.2024 15:07

Very nice. How many were given to the UAF?
