When the Bible fell in his lap!!!! I truly believe it was Gabby saying you won’t get away with this Bryan.
ОтветитьCome on, making a living living and traveling in a conversion can? Not for long. They were young and naive. HOWEVER, Brian was a killer of a decent human being. Super tragic.
ОтветитьYou are much appreciated, G. It's very hard for me to watch anything about this case (after I binged on it when it was going on) because it is just so heartbreaking. I wish someone could have helped her when she needed it the most. Brian was a despicable character. Anyway, I'm watching this video only because it's your channel, otherwise I can't bear it, pun unintended.
ОтветитьAnd the piece of garbage used her debit card for money after he murdered him.. LOSER
ОтветитьQuestion: what kind of lenses do you have (in your glasses) because they don’t have a glare or show reflections? I’m often on video for work and your lenses present impressively professional. Thank you.
ОтветитьJust watched American Murder Gabby Petito Brian controlled Gabby every move… Gabby journal entries were. 💔 Brian is a sick disturbed individual. Pics of animal l 🦴 disgusting the burn after reading letter 🤮 gabby did not deserve this. Rest easy. Gabby such a beautiful soul. Thank you for covering this case.
ОтветитьHe also stole $700 from her bank account!!😡
ОтветитьBrian didn't have any money to buy Gabby an
engagement ring!
It is very important to leave narcissists because they are an actual danger to your life. Narcissists are often parasitic and often use negativity to control their partners. If they aren't supporting you, aren't chipping in and helping you, are complaining without doing anything real to make things better, then leave!
ОтветитьYes also watched all 3 in a row. Very well done and so heartbreaking. She just didn’t know how dangerous he would be when she left him. 😪 she was a natural on camera, so talented and he was awkward AF and a complete DOOIS. Rest in peace dear sweet Gabby.
ОтветитьI reckon she had a change of heart and realise brian and her just didnt click living together and she wanted out of the marriage. Cuz i just cant piece together what would drive someone to murder the love of their life. Something caused brian to snap.. and something like breaking up is enuff to drive someone to do the unthinkable
ОтветитьSome part of me wonders if he shot himself with Left hand, if that was his way of saying that it was his "bad side" i have understood in life that some do believe there "bad side" is a entity fighting with there good side. Regardless of that.... Gabby was a victim of his insanity. Her legacy has impacted womens rights and DV awareness. The Cops in the initial footage completely failed her, so many things failed her.... can we as people please do better?
Ответить🌻 Thank you for basically giving your 👍 on the Gabby Petito documentary on Netflix , I normally don't watch them , my emotion's were all over the place. The letter that Brian's mom wrote him wasn't something I remember hearing about and that made me ill. Thank you Gisela for all you do. 🌻
Ответитьtelltale deep emphasis in the long “iiiiii”was trying to slide out for the whole piece! niiiiight, whiiite, liiiiight, briiiiight & of course piiiiiie do tend to reveal our raising 😊 I love your reviews!
ОтветитьHis parents helped him
ОтветитьI bet they told their daughter to say she isn’t talking to them, so they wouldn’t harass her and she can keep them in the know.
His whole family is disgusting.
I think the last call that gabbys ex got was from Brian. And the last text message sent saying she's gonna go solo cause she can make more money that way....I think that was Brian texting too. I've been with a Brian and that was what my gut instinct was telling me
ОтветитьHello I watched this also and my take away was similar as yours but one thing that bothers me is that I'm not totally convinced Brian is dead . I don't believe he would kill himself. And I'm not so sure his parents didn't make a plan make it look like that.
ОтветитьDoes anyone else believe Brian is truly Dead and that His parents didn't just make it look like that . I think he alive somewhere .and his parents set him free from this .they say his body was inconclusive. What's that about ????
ОтветитьGirls and young women enter the world broght eyed and ready to make it better. And then we are traumatized or killed before we can. I'm so tired of men. Leave us alone and go deal with yourselves.
ОтветитьBrian's disgusting mother is Boy Mom Final Boss. Despicable.
ОтветитьI helped an ex escape once. She went back to him a few weeks later. They got divorced eventually.
ОтветитьWow. You sound South African. 😅
ОтветитьI would love to know where you come from, as a linguist.
ОтветитьHey G! What do you think about my theory that Brian got pissed that she said she would do better as a solo traveler. He took her keys to the van, and left for the "storage". Leaving her with no way to leave. That would explain why she's in the hotel room and not in the van. He later told her she had to pay him for the van, I think he demanded money to give her the keys back. I might have missed info, but with the info I've got, this would explain a lot.
Ответитьi strongly believe that Brian is still alive and in the Appalachian mountains ~ .... my opinion ' .... never believed the' remains' .. LIES.
ОтветитьGabby absolutely enjoyed life to the fullest. It’s so horrible that she is no longer here. The Laundrie family is a piece of work. They would have made her life hell if they got married.
ОтветитьLove your outro… so haunting
ОтветитьHe was reading that book lullaby (Wikipedia says it tells a story of a guy, carl who kills people over minor inconveniences) and I think he had a psychotic break and took it all out on Gabby. 😢
ОтветитьI've noticed that in most of the photos that they are together, Gabbys head is slightly looking down but Brians head is clearly looking upper.I really do hope Gabby is an angel, such a beautiful and loving soul she was..may her light be always bright..RIP..
ОтветитьThat documentary totally made me cry, at first I didn’t understand why the police made Gabby take the van and put Brian in a hotel, but the van was registered to Gabby not Brian so they legally could not do the opposite, as most of us probably felt they should have. Just wish Gabby started driving home and would have left Brian to get home on his own, wish it could’ve saved her life 😢
ОтветитьUltimately it was other van lifers that helped find Gabby 🩵 the poor thing 😢
ОтветитьThank you so much, you are so awesome and hilarious, which is much needed in these difficult cases, and this particular case is how I started watching your channel! Thank you for going back to it, it's still such a mystery…
ОтветитьHi G - hoping you will provide coverage and your take on the Todd Mullis post-conviction relief hearing that is currently going on. It is a very interesting case (aka as The Corn Rake Murder) and provides a look into a side of the jurisprudence system not often covered. I am surprised that with all the comments from the public with regard to possible past wrongful convictions, that so few are covering and discussing this hearing. Take a look, and let us know what you think.
ОтветитьVery informative and concise. Thank you!
ОтветитьI watched this recently and yes there were some details i didnt know abt. The calls to ex boyfriend for one. Gabby realised that Brian wasn't the one for her. With Gabby moving to florida Brian gets to keep her all to himself and away from her family. Even tho it was Gabbys dream to travel blog he may have seen this as an opportunity to further isolate her from everyone. He appeared not to be enthusiastic of the blogging etc but went along with it. I remember thinking when hearing she was working at TacoBell 50 hrs a week, 'what was he doing while she was at work'. Maybe he already had money or maybe he was just relying on Gabby? Who knows? And I think after hearing that she had expressed to ex boyfriend that she wanted to leave Brian, he may have (1) seen the phone messages (2) gabby told him how she felt and he just snapped. Because it felt to me that he was like 'if i can't have you no one else can'. His parents are despicable and i get the same impression as you do G, that his mum was prob overprotective of Brian and maybe he was a mummys boy. Her letter exclaiming that she would help him 'hide a body', was mindblowing! I love my sons but there's no way i would try to hide a crime no matter how much I love them. I can understand that they wanted to protect him as most parents would but not to this extent. Yes get a lawyer, but their actions spoke volumes to the world that this was no accident, whatever he told them happened. We will never know. And if the police said they missed brian driving out because of all the protesters, those protesters were out on the front lawn and driveway. You're telling me that not one of them spotted Brian?? C'mon . There's no way he would have gone out there, got in the car completely unnoticed by anyone and drove away. Apparently he had his clothes, back pack etc. It was not a quick slipping in to the car. Its possible that at some point he got in the car (maybe when all protestors had gone?) And waited for his mother to drive him? Maybe they had a shortcut over the rear of their property that he took and she picked him up at a an agreed location? I don't know what happened to his parents but i hope they were charged with perverting the course of justice.
ОтветитьSomething I found in the documentary was the way Gabby spoke to Brian in their vlog recordings. It looked condescending like a mom scolding her useless son.
ОтветитьThanks G💜💜
ОтветитьGabby knowing that Brian was violent, made a fatal mistake contacting an EX. Then continued to snap him. This is the reason Brian snapped.
I’m a survivor of an abusive marriage that I endured for 9 yrs. Watching the documentary was very triggering for me because it made me furious to see how Gabby’s loved ones really let her down. I know you sensitive people don’t want to hear this. Gabby cried for help to her mother who ignored the signs. Then her mother not even speaking to her daughter for days chooses to go camping???? Then comes back and THEN still doesn’t make any moves to follow through on her daughter’s safety. I pray that parent look at this documentary as a lesson. I pray parents can learn to ask hard questions to their children and their children’s partners. Never once did her parents ever call Brian from what I saw in the evidence.
Also, Brian is NOT DEAD. I don’t believe Brian was ever at his mother’s house. I believe when he went to that storage room, he was gathering stuff to prepare for his escape. His parents need to be arrested for lying to the police and protecting a murderer.
Yeah and Cassy couldn't leave pdiddy...😂people don't understand whats it's like being in a domestic violence. Oj and Nicole too...
ОтветитьThe way the cops handled that shit by not taking them to jail the way they would have if they were black or Mexican or not good looking, and going out of their way to give him a hotel on top of that and giving him pep talks on how a d relationship advice, is proof white privilege exists!
ОтветитьI have not seen the Netflix program. But I have always been haunted by this case. Gabby was such a beautiful young woman. Justice was not served here.
Condolences to the family losing their beautiful daughter💜.
Her ex looked very much like Brian.
ОтветитьI will not snark at the fam for leaving her ashes there. I just know, I’ve suffered a lot here where I am now. It’s beautiful and I love my island, but I certainly do not want my ashes spread here.. I want to be free
ОтветитьIt's a tragedy. Clearly Brian was very insecure and he felt that he had to do anything he could to keep her under his control. She didn't deserve this.
ОтветитьHer dream became a nightmare
ОтветитьComments that victim-blame Gabby or blame/shame Gabby's parents/family/friends will be removed ; not sure wth is wrong with some people but FULL BLAME is on the killer, Brian Laundrie. 😡😡😡