Unbelievable. This lady is acting like she would go to another room when the father was putting his hands on his poor daughter. When it fact she contributed to the death of this poor little girl. I hope she is with her mother now. This lady is Evil and Hated this poor little girl. To hear that other folks in the house put their hands on her breaks my heart in half. RIP Jamaria 🙏🏾🕊💔!!
ОтветитьHer arrogance is absolutely astounding. Her life and her kids were SO SO perfect before Jamaria showed up. She'd never experienced such behaviour before. How dare a grieving little girl cause this. * massive eyeroll* There couldn't POSSIBLY be any other explanation because she was such a saint to pay for Jamaria's daddy to live and go to school. How ever could this have happened. It's always someone else's fault...
I'd love to know where this level of arrogance comes from.
This man must be « blessed » cause he had 2 girls with one woman, I believe 2 kids with this idiot and 1 woman pregnant 😕
ОтветитьShe did not consider herself a MOM… no damn way! 😒😒
ОтветитьThis is so sad. She speaks as though there's nothing alive in her. Just meat and bones.
On another note. I really don't know why but the female interrogator makes me think of Princess Diana aside from her accent. Just the hairstyle.
She didn't want the kids in hers and her kids lives. Hopefully one day she looks in the mirror and realizes what sick person is looking back. 😢
ОтветитьPretty lawns and ugly people. Pay attention, looks aren’t everything. Where is this? Whose culture is this?
ОтветитьI’m just wondering why the kids were on government assistance in the first place!!! Also, I thought even if the videos were deleted, they could still retrieve them??
ОтветитьI know she gonna be in prison, throw her in prison now forever
ОтветитьGod l cannot believe that any human can act like this and she should never be around humans never mind kids
ОтветитьShe is EVIL TO THE CORE
ОтветитьThey got rid of the little kid cause she was talking and she couldn’t have that
ОтветитьLike this woman should shut up and get a lawyer cause she is so fried it is not funny
ОтветитьNever hated anyone like this woman she is evil to the core
ОтветитьHow would she feel if someone did this to her kids
ОтветитьShe is lucky her mother probably has her kids
ОтветитьThis little kid Jamaria did none of these things l cannot believe she can victim blame like this
ОтветитьI cannot believe the lies this woman tells she is nothing short of diabolical
ОтветитьI cannot stand her and l cannot believe her children did nothing in this girls defence
ОтветитьThat whole family must be animals complete animals
ОтветитьLike l would be giving her extra loving cause her mother just passed away
ОтветитьI cannot believe this is this how her mother raised her??? Like how do u become this woman?
ОтветитьShe is lucky l am not in jail with her l can tell you that much
ОтветитьIf she was stiff she was dead the night before
ОтветитьLittle girls do not sleep nude you crazy lady
ОтветитьShe is so lying l cannot even stand it
ОтветитьI hope they lock up the father for life for leaving her in that place
ОтветитьSo her mother knew what she was doing oh my God this just gets worse and worse
ОтветитьShe knew are u kidding me
ОтветитьBuddy she is full of shit why are being nice to her
ОтветитьReplay watcher. That means you are LOVED 🥰 when people miss you. A good thing!
ОтветитьLiar liar pants on fire he was barely at her house
ОтветитьIf she can spray him with bug spray do not tell me she is afraid of her boyfriend
ОтветитьHer nipples are missing??? I am going to throw up
ОтветитьMaybe it was the evil stepmother kicking her to death
ОтветитьSomebody must have photoshopped that video of course why didn’t l think of that
ОтветитьMaybe we should try to prove the dog theory and see what happens when we tell your dog to attack you
ОтветитьIf this woman’s lips are moving she’s lying. Birth Control has been around for many years, just because you can have children , doesn’t mean you should!!!These people ALL of them need to be held accountable for their actions. What kind of adults are the other 4 going to turn out to be = Already trained ABUSERS🤬absolutely revolting!!!!! Poor little girl needed mental health and love❤losing her mother😢. Not in the company of these MONSTERS 👹. You are free now Jamaria🙏 🪽🦋❤😢
ОтветитьHe did not threaten her he didn’t care enough check his texts
ОтветитьSpecially not a puppy or a kitten l would guard them with my life if u were around
ОтветитьI would not let her near even her own kids cause imagine how they are going to grow up and treat their children, thinking it is ok to beat punch kick attack with a dog
ОтветитьShe was not afraid of LeJuan she sprayed him with bug spray if he was mean he would have punched her lights out
ОтветитьYou are pathetic lady but u both are responsible for this regardless him not taking her away to his mothers house and you are directly responsible for her death
Ответить😢❤😢😮im watching now again for the 2 cd time K. I'm new following links this channel and I'm just amazed how she can jus sit there after being told charges of murder and child's abuse severely neglect jus 😷 🤕 sickly mess of both of em😢😮.....prayers ❤for Lil girl .....
ОтветитьShe did not even ask why she died why cause she knows what she did the day before and she knows why she died
ОтветитьOh please lady you are making me ill just talking l have never abused her, you are full of crap
ОтветитьI'm hooked on this video/_interigation & she's jus jabbering away with this 😢sickning blahhh s
ОтветитьJamaria never stood a chance l am glad her mother and God are holding her and filling her with love now
ОтветитьThe father should have seen this abuse and gotten her out of this house