Painting a played with army || Phase 2 of the Space Dwarfs

Painting a played with army || Phase 2 of the Space Dwarfs

Paintman Journeying

1 год назад

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@UguuYianKutKu - 14.10.2023 05:39

Would a small soak in water be an applicable way to clean your models for more painting?

@demon1103 - 14.10.2023 08:45

Just subbed for these Dwarves earlier today. It's funny, the more of them I get the more I realize that I seem to be making my Space Dwarfs into 4 different possible armies. I have some that go more with Votann, but there's also OPR Dwarf Guilds for ones like the Jetpack lads, then there's also Mantic's Forge Fathers (this months artillery works particularly well for that I think), and lastly I have some that can be made into Dwarf's crazy!!

BTW, liking the steps for yours. Kinda neat seeing the gradual adding of detail over time, and they're lookin good
