How to Teach a Toddler to Talk - 3 Tips- Speech Therapy for Toddlers

How to Teach a Toddler to Talk - 3 Tips- Speech Therapy for Toddlers

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Faint Okojie
Faint Okojie - 20.11.2023 02:10

Get the best remedy to improve your child’s autistic condition from Doctor isibor his herbs have helped my child improve in speech and social skill very well

Amiel Rakim
Amiel Rakim - 06.10.2023 05:17

My son is 1year and 11months this day he cannot talk always pointing what he want but last year when he was exact 1year many words can talk like cake for the words instead chicken t they talk icken

Amber Daily
Amber Daily - 16.08.2023 17:04

Instantly tried this with my daughter and she loved it. She even tries saying bubbles.

Markild Olsen
Markild Olsen - 14.08.2023 16:54

Gotta try it on plants

SunSeeed - 12.08.2023 07:11

She deserves a million views

Mp - 25.07.2023 10:27

There is a herbal recommendations I got about dr Oyalo and his herbal remedy which work perfectly on my sons improvements from nonverbal to verbal and his and social skill till now.

ShadowStorm415 - 19.07.2023 23:41

My son he is 3 still not talking.

Chris Fegan
Chris Fegan - 07.07.2023 06:37

I'm going to try this

Tre’ Dudda
Tre’ Dudda - 15.06.2023 17:48

As a dad I feel like the biggest failure…smh my 3yr old son literally does everything but talk full sentences.

Mo W
Mo W - 08.06.2023 23:04

I know this video is very old but just wanted to let you know the word is "self explanatory" which means self explained. You said self exclamatory which isn't a thing. Exclamatory is like a shouted phrase. An exclamation. ❗

Cheryl-Anne Smit
Cheryl-Anne Smit - 11.05.2023 16:33

Hi there, I'm trying to find the link for your free book in the comments but I can't find it. Would you kindly post it for me?
I'm so excited about finding your video. My son is 26 months and not talking yet even though he's going to creche and I have no clue on how to teach him so keen to learn as much as possible from you! Thank you ❤

Myel Figueroa
Myel Figueroa - 29.03.2023 06:38

my son is 2 and 6 months old still can't talk .. 😢

missing beats
missing beats - 04.03.2023 22:48

My son is 6 and can’t talk.

Julia Danielle
Julia Danielle - 04.03.2023 15:42

Improve speech and better communication in toddlers with the use of Doctor isibor alternative Herbal supplement no side effect worked for my grandson

Razel Dela cruz
Razel Dela cruz - 12.01.2023 00:38

My son is turning 3 on may .he can read the alphabet and he can count 1-10. But still cannot communicate with us.. what to do?

Paule Murielle
Paule Murielle - 20.12.2022 01:54

My son have 3y11month but he don't talk please help me

Pauline Atieno
Pauline Atieno - 16.11.2022 15:57

Hello beautiful have a son 30 months old who can't pronounce simple words like laugh,cry,take and the rest. Most of the time in the event of assisting or rather teaching him to respond to such he gives no attention and all over sudden get diverted to other can I help him?

€y€s-Dont-Lie - 11.11.2022 22:43

Id love for her to be my kids teacher. She seems
Sweet and genuine

TaiwanFormosa - 30.10.2022 05:53

My two years Old Child havent speak yet . Im so worried 😢

Barry Mckockinner
Barry Mckockinner - 27.09.2022 00:24

My daughter will be 18 months old soon and she still doesn't say words. She speaks but it's all giberish. She kind of say mama but more like "mamamamamam" i can tell she is more aware of what is going on and her surroundings but i can't help but worry. I jist want her to have a long and happy life.
My family and friends keep telling me not to worry and that once she does start talking she won't stop lol

Monica - 17.09.2022 16:34

My girl she's 2 year's old and 1 month and still not talking much only maybe 9 words I think I am very irresponsible mother 😟 I feel worry , other young ones than her they can talk already 100 + words when I bring her at play group

Aweber87 - 29.08.2022 09:03

What if signs are present (more please etc) but speech is not? Like they understand what they want or need to say but don’t vocalize?

Autumn - 17.08.2022 04:15

My daughter is 2 only words she says is mama dada bye no see and will point and dog I’m trying real hard to teach her

Brittany Cervantes
Brittany Cervantes - 16.06.2022 10:07

I watch your videos, you're amazing btw!, and i did alot of research prior to my son being born...i do all of these things and i do know without a shadow of a doubt that he understands language. I can put my hands behind my back and ask him to do so many things and he understands... but he's just not talking... the only word, really, that he says is "yeah" and i just can't get him to say anything else.... he is going to be 2 in a month and most kids his age are saying lots of words. He knows quite a bit of signs and he's very independent.... can it be that he is just a late talker and there are no issues? His pediatrician says to not worry about it but he my first and only child so far so i worry... what else can i do?!

Kathleen Stashak
Kathleen Stashak - 14.06.2022 04:58

My daughter will be 24 months in September. She can only say mama, dada, hi, and turkey. When I ask her to get her shoes or to put something back she does it. She just doesn’t want to talk.

Su In USA - 28.04.2022 11:20

I was a late talker my son is 20 months and only speaks 10 words and imitates me . Is it because of me he is not speaking enough words ?

One - 14.04.2022 18:16

Can you do a video for help for a 9 month old who doesn’t say anything yet

darlene montelongo
darlene montelongo - 04.04.2022 07:25

The bubbles idea has helped me so much with my child I can see him understanding conversation more and he gets excited to sit and learn new words because it's a fun time for him thank you!

JM Garcia
JM Garcia - 03.04.2022 10:39

I think boys are late talker than girls😞😞😞 and i have boy kid…. He is 3 but can’t talk

The Pangwin
The Pangwin - 23.02.2022 20:01

2 year and 2 months old daughter. I try all these things every day but more often than not my daughter will just shut down and pout on the floor. Sometimes she will try but it is rare. But she understands complex things I tell her like "Go plug your ipad into the charger" "Take your dishes to the kitchen sink when you are done eating", "Go pick out a diaper, shirt and pants" and she can memorize yoga routines that my wife uses to work out with in the morning. So I think she is normal intelligence. She just frustratingly won't cooperate with learning to talk. She knows all the sign language words we teach her.

Tamara Martin
Tamara Martin - 17.02.2022 15:06

I been saying it and repeating may I have when he wants food or drink for 3 months but now I want him to say it on his own and he points and whine and cry he’s 2
Help me get him say it on his own

Tamara Martin
Tamara Martin - 17.02.2022 15:03

How do I get my 2 yr old to not just. Repeat but say on his own may I have

Nzuri World
Nzuri World - 06.01.2022 03:13

My baby is 4.5 years but she hardly communicates or interacts with people..he doesn't wave or say anything to people..only rhymes or songs ..she sometimes gets scared n doesn't like to sleep at night after during the day..any advice pls

Tara Sha
Tara Sha - 24.12.2021 13:18

my 2.5 years old doesn't talk I have tried everything

Jesusa Marie Pelicano
Jesusa Marie Pelicano - 26.11.2021 19:49

My son is 2 years old, he knows a lot of words but not conversive. Are we doing okay?

Error - 15.11.2021 04:04

My brother who's 3 years old only talk about 3-5 words repeatedly 😢 when he throws a tantrum we can't figure it out since he dont talk about it i feel scared for him

Nigel Gibbons
Nigel Gibbons - 22.10.2021 16:04

change nappy or not well or drink or food

kiran rupal
kiran rupal - 29.09.2021 09:22

U r the life changer.. really love your videos..add some more video for autism kids to talk and how we can engage them in play. And how we. An teach them to play skills ? So we can teach them to how to play with toys n things...plz make video on these 3 things .

queen Tini
queen Tini - 28.09.2021 09:12

My daughter is 1 going on 2 and she only knows how to say dad/daddy and shh that's all I try and make her talk more although she will whisper the word come but she gets really shy and won't repeat it or she'll run away.

Aldrin Barce Lladones
Aldrin Barce Lladones - 11.09.2021 17:01

my son acting like dinosaur, he is 2 years and 4 months now. what will i do?

Jao Boni
Jao Boni - 26.08.2021 18:23

Seeing the comments here make my less my worries. My child is 27 months old she say some words but hard to communicate sometimes

Lily - 19.08.2021 06:26

Thanks a lot for your videos.. ❤❤

Phoeberia - 08.08.2021 11:56

My son just turned 4 and still hasn't quite started talking... he'll say things and he clearly understands when we ask stuff of him, like if I ask him to get his shoes, he'll run and get them even get his socks, or even a couple others... honestly both me and his dad were very late talkers x.x

Kristian Paul Blancaflor
Kristian Paul Blancaflor - 15.07.2021 02:58

My son is 2 and 6 months but he is not utter words but is motor skills he is ok. He listen what I told to him but he can't speak. What will I do. Thank you.

bookieworm17 - 22.06.2021 18:07

Not to be funny but what do you do when your toddler gets so upset when you won't let them have the item that they refuse to listen any longer and just throw a tantrum for 5-10 minutes? Or when they don't have an attention span longer than 30 seconds?
