SHOCKING: The New Middle Class Income In 2024

SHOCKING: The New Middle Class Income In 2024

Andrei Jikh

1 год назад

385,803 Просмотров

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@KayFabe87 - 22.04.2024 02:34

$100K in NYC is a lot different than $100K in Jackson, MS. Cost of living varies around the nation so it isn’t really accurate to cite one specific level of income and assess the type of lifestyle that a family can afford based on that level of income unless it is adjusted for the differences in the cost of living across the nation.

@bleezham - 29.04.2024 21:43

ADJUST THE TAX BASIS to match the salary of middle class then!

@DeauCeVDonna - 30.04.2024 18:02

All i want is my half to the equation.

@Zetetic_Method - 13.05.2024 01:14

To say, "how we feel about our values compared to other people with the same values....". That doesn't make sense.

@Zetetic_Method - 13.05.2024 01:18

The obvious solution is to COMBINE WITH FAMILY OR FRIEND GROUPS AND together you will easily be able to afford whatever you want.

@flea4061 - 29.05.2024 03:46

I would argue that 130k isn’t middle class in a lot of places.

@JefferyDuns - 29.05.2024 20:05

More and more people might face a tough time in retirement. Low-paying jobs, inflation, and high rents make it hard to save. Now, middle-class Americans find it tough to own a home too, leaving them without a place to retire.

@eddyeroyal6024 - 07.06.2024 03:20

No Cruze, why I most drowned, so I do get on one.

@jadenwashington7284 - 08.06.2024 05:31

I’m hoping that middle class household income is $130k. Cause not each individual is getting a bag like that.

@prestonphelps1649 - 11.06.2024 18:25

Thanks to Biden

@JamesH1973 - 17.06.2024 01:03

Everyone needs to understand they aren’t in the middle class but the working class.

@SirCapsALotTheThird - 20.06.2024 00:25

You'll own nothing and you'll be happy :)

@markbrowning4334 - 09.07.2024 04:41

A whole lot of people on here talking about how tough it is out there......and it is.

I just wonder how all of you voted in the last election.
I also wonder how you all conducted yourselves during the plandemic.

Either of these could indicate how you may have contributed to the hell we're all experiencing.

@carywalker4560 - 23.07.2024 06:11

Don’t confuse income with class. Net worth is of much greater importance. Example: I have income of under $50k, pay no income tax, but am part of the one percent. This is where I’ve worked my whole life to be. I’ve never focused on income.

@Doors067 - 29.07.2024 12:41

45k - Upper Poverty Class here

@phoeNYkx - 01.08.2024 00:57

$200k is lower middle class in the Bay Area. Anything below that you're scratching that poverty line like a leper!

@Kyle-wq2ps - 08.08.2024 22:56

I make decent money…
I feel like a lower class

@Xanaduum - 14.08.2024 11:55

Average incomes all over the world are intentionally skewed. Try finding the Mode average for any countries income, it's one of the most censored statistics on the Internet because it more accurately shows income inequality. Also, theres the cultural difference in the UK and US, where everyone wants to call themselves middle class in the US, and everyone in the UK wants to call themselves working class regardless of actual income or assets.

@MrToryhere - 14.08.2024 13:22

Class is about what you do and how you think. It is attitude not money that counts. Whilst it is true that the further up the social scale you are the more likely you are to have more money, the fact is that there are many poor aristocrats and many rich tradesmen.

@mhodge0890 - 28.08.2024 00:04

Middle class needs to be based off of Net Worth

@libbychang413 - 31.08.2024 20:53

$1M was considered super-rich when i was in $1M gets u a 1-BR house (actually a converted tool shed) in LA...

@danielwarrenguitar - 08.09.2024 03:28

Class is about more than income. Education and choice of profession matter. Manners, choice of entertainment, and taste/style are also part of class.

@gijns - 08.09.2024 06:30

Everyone wants more without realizing they're the very reason inflation continues to explode up. MORE. MORE. MORE. MORE.

@Sharpy7562 - 16.09.2024 00:04

Getting wealthier renting being frugal minimal downsizing but upsizing lifestyle working less

@lynnmorrison - 23.09.2024 17:29

Renting is good, but you have kept the same job or go up income!

@BateserJoanne - 03.10.2024 15:48

I think the retirement crisis will get even worse. A lot of people can’t save because of low paying jobs, inflation, and insane rental rates. And now that home ownership is out of reach for middle class Americans, they won’t have a house to retire with either.

@littlerock5909 - 04.10.2024 22:12

Now bring the California numbers those are rookie numbers in that video 😂😂

@Jlmag - 16.10.2024 18:25

We are taxed so much, coming n going on the same product. Unbelievable!!!

@oscararnelcadelina8427 - 22.10.2024 11:52

No. It will never make sense to just rent and not buy a house.

@GabrielHernandez-xj2xv - 26.10.2024 06:36

Back to the future 😂

@GabrielHernandez-xj2xv - 26.10.2024 06:44

Middle class standard salary is not the same anymore. Tariffs will definitely not help the situation. It will get worse. I'm voting Democrat this year

@JShawnPaul - 27.10.2024 03:09

That’s kind of true and if you have two refrigerators in your house, then I would bet my last dollar that you are upper middle class. My upper middle class friends and my boss has a second fridge and has lower level in his condo. He has another kitchen in his lower level condo. Even before this retirement condo in his four bedroom home he had another fridge and his finish basement. I think a second fridge. Raider is a strong suggestion that someone is doing all right. Note, a freezer in the basement doesn’t count and that could be just whatever but a second refrigerator is key to upper middle class

@joaquimrodriguez8961 - 30.10.2024 22:00

But, but, you got 2.44M subscribers

@parranoya100 - 03.11.2024 01:23

The "Class" designation is only good for politicians when they give their speeches and politicians need to swoon people that are sub-90ish IQ. There are no "classes".

@voycodin5042 - 06.11.2024 18:29

That’s the upper threshold.

@saschaak3595 - 07.11.2024 00:17

Crying as European 😢

@itrobby7367 - 08.11.2024 06:08

Not everyone has a choice in where they live. There are people to poor to move and forces to live where they do.

@davidbaldwin9830 - 20.11.2024 00:09

There is no ONE Middle Class as it should be based on the the cost of living where you live. the people who do these videos must be in expensive urban areas. Location. location. location..

@gamagarn - 19.12.2024 08:37

Middle income and middle class are NOT synonymous.

@XDuelistX. - 21.12.2024 09:15

100k is poverty in the bay you need a roommate at 100k.

@goldiz1978 - 26.12.2024 08:38

It's funny when the majority of consumers make less than $100,000 a year. Let that sink in.

@TheProfitRise - 05.01.2025 01:36

Andrei, this video was incredibly eye-opening! The breakdown of the new middle-class income dynamics in 2024 really puts things into perspective. It’s fascinating—and a bit alarming—to see how financial trends are shifting and what it means for so many people. Thank you for making such complex topics relatable and actionable. Looking forward to more insights like this—keep them coming! 🚀💡

@elbatemano - 09.01.2025 19:20

Income and ability tendencies towards consumerism is one thing, but without the education, manners, etiquette, and lineage, you are not middle or upper class.

@johncooper4675 - 17.01.2025 10:22

PMI stands for private mortgage insurance

@tkong6465 - 24.01.2025 05:29

The wage to become middle class in NC is 36 an hour…. I literally could not find one entry level position even close to that number. They want to keep you poor. It’s modern day slavery. Even doctors in NC a job considered for the “upper class” is only a few dollars above 36 and that’s not counting entry level doctors who probably don’t even make 36 an hour…so if being a doctor means being class in 2025 we have a seriously broken economy

@shlerTHEnumbas - 31.01.2025 20:41

Got a subscriber you are funny as hell. Most people try but you are actually pulling it off

@Mendez7vlogs - 18.02.2025 06:14

Middle class 2025 😂

@Singlesix6 - 01.03.2025 06:23

Based on a Chinese survey? That's how you spell tick tock in America today.
