Incredible Medical Rescue Videos

Incredible Medical Rescue Videos

Doctor Mike

2 года назад

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@randomness8819 - 14.02.2025 02:48

no you didnt save a life. God did by putting you in their path.

@ChristianPratt-k1n - 14.02.2025 03:20

when i was about 11 years old, a dog ran up to me and latched on my arm and refused to let gom , my dad literally just puts the dog in a chokehold and chokes it unconscious because it refused to let go of me, dog lived, i lived. not scared of dogs at all either, i have a 85 pound english cream golden retriever

@iroriji - 15.02.2025 01:35

here in spain conservative parties are trying to change the name back to domestic violence since we refer to it (in most of cases) as gender violence

@Will_runs_wild - 16.02.2025 10:33

I have an intense fear of dogs due to being mauled by a dog when I was about 10 I had to get stitches and the only reason that I got the dog to go away before my grandparents got it under control was that I panicked and instead of curling into a ball i wrapped my hands around my neck and my legs up to my chest and it was disgusting but I bit that dog yes bit it with my jaws as hard as I could and I kinda Jusy like ripped away and then did it again and that was very traumatic for me because I felt bad because I genuinely ripped out a chunk out of that dogs side but yeah I bit the dog back and I guess cool idk.

@Kumiki_uzumakii - 17.02.2025 01:31

So I'm from Germany and in my school we are being taught basic CPR with the breathing thing and everything and I hope that more schools do that because it might come in handy

@shruti2406 - 17.02.2025 08:19

This just brings me back, I'm from India and in 21or 22 i remember, watching exactly Dr Mike's chest compressions videos when we our door was knocked middle of night from a downstairs neighbour having a heart attack, his tongue went blue, his limbs were cold and i saw him and immediately started cpr to stayin alive remembering greys anatomy 😅 I did it, I could save his life. He regained consciousness before the ambulance arrived and the doctors told them, if he didn't receive cpr he wouldve been dead by now. So thank you Dr mike you're saving many many lives.

@tittymcswag538 - 17.02.2025 15:03

I gotta be honest. Im always confuser when I hear a lot of people dont know how to do CPR.
Ive had 4 first aid courses in my life so far. 2 in my time in school between the ages of 7 and 17, another one when I got my drivers licence and a fourth one during my national service.
The two in school where mandatory for every person and I believe it is mandatory that kids in my country have at least one course during their time.
To get your driving licence you also have to do another first aid course with an organisation. If not you arent driving cars.
How is this not standard practice?

@witchdragonfly2586 - 19.02.2025 04:12

The amount of times i tell my son to not drink from his water bottle with the lid part way on. I don't think the choking hazard thing even crossed my mind so when he would ask why it's a problem i could never think of a reason. Just that i didn't want him doing it.

@kirilhormonovich3739 - 19.02.2025 17:45

Кальмар в нем есть только в виде салата или рыбы

@kirilhormonovich3739 - 19.02.2025 17:45


@80bbygrl - 19.02.2025 22:52

I was having a bad reaction to an antibiotic years ago, and whatever the hospital did made it worse. My throat fully closed before they were able to fix the problem. Scared the hell out of me!

@tree_eats - 20.02.2025 04:07

The guy had a gun on his person and it was loaded? Damn, man. I want to say "that's like walking around with a loaded gun" but he quite literally was. That's an accident waiting to happen.

@ShahadAli-y8i - 20.02.2025 23:31

When i was little i choked on gum and my mom PUT HER WHOLE HAND IN MY MOUTH TO GET IT OUT and i havent chewed gum since😂

@V33_versi0n_on3 - 21.02.2025 20:31

(Memes shortened with “medical words” in it day 1 of sending it to diff doctors/firefighers/nurses)

@RipiaKim - 22.02.2025 00:09

I always changed my baby on the floor, too many opportunities for them to get hurt. Sure, it was a bit harder on my back, but better than having a hurt baby.

Also! Landlords should legally need to let renters bolt their furniture to the wall.

@samanthahenshaw9434 - 22.02.2025 02:15

My sister has a histamine condition forgotten what it's called but she has had reactions without allergies due to the way her body produces histamine.

@Amas-PB - 22.02.2025 17:25

I was born with my navel cord wrapped around my neck and I was blue but the nurse managed to get me back to normal

@ryanangus5486 - 22.02.2025 22:48

POV Dr Mike:
“When I was on the plane…”

“When I was on the plane…”
“When I was on the plane…”
“When I was on the plane…”
“When I was on the plane…”

@stephaniepina4963 - 23.02.2025 15:06

Where was the mother of the twin boys. She didnt hear the dresser fall or hear the bang of it falling. The poor boy trapped under the dresser was screaming and she still didnt come running in? Thats just crazy to me!

@EvelynHaughton-h7o - 23.02.2025 17:12

Wow , the 2 year old was very smart for that age! Thank God that the mom has twins💞💓

@EvelynHaughton-h7o - 23.02.2025 17:15

I've seen that chocking baby online and thought" Dr Mike needs to see this! "

@Capcut_edits_and_more - 23.02.2025 23:21

My school did a fundraiser with the American Heart Association and we had to earn money for stuff but it was about a kid named Finn and the money went to him and it had videos about CPR

@carlil.n - 25.02.2025 05:39

With the pitty I hope people understand that it was just THAT certain dog not the whole breed. It just makes me mad when people generalize stuff like that. Hats off to that teen though

@Oliverqueen-p6j - 25.02.2025 09:28

You should react to arrow

@jasminejeanine2239 - 26.02.2025 08:58

Yeah, it was always me the patient making the jokes. I literally had no memory while doing so but the tension I was feeling from my brother had been too much. I had the entire ambulance laughing their asses off. The end result my TBI was missed and my brain stem herniated a bit.

@kathyallison2298 - 27.02.2025 08:26

On the choking baby, mama's and friend's blows look to be needed to be more firm.

@filmedbymwah - 27.02.2025 09:39

This is a random fact but when I was little, I was on a walk with my grandad in winter. I turn blue very easily and my grandad noticed me turning blue. He ran back home but I was temporarily "paralysed" because I couldn’t move my legs. Another one is that my class goes swimming. They thought that the pool was warm for them but however, it was freezing for me. I turn blue almost everyday and it’s so annoying.

@Meadowwoofs - 27.02.2025 16:29

The wheelbarrow actually works as once our dog Archiewas fighting our other dog Mickey, I was screaming at them so they would stop meanwhile my step dad ran in, grabbed Archie by the back legs and yoinked him onto the grass. Archie learned his lesson that day.

@JeanetteOlivier - 27.02.2025 18:08

hii, doctor Mike. My scouts team actually tought us how to do compressions on people

@Tyredest - 28.02.2025 07:40

Nothing can compare to the strength someone gets when saving a life

@japaniseanimialover1 - 28.02.2025 08:06

the whole.thing with no one calls 911, is such a weird psyche thing. The assumption oh someone else will, don't want to clog the lines has killed people. Like the poor woman who was stabbed to death across from a app with a lot of people watching. So! If yiu ever see a emergency, call 911, don't assume someone else will.

@KatiesWorld25 - 01.03.2025 05:18

this is making me feel uncomfortable but it’s still interesting I really want to know how to do CPR so this is a good video and it’s really serious for real for real😅😅

@sandraguenther5983 - 01.03.2025 06:19

One time i saw a kid choking at lunch then the lunch monitors saved her

@GracesPookieLife - 01.03.2025 12:55

Was Mike wearing eye shadow

@ThatAncientStory - 02.03.2025 06:43

I have a dechoker in my diaper bag and one in my pantry. I know how to do back blows and age appropriate heimlich, but im terrified that a) I'll panic and freeze or b) my son might choke while being watched by someone who doesnt know. I make sure anyone who watches him for any amount of time knows about them, just to be safe.

@Kritterchic1982 - 02.03.2025 07:46

I am a survivor of IPV for 13yrs. I asked for help and no one did. I got out when i had a safe opportunity and never looked back. Thank you for putting up links for those that need help.

@Kaiyto_7 - 03.03.2025 02:46

if you see this im asking you what made you answer
