Time to call hoarders in to help
ОтветитьShe is old, and needs removed, and put in elderly care! She is ignorant, a narcissist! She does not want help, she wants to be a control freak.
ОтветитьShe’s still not over a breakup, that’s why my grandma hoarded stuff
ОтветитьI would hate to think what is inside!!
ОтветитьImagine having your hoard being such an important world news that they show on CBS😂🤣🤣🤣👏👏👏 i'm dead
ОтветитьI feel bad about the old lady. Clearly she is elderly and not capable of taking care of herself due to her mental condition
Ответитьget this women help
ОтветитьSome people are just so inconsiderate of their neighbors. She is being too self-centered for me to feel sorry for her.
ОтветитьThis is the main reason that I live in a community that has an HOA.
ОтветитьAt least the roof looks good.😂
ОтветитьHoarding is one of the mental health issues that has extremely low success rate for treatment. Long term therapy, meds, sending in people to remove the items doesn’t even work well-check back in six months it’s all coming back. Watch the show hoarders and they give a follow up to each show and about 99% say “unfortunately John, Jane (insert name of person from show) began hoarding again and the house returned to its previous condition. The only solution would be to take away their ability (freedom) to do it -car, home, finances. A law that allows that could be used in the wrong ways by government, a very slippery slope.
ОтветитьThis lady's junk is ruining our characterless, soulless suburbia.
ОтветитьPeople around her are dumping their junk in her property because she is in no condition fighting it back as she is herself . Why not throw this mattress in her backyard who is watching?
ОтветитьShe needs to be cracked down for a home (commercial) business in a neighborhood and maybe not paying business taxes?
ОтветитьHoly cow! My city writes tickets for grass over 10 inches. However, I have walked pass city owned lots with grass well over 6' with tree weeds. Wonder if the city is paying the fines they should be incurring?
ОтветитьCall the movie hoarders 🤣
ОтветитьYARD SALE????
ОтветитьPut a large yard sale sign up. They will come . .....
ОтветитьWhat if she had a Trump sign on her lawn ? She would be locked up, fined, and the junk would be gone in 2 days.
ОтветитьThis woman is mentally unstable.
Ответитьlook at her eyes that person is totally mentally gone
ОтветитьDo what you want within the walls of your home, but when it spills out into the publicly viewable space, it becomes my problem and I have a right to have it corrected.
ОтветитьThey went Plum crazy!😮
ОтветитьI think watching hoarders and reports like these has made me get rid of things I don’t use. I don’t use it I donate it. I just don’t see the point in keeping things I don’t use or appreciate anymore.
ОтветитьWhat people need to understand is that this lady need mental help. Hoarding isn’t a hobby or a lifestyle, it is the cause of a mental illness.
ОтветитьThat crazy it got that way.....the officials in town should have
ОтветитьOur town would not allowvthis
ОтветитьPull her Drivers license for dementia
ОтветитьShame! No law helps to community!
ОтветитьBuy the stuff from her and put it in your yard.
ОтветитьThe blue roof😮😮😮
ОтветитьWonder what the inside of her house looks like.
ОтветитьShe have the rights that live the way they like to live just like you so back off you guys to have nothing else to do but picture about somebody the way they live quit being a hypocrite
ОтветитьIt is everyone wants her to be just like them she has the right to be different are you guys like to do is gag up and pick up somebody just gets the way they are she has the right to have her law to her house looking like that she wants it you don't like it that's your business she didn't tell you how to do your yard and everything so just leave her the hell alone
ОтветитьAnd plus the stuff she's got in her yard does not draw rats unless you throw garbage out of her house with food and stuff that's what draws rats so somebody's making it up so the best thing is before you start bitching about how people are living or how they begin their livelihood clean your own backyard up I imagine there's all kinds of stuff hidden in your guys's doors how about we start running you down call you guys are nothing but a bunch a robots are programmed to be the life that everybody's got to be the same and you guys don't like it so clean your own backyard up before you started somebody else
ОтветитьOn Google Street View you can see that 4 months later in August of 2024 the place is actually a lot cleaner now! Still junk in the bed of the truck and some chairs lying around but 100% a lot better!
ОтветитьSo right, so wrong, so rich.
Ответить😂. If not happy then help !!!!!!! 😅.
ОтветитьHorrible, the blue roof is also horrible.
ОтветитьYah they “feel” for her but no one helps her. Just concerned about themselves.
ОтветитьImagine the INSIDE!!! 😱
ОтветитьWe need new "hoarder" laws. These people devalue everyone's property in the neighborhood.
ОтветитьCall Tamara in Monroeville. She helped my hoarding grandmother with ocd to get help and let go. She is sick and should be hospitalized. Someone with skill needs to talk to her. Get a good therapist in there now!!
ОтветитьShe's not reselling that sh*t 😂
ОтветитьThe country is a mess and people still can’t mind their own business.
ОтветитьI hope the owner also refuses to pay taxes. Our government just steals from us anyway.
ОтветитьOH NOOOOO😮
HOW have they not stopped her years ago???
Homeless Hoarders thrill me.