I'm always amazed at Fanta's broad vocabulary at such a young age!
Great job Aisha and Jungu🎉 Your family is keeps blossoming by the day❤
Not Aisha trolling Fanta if she had a sip of the beer😂😂😂
ОтветитьAisha, you' ar so beautiful und love your summer fashion :)
ОтветитьSuch a beautiful family❤.... I will like to know Aisha are you a multilingual? That's awsome. God blees you all❤
ОтветитьAisha, observing the connection between Fanta and Ardho was heartwarming. It appears their sibling bond is growing, with Fanta adopting the role of a protective older sister to her endearing younger brother. I saw them holding hands, Fanta approaching Ardho and giving him a hug and kiss, eliciting his loud laughter, and Ardho clapping for his sister's performance. It's delightful to see you all enjoying yourselves in Italy, and the picturesque journey from Italy to Germany was stunning and awe-inspiring.
ОтветитьDon’t worry about Fanta so much mommy because she has a beautiful outgoing personality and goodness will always come her way, I know you feel this way because you were ostracized as a child, but, Fanta shines and so will Aldo, stop worrying and enjoy yourself and the life God had given you! Both of you are great parents ❤too much stress will destroy beautiful person you are inside, just take a breath and enjoy life 🎉May God continue to bless you and your family 😊💕💕💕💕
ОтветитьFanta is really pretty and adorable😍Aldo too….just please don’t shut him up with the pacifier.let him express himself,
ОтветитьOooo you should of let him buy the 🎩 hat 😊
ОтветитьLovely family😍
ОтветитьI always enjoy you guys videos.Munich look beautiful
ОтветитьThis mother is wonderful. Full of happiness! ❤️
ОтветитьHallo Aisha, darf ich fragen wo du aufgewachsen bist? Der Dialekt kommt mir eher österreichisch als bayrisch vor *gg* Achja ich bin aus der Steiermark (Österreich) und habe euch eben erst endeckt und gleich ein Abo da gelassen. Very handsome husband ;-) hehe ihr seid eine tolle Familie. Lg Silke
ОтветитьI hope you will do a vlog in France one day
ОтветитьIhr seid so eine entzückende Familie!❤
ОтветитьI think going to the Oktoberfest with the whole family is great fun and no problem at all. Just go about noon eat some candyfloss, almonds and experience some family friendly fun rides. The tents fill mostly not sooner than 3-4 pm. Just avoid the whole tent street and you are fine.
ОтветитьLove these videos and appreciate your willingness to share your parenting journey. Curious to know if you set off developing your content series just for fun or with the goal of educating and helping others to become more aware of your combined cultures. Peace and blessings.
ОтветитьThe to\so of you are an amazing pair of parents!! You understand your children and you stay open to each other, as well. This is an amazing vlog!! Thank you for letting us share in your travels!!! Looking forward to more!! 🥰❤️😍
ОтветитьWas für eine schnuckelige Familie. You got yourself a new follower.
ОтветитьWhy don't you just go to the Oktoberfest during daytime with the kids? It's nice.
ОтветитьFanta is FREAKING ADORABLE! 😍😍😍😍 Don't EVER suppress her endearing characteristics🤩🤩🤩 I screamed back: 'Hiiiiiiiiii Fanta'😁🥰
ОтветитьThis was such a wonderful video! The babies will have excellent memories as they grow! They have many fans.❤❤❤
Ответитьwouldn't it be easier for kids growing up in a bilingual (or even more?) household to first learn the standard version of each language before branching out to regional dialects? sure, young kids easily pick up languages but standard versions are far more beneficial in later life than local dialects. 🙃
ОтветитьIs she German?
ОтветитьSadly, I had the same issue with my middle son living in Connecticut, as far people not being friendly. As a New Yorker and a Tri-racial Mom, I was continously around international people, so I guided him gently and I exposed him to different cultures through movies, books, music and food (I couldn't afford travel with 3 children as a single Mom) BUT, by the time he was in 1st and 2nd grade he actually gravated to different international people. His friends were Chinese, African, Brazilian, Thai, Korean, Vietnamese, Mexican... It was awesome! ♥️He's age 45 and is even more culturally aware, plus he's traveled about half of the world.
ОтветитьEs ist sehr schön zu sehen 😊 wachsen die Kinder eigentlich dreisprachig auf?
ОтветитьWhat is the name of the scooter and where did you buy it and what is it called?
ОтветитьI had the rasta when I was in my early 20s, now I am 36 years old, I don't regret this hairstyle, I'm proud of it, unfortunately I don't have any photos of it anymore, which is a shame
Ответитьlang lebe Rasta für immer
ОтветитьFanta looks like her korean grandmother 👵
ОтветитьI LOVE the mix of speaking korean, english and german!
ОтветитьOh my god that was the first time I heard Ardho laugh!!
That was so cute!!!
Was für eine liebenswerte Familie! Fanta ist ja zuckersüß, aber bestimmt auch anstrengend so von Mutter zu Eltern 🤭…Bewahrt euch eure Posivität!
ОтветитьNEIN, das wollen wir nicht. keine kinderarbeit und keine kinderbilder in der öffentlichkeit. sie können noch nicht entscheiden. und sie packen deren gesichter in die öffentlichkeit!
haben sie keine ordnungsamt? bei uns ist das VERBOTEN was sie tun! lassen sie ihre KINDER AUS DEM INTERNET RAUS!
Oh ward ihr vor Kurzem hier ..... so eine nette Familie❤ ich sehe sehr gerne eure Videos an.... alles Gute euch!
Ответить❤ the family togetherness
ОтветитьMe eating my dinner and watching this before I take a nap😭😭I love this so much
ОтветитьFamily Time! It's time for explorations and pictures!❤❤❤❤❤
Internet Auntie from Virginia in America 🇺🇸 😍
Sehr schönes Video👍
ОтветитьYour family is beautiful 😍 thanks for the tour!!! I love the way you show affection for each other!!! You spend time with kids, but remember to have date nughts!!! Great videos!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
ОтветитьThe hat looked amazing on him
ОтветитьA really cute little family😍
Eine echt süße kleine familie😍
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤Beautiful family! Beautiful place 😍 🎉🎉🎉
ОтветитьThank you for sharing your family adventures!😍
ОтветитьBaby Fanta doing her yoga breakdancing is the cutest 😂
ОтветитьMy first time watching your VoLG I am Enjoy them Beautiful Children and I hope you all have a wonderful time VoLG your Sweet family ❤❤