This is the risk you take when you hire these people. smh
ОтветитьShe'll never find another job after this. She's gonna resort to selling her box.
ОтветитьBeen fired more than once. Never thought to pull a weapon.
ОтветитьWeave in my food Bruh
ОтветитьShe’s Caribbean
ОтветитьMet you at Quick Christopher 👑👑 king.
ОтветитьWhat ashame 😢
ОтветитьSharkisha out of control again 😂😂😂
ОтветитьWell, well, well...
ОтветитьI’d be mad too close to the holidays but she should’ve honored her commitment
ОтветитьThat face screams, "So what, yeah i did it..." 😂🤣😂
ОтветитьHere's a fun Georgia law fact. It's a misdemeanor pointing a pistol charge... Taking the phone got her a felony robbery charge lol
ОтветитьHe said that her intention was to kill…….. had that been the case, he’d be dead! I’m sure that there’s more to this story! Irate employees don’t just decide to show up with a gun and make threats, and killers don’t flash a gun without killing!
ОтветитьIt's safer WorkingFromTheInternet
ОтветитьPlay stupid games win stupid prizes
ОтветитьCan show up with a gun but can't show up for work
ОтветитьWhy are ppl going crazy these days sick AF
ОтветитьWhat did she expect? Welcome back to the team?
ОтветитьDid she think if she pulled a gun on him he would rehire her or something?? lol like wtf
ОтветитьI consider that good news, she controlled her impulse and nobody was hurt.
GodBlessU & everyone involved.
For $12.00 per hour.
ОтветитьSo because she didn't turn up for an event you just fired her 🤔
ОтветитьAnother example of if there were no guns it would have never happen
ОтветитьHoody reference is a little stereotypical but he may be still under duress. Oh well good luck with finding her replacement.
ОтветитьHer charges shouldn't be misdemeanors and taking someone's phone to prevent them from calling 911 is a felony. But either way, she is a loser!!!. By the way, cell phones can be tracked.
ОтветитьThis is why you can't hire certain people
ОтветитьI once worked for a hotel that had a policy of not firing or laying off people until after New Year's. This person's behavior is wrong but the Holiday season is a bad time to fire anyone.
ОтветитьShe Has Evil In Her Eyes....
ОтветитьWakazz..lanta..escape asap
ОтветитьThis guy is exaggerating...Guess he needs the publicity...
Be careful not to wear a hoodie around him, he'll swear you're up to no good... 😂
Many people will be fired from employment reg.yearly. No real # are ever announced.. only the shooting one's are told or group job closeing wearhouse products closing industry relocation.. homelessness.. and addiction are normal next
ОтветитьThese Keisha’s are out of control
Ответить😬 I pity the man who dates her
ОтветитьIsn’t pulling out a gun on someone attempted murder
ОтветитьHow is it a “strange story”? We live in a society where people refuse to be accountable and respond with potential violence when they’re made to be accountable.
ОтветитьUnbeweaveable! 😂
ОтветитьUsual fatherless Democrat... 😂
ОтветитьIf Barack Hussein had another daughter... 😂
ОтветитьWhy didn’t they interview her FATHER? 😂
ОтветитьDEI hiring practices invite this kind of drama into the workplace.
ОтветитьStrange indeed. Why does she have keys?
ОтветитьSOCIOPATH. There should be mandatory Psychological Tests as part of PRE-HIRING. No pass...No job.
ОтветитьShe had time to think it through and still kept right on going.
ОтветитьNot clear what happened after she allegedly pointed the weapon. Did she just grab the 📱phone & leave on her own, really glad things weren’t worse.