These shows are so mean and discouraging. The producers are complicit in keeping people from being able to take action. I agree with you completely!💙
ОтветитьAs a big person with diabetes, who can't exercise do to a wedged disk and extreme nerve damage this show is evil. I can't lose weight even though I want to, what your doing to these people by shaming them, and making fun is just cruel. Some of it made me want to cry😢😢
ОтветитьThis programme and many other weight loss type shows were disgraceful . Obscenely rude to good sweet people. Forcing unfit people into monstrous exercise routines that could cause heart attacks. …and here filling a family’s living room with horrible machines . These poor people should have had in depth medical checks . The guy isn’t making excuses , he’s genuinely unwell
ОтветитьHave noticed the host isn't exactly all that slim himself 🤔 classic TV hypocrisy 🙄 and I'm sorry, but what was the point of destroying the sofa?? What are the kids gonna chill out or muck about on?? The kids need the sofa too, or have they forgotten this couple has kids??
ОтветитьThat's where the American show my 600lb life does better they help with weight loss not just physically but the mental blocks and traumas behind it and using medical intervention to help people be healthier and live longer and have a better relationship with food
ОтветитьAs a mum to a 7 and 1 year old who like-a da porridge/pancakes, I'd say 5 pints of milk is quite reserved! 😂
Ответить5 lbs isn't that bad when you're starting that high, just for a few weeks though
ОтветитьAs someone from Lancashire it's wild hearing actual Brits pronouncing it lancasheer. Oh! Yes milkmen still exist, i get my milk from one! Honestly they kinda terrify me, for some reason they always deliver the milk at like midnight/ 1am and my garden is pitch black so a couple of times now through the window i'll just see the torch from a phone shining all around outside my window tryna find his way and it always spooks me.
ОтветитьI love how shocked he is that maybe not all fat ppl are completely sedentary and just shovelling Big Macs in their mouths 24/7. He's so shook haha!
ОтветитьI feel like he has such contempt for the people on this show. I appreciate how you manage to keep empathy and consider the why behind people getting into this position.
ОтветитьI watch luxeria concentrating watching the video then me watching it lol ,,, love how she concentrates
ОтветитьWhy do i feel like this mans 'who cares' attitude keeps setting the woman also back in her goals. Its hard enough already to take weight loss seriously and be consistent and if theres someone besides you that just isnt taking it seriously.. it becomes almost impossible. The host shouldve made it clear that morbidly obese people DO NOT live long and they had kids who were this little.. surely they dont want to let their kids lose a parent, just because they couldnt control what they ate. I hope theyre doing well..
Ответитьcurious tone indicator There's a strange mixture of fear and shame (I believe in various aspects of every persons' lives) especially surrounding polarizing identities. Whether it's through empathy or projection, seeing other humans wielding their agency to choose to change their lives can be intimidating and/or inspiring. Learning the possibilities of our paths in these long lives and undstanding our own complex motivations is a bit existential and nuanced. Perhaps blaming scientific advancements and medical services/treatments is easier than realizing one's own fear of their personal agency. gasps for air I'm additionally curious if this fear of self-agency plays into the "playing god narrative" which I feel was extensive when Dolly the sheep was cloned. Funny how old-testament-fearful humans can be of upsetting god while being afriad to "be the go(o)d you want to see in the world"-type behavior or to love oneself and care for oneself as you would revere a holy being. Idk where this train is arriving but humans are fascinating.
ОтветитьI am sad because the poor woman kept talking about suicide every time that they gave her the right to speak. EVERYTIME. And nobody picked up on ? Nobody is reacting. Suicide. For a mother of two ?
ОтветитьI also love to eat late.
ОтветитьIf I could redo my wedding dress, it would not be white. Im so pale and hate tanning or tanning lotions cuz my skin is so sensitive I would want something in color.
ОтветитьOne thing I really hate about these type of shows, besides the obvious disrespect they show to the people participating in them, is that they never teach people how to cook healthy, fulfilling food. I think a way to repair a relationship with food is to learn to prepare it, learn where it came from, and learn about the processing that went into getting it to your home in the first place. I think it would give people a greater appreciation for their food on a more intimate scale, if you will, and empower them to make good decisions about their choices of food. It could also give them a sense of control in a way that they feel they have say in how the food tastes, how it looks, and how they desire it to be presented. Make it more artistic and fun. Idk, I've always thought it was a great disservice to the people participating in these shows that they never throw in a fun cooking lesson from a chef at a restaurant so they can make healthy food seem fun. Then maybe their brains might associate healthy food making as a fun activity rather than a chore like these shows make it out to be and suck the soul out of the experience even more.
ОтветитьSomeone needs to backhand that host. Also theyve made no damn space in the loungeroom to account for the kids to have a space to play.
ОтветитьAs a 41yr old woman who has always struggled with weight (at 20 i was 134kg, by 22 i was 80kg) i want to say, thank you for your kindness and respectful outlook on this. Its moments like this that show what a beautiful soul u are 💙💖
ОтветитьAs someone with autism. I have often internally screamed about how I’m not normal and want to be super bad. 🎉😂
ОтветитьThat’s why body neutrality movement exists
Ответить3-5 pounds a week isn’t so much when you are extremely overweight/obese but you can probably only loose that fast the first month or two
ОтветитьThis show truly disgusts me. If I watched this when I was a teenager, my ED would have had a total field day! I’m already triggered by watching it as an adult. So disgusting!
ОтветитьOften when trying to break a cycle of live long weight issues, there is a real danger to jump from one extreme to the other. It took me 36 years to find something that works and it's still not easy or a quick fix but I'm finally just overweight and no longer obese and even if the owner is horrible, I needed to break the teenage trauma and I can in fact fit into a Hollister L and that for me was kind of healing especially since I'm also struggling with body dysmorphia and I can't always see how far I've come. Finding the right way (that one sport you really love, just changing food, medication, surgery or a combination) is key and trying to find a great support system ❤
ОтветитьI stopped putting sugar in my thea 3 years ago and i started mountainbiking more and i was losing weight already after 1 month
ОтветитьThe amount of times people who were significantly skinnier than me said 'exercise for 7 hours a day and then you can eat anything you want' like no that's not how that works.
ОтветитьLuxeria, I am so grateful for your commentary because I swear I would not be able to sit through an episode of this crap without you! The more I watch, the more saddened I get, because this man truly believes that these people are lazy and just making excuses. There is a reason they have got like this. There is a reason they have turned to food. And until we find out what that reason is and what is keeping them from taking steps towards helping themselves, it is going to be that much harder for them to do it. Being told they're making excuses is not going to help the situation, just make them feel ashamed. It's just unempathetic, dismissive of their struggle and ignorant. I would much rather see them work with a therapist (and a good one too) than this host.
ОтветитьI have this hypothesis about the cycle of being overweight. I know it isn’t this simple, but I think that a contributing factor is not knowing how to cook good tasting meals. I observed this in my husband, but have noticed the pattern in many others.
A person grows up and isn’t taught how to cook. My husband’s mother was an awful cook. Vegetables were steamed or boiled, proteins were cooked tough as boots. Et cetera.
So, the person never learned how to cook well, and turns to ultra processed foods because it’s easy. The food then becomes a source of comfort so a childhood emotional connection is made as well. (We all have a childhood comfort food. Mine is fresh green beans with melted butter and salt. My husband’s is…Mac and cheese. You get the picture.) There is little to no prep time. We can eat ultra processed foods in a rush. We can turn to it when we’re too tired to cook. It lines most of the grocery store shelves.
Then, the addiction happens. A person thinks “well, I have no idea how to cook. This food is comfortable.” Meanwhile the food is tickling all the pleasure centers in the brain. It’s literally MADE to be addictive. Much of ultra processed food is owned by tobacco companies. They use the exact same tactic. They wrote the rule book for advertising addictive substances.
So, I think that plays a large part for a lot of people. I think part of the journey of a healthy relationship with food is learning how to cook delicious meals with healthy ingredients that aren’t ultra processed.
Wow ... some personality [if you can call it that] showed through when dinner arrived. When I gained weight, I wasn't happy about it, but my mom had just died and all I wanted was to be with her. The only time I lit up was when I talked about food or booze. I didn't care about anything else. It's telling when only one or two things changes a person's everything. But those poor kids - having such bland parents could make them ... any number of unpleasant things.
ОтветитьThe problem is this show just tries to shame people into losing weight but all that will do is cause them to binge in secret or start another behaviour to try to dissuade the shame.
ОтветитьI love these shows! When I wa fat AF they really kept me going.
ОтветитьI have several health problems that have wreaked havoc on my body and weight. It's hard to get into "good habits" unless you're healthy to begin with.
ОтветитьIf someone said I was waddling up the aisle I would not recover 💀
ОтветитьDamn straight medical intervention saves lives. Don’t understand why some interventions are completely stigmatised and others are totally normal and well that ones “a normal” surgery/medication. Absolutely unreal
ОтветитьThe irony of me eating asparagus whilst you were talking about it. Managing my weight and roasted asparagus or broccoli with baked eggs has become my go to breakfast. Sounds odd but tastes and makes me feel good!
ОтветитьBody positive to me means treating the body I have with respect. No matter what my weight is or how shame-filled I feel, I don't need to take those feelings out on my body! My body deserves good nutrition, and movement that's right for it. Not under, not over. I've been obese and I've been underweight, and both circumstances were just me taking my feelings out and bullying the only thing I could - my body. Feelings deserve to be expressed in healthy ways, and bodies deserve to be respected at the point they're at :)
ОтветитьI thought I was lactose intolerant for so long but I realized that Whole milk was the one that didn’t hurt my stomach? Something with the other ingredients? Weird stuff
ОтветитьExercise isn't the best way to lose weight, but if you enjoy exercise and weight gain gets in the way, its a good motivator. I put on weight during lockdown and it got in 5he way of long walks on the coast, I ate less as soon as my weight got in the way.
ОтветитьCuz he's a pervert 😂
Ответить10 Wochen ist viel zu wenig Zeit, wieso haben die in diesen Shows nicht mal mehr Zeit? 6 Monate wäre doch viel besser
ОтветитьLove it 🙊🙊
ОтветитьI'm still confused why the couch had to die.
ОтветитьWhy use stone and lbs...just use lbs...
ОтветитьThis is one of those shows where the presenter isn't anyone to be admired and it's pretty amazing how long this show aired for. He's a hypnotherapist who doesn't have an impressive physique himself in the slightest. He doesn't offer meal plans, therapy, access to actual specialists in health and fitness. They cook a meal to show the family hating it and that's about it. But he's really the best guy to listen to? Seeing in the comments the fellow died of heart failure a year after the show is terrible.
ОтветитьI know I'm late to the party but may I congratulate you on your weight loss and sobriety journey?
ОтветитьDeepest respects and applause for being 2+ years sober. Thats hard as fuck. I have never gone that long and currently don't see myself ever going that long but I'm at least knee deep in not using substances and SH. Props to you my lovely.
i really wanna know what happened to them now 😭😭