Bro just start a r&g like old times
ОтветитьHhaha you care never broo hahaha 🤪🤪funnyy arsen .
ОтветитьYo if you see this comment I'm in my own clan HAHA so can you 1v1 me. You need to be on Xbox
ОтветитьDevx members are so bad I’ve shit on so many
Ответитьdid you fake score again or you finally won legit bro?
ОтветитьCan you please make a video of how to get “noose” on the back of the tops
ОтветитьY'all cannot cvc
ОтветитьDevx are pussy all they do is cry like they clearly whooped your asses I bet if y’all played crew vs crew no ewo you guys would get smashed
ОтветитьOh Devx is full of griefers im not sure what you talkin
Ответитьendx ass i left em
ОтветитьFirst Song?
ОтветитьAre devx friendly or not? Because when I see them kill all lobby from low levels when I see them I try fight back like 4vs1 but they are good
ОтветитьInvite to the crew bro
ОтветитьKebanyakan ewo Luh. King ewo
ОтветитьCvc: IGN
ОтветитьWhat was the music used in this vid?
Ответитьgoofy ah endx lol
ОтветитьKan I join yo crew
ОтветитьAre u family friendly
ОтветитьBunch of sweaties 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
ОтветитьExus better then devx
ОтветитьBruh why are they taking this game so serious 😭 its just pixels on a screen calm down
ОтветитьYall suck no snipe or jet skills
ОтветитьIf you think spamming rpgs is skill then ur a clown 🤡🤣
ОтветитьDEVX is better
ОтветитьThere was more EWO than actually kills. Can't kill when there was EWO
ОтветитьDEVX ON TOP ❤
ОтветитьI’d smack up arsen at beach lol
Ответитьbut UREZ vs denx would be a slaughter😭 nice vid tho
ОтветитьI want to allie but ik its gonna be no but I always try DEVX ON TOP🔛🔝
ОтветитьThe intro is the most cringiest shit ever
ОтветитьThe ewo celebration yay just boring this video
ОтветитьI just don’t get any of this , so basically you Jill yourselves loads of times and maybe Jill someone else occasionally ? It looks so boring and just so not entertaining.
ОтветитьCvc SLOW or REDX
ОтветитьMy boi 04 got like 7 kills on him but he didn’t show one of them🤣🤣
ОтветитьENDX all suck me and my friends easily body them even when they use lag and godmode lmfao
ОтветитьI erase DEVX & ENDX
Respekt all-Yexuq-ll
I m Champion #1 🏆
im literally a regular free aim shooter why do i watch arsen videos 😂
ОтветитьYou on Pc or Play Station?
Ответитьlol the endx leader was butthurt
ОтветитьArsen Song ? 😍🥺
ОтветитьWas Alex on DEVX on that time?
ОтветитьEwo spam garbage 🗑
ОтветитьCan you do an outfit tutorial
ОтветитьA lot of suicides, so bored play with ppl like that. 🥱🥱🥱
Ответитьwould you mind if i join the crew? there is a crew called XIIX and i would like to end their crew since it is filled with toxic people and corrupt leaders