U.S. Air Force Cyber Intelligence Analysts—What challenges can you expect?

U.S. Air Force Cyber Intelligence Analysts—What challenges can you expect?

U.S. Air Force Recruiting

4 года назад

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@joster8652 - 01.12.2020 21:23

What AFSC code is this?

@MarktheMartian - 01.12.2020 22:34

Very cool deal guys

@tomdavison9107 - 02.12.2020 01:46

Can you volunteer for TDY to war or conflict zones?

@carahtaylor1478 - 02.12.2020 02:40

Can we get a space force vid PLSSSS

@deewill8915 - 03.12.2020 04:01

Is this considered cyber systems operations? Or is that a separate afsc?

@abcdef-kx2qt - 12.08.2021 04:17


@adamspeier5973 - 15.03.2023 03:35

Government this is your world to fix. Smartphone surveillance breaches constitution and legal privileges American Bar Association NSA - National Security Agency FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)I am 7 years hacked stalked and death threats constantly intimidating gps tracking Im wat ahead of u good luck and I will let this go
Red Line . Keep your terrorists at home and stop monkey games. Team this can't go 9n and I don't want to fix it It does payoff with a moron Federal government Just outdated and dirty cop loyalty come on Homes For Our Troops
NSA - National Security Agency
Novi Police Department FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation NSO The United States Department of Justice Department of Homeland Security Federal Communications Commission Attorney General Daniel CameronThis is your world but smartphone surveillance is the most unconstitutional without warrant in Michigan and can trigger laws on legal privileges NSA - National Security Agency Novi Police Department Michigan State Police Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation The United States Department of Justice Department of Homeland Security NSO Lawyers Weekly American Bar Endowment Attorney General Daniel Cameron Attorney General Mark Brnovich Missuse causes a mess. I don't care about police usingnbut not bad guys dangerousTechnology is questionable but necessarily to combat domestic terrorism. Dearborn is a cyber nightmare. Hacked all internet providers instantly private and government dirtboxes stingray and dangerous applications smartphone tracking posses danger to our criminal officers. Identity and locations private life and confidentiality FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation investigations. Gang stalking and criminal GPA tools access to Homes For Our Troops . Dearborn race cars all using intimidating people out of city. Radical cops may gave kids use to stingray I think. But a ton of applications Identity phone surveillance in home. Hacking into adt and alarms to peep on victims think shria law digital slaves. Data theft Is cash crop. Stealing medical data to exploit vulnerable people and gas lite to makes Medicare Medicare money. I know that the police got stingray from usa feds for terrorism. Using smartphone to control slaves and woman. Accessing smart TV with camera. See my feed the music animation all a way to explain. Must track logs of tracking applications logs. I'm going to ignore my civil rights because public go nuts if get. Dearborn is under surveillance by feds and u. Terrorism necessarily must be monitored but kids and tech 21st level. 7 years recon and I kn9w that Dearborn is criminal. Death threats and 1000s other attacks. Stopped my ability to practice law can't secure client data. 1623 n Franklin in area entire neighborhood connected. Get one phone and see victims. I have your back even if I have been persecuted by dearborn police and used tracking after moved ambushed me with manufacturers probable cause sent 4 Arabic 20 year years a gas station. The came in pushing and surrounded me and ran. Dearborn police 3 cruisers and an ambulance novi waited in lot put me in ambulance. Same cops that attacked me before. Do themath Novi police arrived and jurisdiction removed from custody to novi. All on cameras Bet police report missing or pergery v novi body cameras. Police covering up bad cops hurts public perception. Dearborn police fully know of stalking applications and used it. No warrant shot 6 shots in toes novi cop saw. I support law enforcement but time for informal penalties. 2 strokes ptsd intention to damage me v protect and serve. I want this yupy terrorists victimized kids and week. Spies are from nobodies to military quality technology. I forgive all but do u want your locations tracked danger

@graynor1 - 09.05.2023 22:50

What is the AFSC for this job?

@coofli3203 - 01.06.2024 08:17


@coofli3203 - 07.07.2024 11:41


@coofli3203 - 26.07.2024 18:37

偵防中俄間諜入侵 防止洗錢詐騙

@nickcardona1059 - 31.07.2024 21:23

I just passed the sec+ 601 yesterday, throw this job my way please!!!

@th1nk.OUTLOUD - 03.08.2024 22:20

Interested 🙌🏽

@uilliamjungbluth - 24.11.2024 19:21

Observem , análisem e repassem as autoridades comandantes.

@JessicaSandoval-u5j - 15.12.2024 19:16

North Dakota rank intelligence unit surveillance sandoval

@JessicaSandoval-u5j - 15.12.2024 19:19

North Dakota rank intelligence unit surveillance sandoval
