Making $130,000 fresh out of the Airforce in Cybersecurity.

Making $130,000 fresh out of the Airforce in Cybersecurity.

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@lorrainethomas-palmer7802 - 19.05.2020 03:31

Programming is not for everyone and certifications aren't cheap. Be sure to research all tech areas.

@naomi5809 - 19.05.2020 03:50

Omg!! I’m looking into getting into Cybersecurity! Im not young nor old but this is something I have been interested in. Thanks for this!

@missnika86 - 19.05.2020 04:40

I'm such an extrovert, but I wanna try tech.

@estheticsguru - 19.05.2020 05:24

Another excellent show and guest, Ericka‼️👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

@harveylin3548 - 26.05.2020 03:20

Keep in mind that 148k is the low end in the bay area. It is equal to $95k in the LA metro area, which is a pretty common salary in the LA city proper. You will get the same level of standard of living in LA with a low 100k high 5 figure job.

@amkiahazel515 - 30.05.2020 13:21

21 years in Infrustructure for IT and I am moving over to CyberSecurity. Taking a 10 month course currently up at Cal State Long Beach. Definitely worth it for people to look into. Computers won't become obsolete anytime soon. And there is a significant shortage in all fields of IT and this especially holds true when it comes to CyberSec.

@J.I.0 - 12.06.2020 04:21

The guest has an awesome smile

@picossa773 - 18.06.2020 01:22

Love this Ericka...You never miss an opportunity to help others LEVEL UP!!!!

@Torry572 - 18.06.2020 04:41

This was one of the most influential videos I’ve seen on why I should get into cyber security and take the air force route. I thought about that route but I felt like I wouldn’t be able to get a job when I got out

@sandrineninafomo - 27.07.2020 20:47

How do we get internship please?

@TREOVIEW - 27.08.2020 07:15

I just got my ship date for 3DOX2. Nov 24th 2020

@antvids05 - 26.09.2020 08:54

This was one of my favorite intro to cyber security videos. Great job!

@antvids05 - 26.09.2020 09:18

Can we have an interview Jessica hicks? I noticed she’s a active inspiring tech recruiting commenting on your fans comments below

@bookswithjess5687 - 02.12.2020 08:21

I just booked 3D0X3 and ship out in February! I can not wait! I’m already studying for Sec+

@Miochi_fiochi - 28.12.2020 04:16

What was Jihana MoS in the AF ?

@user-mr8jf3oy6f - 27.03.2021 22:38

Ericka, I always listen to you but this video just popped up. My son is entering the airforce and I was going to ask you to post something about people post military service. Thank you for all the information you provide.

@nxet2669 - 03.08.2021 23:35

What is the cyber security position in the Air Force called? Or afsc (think that’s what it’s called)

@jorgejim28 - 10.03.2022 03:32

How long into ur career did u get certified ethical hacker and security plus?

@thaddeussmith8394 - 27.03.2022 20:22

Same here retire military and entering a position as a Cybersecurity Engineer salary is well over six figures.

@XxiliketwinkiesxX - 25.04.2022 03:05

I can’t go to work in pajamas. I would be depressed.

@cs_games9568 - 14.06.2022 08:40

I’m 17 and interested in going into cyber security in the Air Force

@KatrinaLAlexander - 05.07.2022 22:30

COBOL is a programming language.

@Krmtx - 28.09.2022 00:57

I see online there is an in-demand career for Cyber security, how does that process work? Do you automatically get the cuber security career once you obtain a certain score after the asvab?

@RaAyla369 - 05.10.2022 22:38

So helpful! Thank you!

@MGRodriguez1 - 14.10.2022 16:09

My son just took the ASVAB - He is considering either Cyber Security or Cyber Systems Operations. What is the difference between the two, which would be the best option?
