Meguiars Endurance Tire Gel Review

Meguiars Endurance Tire Gel Review


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@zamborghini89 - 18.02.2016 00:03

thanks for the vid, im ordering one.

@isaj6055 - 13.04.2016 08:23

thanks. just added it to my bundle.

@spencerc4338 - 28.04.2016 01:06

Did the sponge come with it? If not, where did you get it?

@KaanBellek - 07.05.2016 08:18

I like your videos man they are really good. I drive a Z4 also mine is 2.5 tho. I use endurance for a long time and I am happy with it. I do not like the spray ones because when it's windy outside it gets through the paint. When you use endurance make sure you do it with brush, so your hands don't get dirty :) Keep up with the great videos man !

@akaredcrossbow - 12.05.2016 20:50

Jack up the car? Just roll it back!!

@Koreancraft - 16.05.2016 22:03

That Asian squat tho

@Nerven86 - 20.05.2016 14:41

Awesome product ordered mine. Thanks for the video.

@gonzalezgrant - 29.07.2016 02:01

Black magic gel is better

@rp4489 - 30.08.2016 18:58

I found working in shade is better do detail work. May try getting a 4 pole type cover easy set up one. Sun can make car body hot to the touch not good for waxing.

@samzasap2594 - 03.09.2016 15:30

You should wash the wheel, then let dry before u apply. I believe it would recommend so on the bottles instructions

@alexandero.4496 - 06.10.2016 02:28

I have cycling shoes with rubber pads that wear out too fast and I keep
replacing. I was wondering if a product similar to this can
harden/protect rubber walking pads on my cycling shoes to have them last
longer? (spd style shoes with removable rubber walking pads; Giro
Republic Lx)

@davidd6147 - 18.10.2016 14:11

I use this on my GTI and agree about the smell - it's great. You didn't seem to use much. I cake it on - mostly because it's a lot quicker that way. Spin-off is negligible. There's something about a clean car that just isn't right if you don't blacken the tyres as well :)

@malcolmbale9566 - 17.01.2017 23:48

I use the same , what about the little protection rim, hard to do without getting product on wheels, lol

@jonichin4661 - 19.01.2017 23:14

i think there are several product that do the same thing. i use waxco, and it stay for 2 weeks, but maybe the gloss is gone just like the meguiars.

@haroldjamison556 - 21.01.2017 20:03

GREAT STUFF I use it on my tractor trailer tires he's spot on.

@factorman66 - 11.02.2017 02:55

its Ultra Shine??

@factorman66 - 11.02.2017 02:55

I like Hi Gloss

@Confidential619 - 29.03.2017 10:30

Well it's easier to put on, but the spray looks shinier and cleaner.

@SirClints - 07.04.2017 03:26

Jacking the car is too much work roll the car forward or backwards and you'll be able to get the bottom of all 4 tires with less work. ☺️

@rodpolojenkins - 07.04.2017 09:33

Which one gave you a "wetter" look? This or the black magic tire wet gel?

@455Transam - 30.05.2017 07:56

The ARMOR ALL TIRE GEL lasts much longer, it's thick like a lotion.

@NoOnesIdea - 05.06.2017 21:33

Dude, I've just put this gel for a first time yesterday - the tire looks so fresh and clean (have it for 3 days now). No tips on the car body, and smells good too (actually not sure what the smell is for, it's not like anyone is sniffing tires). Nice product.

@Djtonydraper - 10.06.2017 04:32

I've been using this product since the day it came out & never looked back. It's incredible & gets better & better with each application. It lasts longer & the tire shine really stands out. I'm no professional de-tailer but this stuff works & works well. I love the entire Meguiar's product line. Good stuff!

@stevo091 - 12.07.2017 18:55

Hi good review..does the gel , make your tyres Look like new? . As my tyres look faded. Thanks

@markmelendez1029 - 14.07.2017 21:31

great stuff. works under the hood as well. We use it in autoramma

@WeKnowTheTruth2012 - 15.07.2017 16:55

This stuff if amazing! I do a lot of hard pulls with my car and my tires still have a good subtle shine after 3 weeks!!! Seriously no other stuff works as good and my tires don't turn all nasty orange either. In guessing the tires are kept cleaner too. I used black magic but it only lasts a couple days and slings off way to easy and light coats look pointless. I put 1 light coat and a heavy coat after the 1st one dries a bit. It also has NO sling at all. black magic had sling and had my wheels all dirty in a day and would suck dirt. on the tires.

@scoopx88 - 19.08.2017 18:58

The amount of gel you put on is about half the amount I use

@2touch2swift - 20.08.2017 17:48

Who the hell needs a good smelling tire shine?!?!? WHO CARES HOW IT SMELLS, ITS ON A DAM TIRE LMAO

@LuckyStrike-ov9cd - 09.03.2018 21:15

No need to Jack up the car just move the car a bit forward

@roughneck10000 - 17.04.2018 09:57

Use the same tire shine. Weeks my ass lol.

@elfletcha - 23.04.2018 10:15

Practically everybody knows Armor All is old ass technology that cracks tires and dashboards. Surprised your're not using Turtle Wax products also, lmao.

@elfletcha - 23.04.2018 10:20

The Endurance spray is better. With gel you will be having to use several sponges overtimes as they pick up grime as you rub the tire.

@hugeCRSfan69 - 09.06.2018 05:36

this stuff is no good, only stays on the tires if you dont do any highway driving at all..once you go over 30 mph most of it comes off. i applied a heavy coat and the shine was great, i let the car sit for 24 hours before driving and it still lost its shine right away after i got on the highway. armor all tire shine gel gives the same high shine and is more durable.

@panasonic7023 - 13.06.2018 15:55

You don't have to jack it up. Just engage neutral gear and roll it a little. Lol

@lakarma7424 - 08.09.2018 02:43

Mine went away after it rained with 2 coats of tire shine after a couple of days

@marcoramirez120 - 10.10.2018 23:41

its smells like grape mmmmm

@MrPjwilliams - 20.05.2019 22:26

I just start my car move it back to where I missed. Case closed

@dieene9877 - 25.06.2019 02:41

Does this also work with tyres with white logo’s?

@josephpassero3718 - 28.06.2019 06:50

Just roll the car back to get the bottom


Só de noite



@user-ey8ly9jc8n - 12.04.2020 00:01

True this all I fuck with 👍🏿🔥

@1LE_Ciko - 13.06.2020 04:09

This what I use I prefer gels it’s more work but u don’t have to worry about sling

@bad_vaporizer - 08.07.2020 17:10

I see your Asian squat is strong

@jimsutherland2010 - 08.07.2021 09:37

Spot on video. The only thing is that you say you wish you could jack up the car to get the gel on the bottom of the tire... Eh, how about just putting the car in neutral and rolling it back a foot or so? Love your video's bro! Thanks for the work you put into them.

@arnoldomonterroso8417 - 04.11.2021 18:41

Put second coat bro

@ChrisDied - 06.02.2022 11:28

Jack up to car? Lol or just move it forward or backwards a couple of centimeters....

@randallfield6492 - 12.06.2022 16:03

What about sling? I bought some of this, and it slings. There are better products out there.

@capone3167 - 13.06.2023 21:10

Thank you

@Nicholas-db5sl - 02.09.2023 21:30

I used a detailing paint brush to apply it, often returning back to the previous tyre to erase any runs or drips. Repeated this a few times during the process of treating my 4x4 truck tyres. I was expecting this gel to dry fairly quick - it didn’t. But this is the first time I’ve used this product. Initial results is that I have an incredibly black shiny truck tyres. I don’t know how long this final finish will last. But only time will tell.
