Road To The Well (Free Full Movie) Crime, Drama, Dark Comedy

Road To The Well (Free Full Movie) Crime, Drama, Dark Comedy


55 лет назад

184,044 Просмотров

A drifter pays a visit to an old friend whose mundane life is upended after the two become involved in a seemingly random murder. The pair then embark on a strange & cerebral journey up to the Northern California Sierra in order to bury the body - meeting old friends, lost loves, backwoods bawds, and a suspicious ex-Military Chaplain, all while discovering how exactly the victim came to be killed.

Directed by Jon Cvack
Starring Micah Parker, Rosalie McIntire, Laurence Fuller, Barak Hardley, Marshall R. Teague

Winner - Best of the Fest at Long Beach Indie Film Festival

Edited for YouTube ad standards

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@lameishadavis1447 - 11.10.2019 00:53


@bellavalentina0413 - 30.10.2019 05:06

At times We are safer around enemies/people we're not close. We know who they are and stand for.

@lexingtonguyhere - 17.11.2019 03:05

I've been watching this movie for a little over 15 minutes and it seems good so far but I hate the way they sensor the language.

@lexingtonguyhere - 18.11.2019 02:19

Great movie, thanks for sharing. I highly recommend, a great watch.

@MrsSmoot-vl3nz - 23.12.2019 22:37

Why didn't they just break in?

@seahog32 - 02.01.2020 00:02

The moral of the story is if you are having sex in a car, use the door locks! You are welcome.

@lucyinthesky4682 - 02.02.2020 04:57

Nope. 10 minutes in. Most exciting thing that happens is a hooker posters the main character for a lighter. The dialogue is stupid. And I guess PF cuts out swearing but leaves everything else in. There's to much swearing to cut out because it overlaps words and it's annoying af. Do yourself a favor save your data.

@mrmeeseeks6223 - 10.04.2020 20:44

"The fact that this guy could talk about furniture for hours....." LoL 🤣🤣

@mrmeeseeks6223 - 10.04.2020 22:13

Hey I thought this movie was pretty cool, besides what everybody else said ..

@tomthomas334 - 31.05.2020 02:22

40 minutes in, little after you get to see the amazing atheist

@ajmaynard7986 - 03.06.2020 02:52

This movie does not seem to be up to usual popcornflix quality.....☹👎☹👎☹

@vernavivian5221 - 26.06.2020 03:23

Very interesting movie 🎥.

@trudijones8651 - 28.06.2020 04:17

This is stupid from the beginning, I'm out!

@douglasjones3405 - 30.06.2020 04:54

6 minutes in and i am outta here. waste of time!!

@franceswomble8083 - 19.07.2020 23:06

The things a good person can get pushed into by circumstances and friends. Dang insane. P.S. Alot of movies I have been seeing lately end so strange.

@ramonurbalejo5194 - 29.07.2020 09:24

Stop over analyzing every movie just enjoy it!!!

@atg131000 - 19.09.2020 05:42

Amateurish movie made by students of a movie school

@artistaloca4 - 22.09.2020 03:35

😳😳😳 Wild one!! This movie is TIGHT! I'ma need to watch this one again... Someone splain, please, 🤣
Really, the bleeping out is SOOO much more annoying than the actual swear (and whatever) words could have ever been.

@grisellegonzalez7762 - 09.12.2020 10:42

Very good movie POPCORNFLIX!!🍿🎥

@caprijol4508 - 26.12.2020 04:54

Drifter, Jack, pays a visit to an old friend Frank whose mundane life is upended after the two become involved in a strange and seemingly random murder and journey up to the Northern California Sierra in order to bury the body.

@Metasisic - 28.12.2020 04:24

Good suspense, worth watching.

@willshaw6405 - 23.01.2021 03:47

Supremely uninteresting. No action. Not much story. Pass...

@biggestbrowneyes - 24.01.2021 06:26

I liked it.....Thanks

@teresasergent8915 - 03.02.2021 13:42

"Wow, People Kill Me Some Times, Old Man Miller At The Cabin Said He Believed That Killing Himself Would Be Murder In The Eyes Of God, Right ? "But Yet He's Wearing His Uniform From War "Where In Fact He Killed Many He Didn't Even Know, "Right ? People Are Going To Burst HELL Wide Open In Gods Eyes Because Know Matter How You Look At It, "It's One Of The Ten Commandments, "Thou Shall NOT Kill, "Right ? "But It's O.K For A Some S.O.B To Go Out And Kill Other People All Because Some Dumbass President Said To Go Kill For Him In The Name Of A FLAG !!! "Wow, That's What Is Wrong With People Now Days And Back Then, They Like To Pick And Choose In Their Religion What They Think Is Right No Matter What Our Creator Has Said And Way Too Many People Are Picking A Flag Over A Bible. Another One Of The Ten Commandments Also States That There Should Be NO Graven Images, Whether It Be Wood, Gold Or Silver And Yet Here They Are With Gold, Silver And Wooden And Also Cloth Images Of Crosses, And So On, "I Guess It's All In What A Man Or Women Chooses And The Hell - O With What Our Creator Says, Frankly People Not One Of Us Is Very Worthy Of Going To Heaven And I Don't Think That Any one Of Us Will Buy our Way Into Heaven, He Said It Would Be Easier For A Camel To Pass Through The Eye Of A Needle Than It Would Be For A Rich Man To Enter Into The Kingdom Of Heaven, If Any One Of Us Gets To Heaven With What All We Have Done ??? "Oh Well You Know That We Can't Hide Or Lie To Him Because After All A Sin Is A Sin And We All Are Guilty And Unworthy, "So I'd Be Dam Worried When It's Time To Meet - Face Him, "Right ? To Live Christ Like He Said, "Wrecking He's Got Credit Cards Or Computers, Fancy Cars Or Homes Or Maybe Money In The Bank, "To Live Christ Like, Didn't He Say To Give Up All Your Worldly Possesssions And Follow Him ? "I Think He Might Have Mention That, But What Have We Done Besides Kick Dirt In His Face And Destroy What It Took Him 6 Days To Create For Every Single One Of Us, "Why Would He Even Bother With Us Now, No Answer Is Needed, Killed And Stole Others Land Or Wasn't Happy With The Oil Prices That Other Countries Ask For, "So Go Murder For It And That Is All This World Is About And Always Has Been, "But For Christ Sakes Please Go Ahead And Justify That When You Meet Him In Person And Tell Him I Just Turned My Head When I Saw A Hungry Person Or Seen A Child Being Murdered, "Well All Of The Armies Are Guilty Of That Because They All Have Killed Other People, Even In Their Own Countries. I Don't Think That He Will Be So Loving And Understanding Or Have That Forgiveness ...

@feleciac80 - 11.02.2021 19:01

In the middle of watching this ,almost gave up until the subtle hints of comedy started. I had to pause to look when this was released because I could not help but notice that stash of tp!?🤣

@johnadeele4740 - 01.03.2021 04:02

Movie sucked

@reneegrate - 28.03.2021 23:52

I'll have to watch this one a 2nd time, it was filled with so many fast details...but I actually liked the ending. I don't recommend this for families with children.

@kenbarber6592 - 14.04.2021 05:15

I enjoyed the movie but, Angela Latimer, if you ever get the chance to re-edit this could you or Conor Jones please turn down the volume on the high-tension dramatic scenes because it really distracted from them. Thanks.

@donhoyt7518 - 14.05.2021 23:49

Why bring her in the house leave her in the trunk

@rebeccamoore2711 - 21.06.2021 19:18

I got the main plot but so many other side things going on I need to watch it again…or not!

@Comedybrand - 16.07.2021 16:57

Its like this movie watched harsh times and wanted to be like it...

@doreenstratton9667 - 30.07.2021 07:13

Loved it! Thankyou!!!

@canvasfaces - 03.09.2021 06:32

this one will surprise you. It'll make your stomach turn, but not for the reasons you expect. Definitely worth watching.

@wojciechdziuba1485 - 21.11.2021 06:31


@CatBrash - 26.11.2021 07:20

arent we a bit old to be bleeping out the swears

@Sonny84586 - 04.12.2021 05:02

Why is it censored?

@marlene-rr2ih - 09.01.2022 09:01

Audio's low

@karlahemphill3414 - 27.04.2022 06:44

Good movie👍👍👍

@jimaepperson556 - 05.05.2022 03:49

Sooo great ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️’s

@michaelkeegan2500 - 26.05.2022 03:03

This movie is annoying...kinda the " new dark" in Hollywood. It was bad enough they had to bury the hooker but to shoot the Chaplain? Good dark is like Reservoir Dogs. Bad dark is this. Frank seems to be this unwilling accomplice when he had the gun for a whole hour and could have been done with the whole situation

@direwolf6234 - 29.09.2022 02:44

don't waste your time .. just another stupid movie about degenerate low life's criminal behavior and violence .. no wonder why society is screwed people think this is art ...

@missmarya747 - 12.01.2023 03:41

There bleeping out cuss words 😂😂 😂😂😂, wow only on you tube😂😂😂😂😂 . Some weird 💩💩💩💩💩💩.

@berthaday3473 - 26.04.2023 02:51

WTF is wrong w/ the audio ???????????

@StillMsSubMSSve - 02.07.2023 08:59


@StillMsSubMSSve - 02.07.2023 17:38

Explain the last like one minute....please..anyone.

@desertodavid - 19.02.2024 23:05

Garbage in garbage out. What a POS movie

@alonzohooks1756 - 21.04.2024 03:21

good movie ...the rabbit hole affect i think its real...

@ClaudiaGale-wv9tz - 09.05.2024 21:38

Way too slow and snoozy

@andreaarmatage7695 - 17.10.2024 01:48

I live under a flight path so sometimes sleep can be sporadic....I slept right through a dozen incoming and another dozen outgoing large aircraft during this film !!! I will keep it on hand for a good snooze if I remember the name of it....
