man that ain’t no damn possum
Ответитьde cual se fumaron?
ОтветитьGreat film, relentlessly grim and well made. All is worn down, colorless, slimy, grimy and evil. Bit of a masterpiece, really. Too bad it bombed, but hopefully it will find its audience eventually.
ОтветитьWhat the freak???
ОтветитьAre there possums in it tho? Don't spoil it, gonna watch tonight.
ОтветитьSuch a sad traumatic film. Those wrestling with their own "possums" will understand it best.
ОтветитьFound it
ОтветитьGotta rate this 0/10 because of the side effects. Mainly that I can’t sleep alone in my house now
ОтветитьI NEED more movies like this
ОтветитьAmazing film. One of my absolute favorites.
ОтветитьHis frown in the beginning of the trailer almost got me to nah I'm good but after seeing the entire trailer I'm interested. Interesting.
ОтветитьOne of the most boring movies wver made
ОтветитьJesus Garth best work since the 80’s
ОтветитьI got an amber alert at the missing child part 😭
ОтветитьDoes britton know what a opossum is
Ответить... nope.
Ответитьvery underrated movie
Ответитьthis is the same actor from deliver us from evil the movie
ОтветитьThird class movie don’t watch at the ending i was like wtf
ОтветитьYou won't find Dame Edna if that's what your looking for in this 'Possum'!
ОтветитьOhioans go through this every day
ОтветитьWorst film ive watched in a while. So much promise went down the drain. People seriously have no idea what a good movie is nowadays.
ОтветитьIts actually a dwarf in possum clothing
ОтветитьAwful misrepresentation of a great movie, billed here as some Bye Bye Man schlock
ОтветитьProbably my favourite horror of all time. Visually and emotionally poignant, extremely disturbing. One of the very few films I've seen where the visual representation of the "scary thing" doesnt ruin it because it is literally the thing of nightmares. The whole film is extremely uncomfortable to watch . It sticks with you long afterwards
ОтветитьEstá película es muy mala
ОтветитьI just finally watched this movie and even afterwards I thought about it for over 30 minutes. I’ve come up with like 10 different theories along the way, but I’m pretty sure I know almost exactly how the storyline goes and what everything symbolizes. Absolutely brilliant atmosphere, layering, sound design and design overall. The story is well crafted and put together, and emphasized by the amazing performances. I may actually rewatch it later, this was absolutely fantastic. There was a reason I had this movie at the top of my to watch list for over two months. I went in almost completely blind, and I’m so glad I did. I love basically everything about this movie, a strong recommendation for anyone into surrealistic horror.
Also, I just gotta say, this trailer does an awful job at representing the movie. I know it’s to grab people’s attention, but it just feels wrong now that I’ve watched the movie…
ОтветитьSometimes, I wish I didn't have arachnophobia. Then I could enjoy these movies.
ОтветитьAverage visiting hometown for christmas break experience:
ОтветитьI wasn’t expecting Eminem was a good actor
ОтветитьThe trailer and the movie are two really different things
I think the movie is a masterpiece, yet, the trailer offered me something different lol glad I watched the movie before I saw this
basically the best horror movie i have ever seen. the acting is amazing, the metaphor is splendid, the ending is memorable. thank you for this piece of art
ОтветитьI have never jumped so hard at a film for years until this. I’m sure those who have seen it know…but wow I jumped out my skin!! Fab movie, creepy atmosphere and well worth a watch!!
ОтветитьThis movie reminds of my addiction to porn dvds in my early 20s.
ОтветитьPhenomenal acting performances in this. Great movie
ОтветитьWorst film I’ve ever watched HANDS DOWN
ОтветитьI saw it but didnt understand the message. Can someone explain?
ОтветитьBad movie. Waste of time.
ОтветитьSoul crushing film
ОтветитьIt makes me wonder but I hate sensationalism, impressionism and symbolism. It feels slighlty laughable. Realism above all else.
ОтветитьGives me 'Salad Fingers'' vibes
ОтветитьThis is not Possum, it's a Spider that has a human head!
ОтветитьThis movie is the best i saw in my life !!!
Ответить"waking up is it?....."