The Danube and Europe's Future

The Danube and Europe's Future


1 год назад

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xn0 - 12.09.2023 14:52


Big Yin
Big Yin - 07.09.2023 14:41

22.30 The Republic of Ireland is a glorified tax shelter. Don’t get too carried away.

Joshua Page
Joshua Page - 31.08.2023 00:57

Love the Louisiana state ball

Bill Turner
Bill Turner - 30.08.2023 21:57

Thing is Serbians dont care about economic development or logic they just want what they want theyr not a democracy and the ruling elite are paid handsomely by Russia to make trouble.
This will change at some point when Russia collapses and cant afford to pay anyone off and Serbia will continue to rott away in poverty
I know a few serbs here in England they always go on at every opportunity about NATO bombing them 😅
I tell them go home if they dont like it here they shut up ..
There kids say there parents are just Knuts 😅 time will sort it all out
But i see the EU collapsing before this is resolved
After all Germany pays for the EU and its going down hard and France wont pick upmthe bill 😅

Homonym - 28.08.2023 14:56

Not only has this video taught me masses about the geopolitical dynamics and history of the Donau, as a fellow resident of Vienna, it's broadened my horizons regarding Floridsdorf, which I had originally written off as a knock off Pokemon at the end of the U6. Turns out a smart lad lives there, and for that I am forever glad! Thanks mate.

Shebang! - 25.08.2023 14:55

Canada shares a border with Denmark, why are we being left out?

Daniil Pobiehaylo
Daniil Pobiehaylo - 24.08.2023 23:45

Using and developing Danube as a goods route is crucial in a face of Russia blocking safety of Black Sea

Man, so many problems with Serbia and creation of Transdanubia will disappear once Russia stop messing around

J Sam
J Sam - 20.08.2023 00:22

I dont think that any country will like to be in the same team as France😂

Kellan Koehmstedt
Kellan Koehmstedt - 17.08.2023 05:10

I love how on the map of the groups at the end that Switzerland is just doing its own thing. True neutrality.

Starman - 10.08.2023 16:35

And Germany belongs to no European sub group? Other than being the center and cuddling a lot with France and the Netherlands of course, haha

Ekes Andras
Ekes Andras - 08.08.2023 17:47

As someone living in Romania I am against joining Schengen. I am very happy that there is at least a little bit of border control left to stop car thieves, burglers, child traffickers, migrant smugglers, etc.
The few minutes of waiting time at the border don't bother me at all.

P.S.: I am also against Romania joining the Euro. It wouldn't benefit Romania, it would give away currency souvereignity and it would tempt our politicians to fall into the same debt trap as Greece.

Simon Bayart
Simon Bayart - 08.08.2023 14:20

It's been what ? 6 months since I last saw one of your vidéos man. And I gotta say its always one hell of a pleasure. The sheer commitment and astronomic amount of knowledge and detail brought up into the vid is astonishing.
The fact that you're not seen and subsidised by eu to teach and make us reflect on our policies is beyond me.
This channel is but legendary in helping anyone understand but any geopolitical stuff in a neutral vieuw.

Belgium sends its regards

plainText - 06.08.2023 17:34

Maybe I just missed it, but it seems kinda crazy to talk about the Danube as a means of transportation and not even mention the Danube-Main canal, which connects the Danube through the Main into the Rhine and finally up into the North sea and the Atlantic Ocean. Like you mentioned that the Danube could rival the Rhine in the future, without even mentioning that the two are already part of the same navigable system of waterways.

babiyar(nazarismaily) - 06.08.2023 00:06

Speaking for austrian influence floating thru the danube you can look the city of ruse in bulgaria which is called bulgarian vienna and is well restored comparison another town vidin again on the danube is located in the north west bulgaria which is the poorest region in whole eu ....vidin has amazin buildings from the beggining of the 20 century but they are falling apart exept one of top five biggest sinagoges in whole of europe which was recently restored( the second biggest is in sofia...we are the only nation to save our jews from the holocost and the jewish star they used to wear was 10 times smaller than in the west) can write vidin sinagoge and see it in google unique piece of architecture and its very proud of it

Nyiri Peti
Nyiri Peti - 05.08.2023 23:38

Ceaușescu was incompetent for sure. His government was not at all wrong though in building the canal. Shortens roads and preserves the delta. Better informed next time pls ❤

Plovak - 05.08.2023 18:31

As a Serb we dont want in to EU we want our borders to be respected and EU to stop trying to split Serbia in 3 parts then and only then we can join your faling sistem to take your money just like your frends up the border are doing! Nice job Orban hope Serbia will do the same thing one day!

fifi23o5 - 05.08.2023 15:16

Slovak Krainer?

Labki - 01.08.2023 14:28

Greetings from Kosovo 🇽🇰
Loved the video, just wanted to say at the end of the video, you can include Kosovo as Mediterranean Group. We love our big brother Albania 🇦🇱

Faffy_Waffles - 31.07.2023 15:32

More relevant now than ever bc Russian blockade of Ukraine

vlax12 - 31.07.2023 13:16

Relationship between Austria, Hungary and Serbia presented in this video is misleading and not true, especially relationship between Hungary and Serbia. Hungary and Serbia are (at the moment) in very good terms because of geopolitical common interests. Also, mentioned Serbian self-reflection could not be done if no other party is willing to do the same. Relationship with Russia is also very complicated theme in Serbia since we have all military equipment based on their technology and it is not simple task to replace that so we depend on them in that sense (the cost, solders already educated to use those technologies etc.) . If we try to switch to western weapons we risk of being attacked by Russians and also, we would need to go into huge dept in order to buy western based weapons so it would put us into dept slavery basically. There are even more complicated stuff that defines relationship between mentioned countries thus making analyze from this video ignorant and very misleading.

SaM or Peteren Pretene
SaM or Peteren Pretene - 31.07.2023 12:00

It doesn’t run from Romania to Ukraine. No way

White Wolf!
White Wolf! - 30.07.2023 05:15

Europe needs Romania and vice versa stop ✋️ all the nonsense bullshit u guys are talking here. And another thing Austria is a Russian ass linking nr 1 together with Hungary . Facts 😊 From Holland with love to all of u there . Cheers

Nekele - 29.07.2023 18:38

Bit late, but the yugo wasn't made in bepgrade but kragujevac

HellStr82 - 29.07.2023 08:22

Wait did you just say that it flows into the Black sea in Ukraine? Really? i mean are you sure about that statemant? Do you need a minute to look on a map ?

TheSkullThatTalks - 29.07.2023 00:54

But...what when Russia wins the war anbd gains large control of Black Sea? And it will win the war most definetly.Even if Russia looses on the operation which is going bad for Ucranians for now.Russia still has much more resources.Wouldn't it be cool if instead of Serbia having to bend the knee for injustices done upon it,some European countries accept Serbo Russian friendship and use it to export goods?

0815 Games
0815 Games - 28.07.2023 13:46


Betty Cocker
Betty Cocker - 28.07.2023 12:20

lol theres no way america could get goods delivered by river. we're soley rail and semi

dan henry
dan henry - 28.07.2023 12:14

Romania definitely wants to become more economically independent but it seems more interested in agreements with the US than Hungary or Austria. Hungary because it has never accepted Transylvania being parted to Romania and Austria because of what recently happened with the Schengen vote that was a huge slap to Romania’s years of development.

Honestly, if Hungary and Austria are trying to create this Danubian economic block in Central Europe, their political leadership is doing a really bad job making allies with its partners…

dan henry
dan henry - 28.07.2023 12:00

Romania 100% support Serbia’s integration

Ciprian Cimpan
Ciprian Cimpan - 27.07.2023 23:39

An interesting and informing video, albeit with some inaccuracies:
- Austria doesn't seem to actively foster cooperation with its Eastern partners (except for Russia).
- Austria opposes Schengen membership for Romania and Bulgaria, without reason, creating division in the "Transdanubian" group rather than bringing countries closer together.
- The "Dunăre-Marea Neagră" navigable way was indeed created with forced labor by the Romanian dictator, but its reasons are more sound than the video suggests. Less dependence on Russia, a historically unreliable partner, shortened distances and substantially reduced the impact on the sensitive Danube Delta ecosystems.
- Hungary is increasing its irredentist message, actively deteriorating relations with Romania. Viktor Orban's made some incendiary comments in Tușnad (RO) that put into question Romania's territorial integrity.

Considering the palpable tensions between countries in the Danube basin, the river will continue be ignored for another century, unfortunately.

FeEduard - 27.07.2023 15:25

Let's not be kidding ourselves. Austria wants this? If they wanted to do any of this, they wouldn't hate and treat Romania and Romanians like second class europeans, and deny us schengen just because they can

pedolski - 26.07.2023 06:08

Dönau 🥙

Florin Jurcovici
Florin Jurcovici - 25.07.2023 20:02

This clip is to a large extent just phantasy.

Vålen Gånev
Vålen Gånev - 25.07.2023 19:59


Necris - 25.07.2023 17:58

The hellfire in the comments was inevitable. At the end of the day we all live for is to eat our borscht (and it's endless variations) with a healthy chunk of home-made bread made by our loving grandmothers.

journeyman - 25.07.2023 16:17

the whole part about croatia and france is at least far-fetched...they recognized us same time as other EU states... and statement that france is one of biggest investors in croatia is a lie. didn't watch pass that nonsense

Pasky - 23.07.2023 11:29

Ukraine Sucks

Milox - 23.07.2023 10:13

Very good analysis. AU, HU, SRB, RO <3

vivaparenzo - 20.07.2023 21:51

Whole video is based on Serbia being backward country, as barges could only be operated in EU countries. Thing is Serbia could be part of economic union or indipendent, and EU still has a lot of power to ensure Serbia would not put big taxes or tarifs on river transport once industry is established along Danube. Croatians at least had some tradition of western culture from being tied with Austria-Hungary and Venice. Also Croatia had its own short-lived copy of Italian reneissance at coastal towns cut short by being European stronghold against Ottoman, same as Ukranians today ( reason of strange shape of Croatia). Serbia doesnt have same history, they went from feudalism to occupation to communism. People of Serbian origin are different in their psihology toward force and autority, similar to Russians, but additionaly stressed about nationalism and fear of foreigners cause of Ottoman experience. Best thing for all is to integrate economicaly with Serbia while making sure they have free markets, but not politicaly for next 50 years. That way Serbian can enter EU with some genuine pride, and optimism, and also generation who remembers fiasco of Yugoslav wars, that is, Serbia agains all others, will die in next 50 years. How on earth can people who stood by, watching their friends going to attack neighbor efter neighbour country, join EU today.

matthias mauritz
matthias mauritz - 20.07.2023 13:51

Sup from Tirol ^^ :)

sisimoto - 20.07.2023 12:42

In short. From Hungarian point of view its different than others in the neighbourhood. Why? Because unfotunately the danube after ww1 became more like border instead of bonding, or connection between ppl... And it was done intentionally.. We Hungarians were separated from each other by artificial borders, or simply rivers were choosen as natural borders. Again.. And there were no will, or wish to build bridges, connections for a very long time, in order to simply isolate the independent Hungarian state, which borders, by the way were artificially created by the antant, based on the military strategic requests of neighbouring nations.. What is left, is the current borders of Hungary. So isolation also means no transpotation allowed, including on the danube thru Hungary. Who wanted this? Certainly not Hungarians. Not We draw, and created those artificial borders between Us, as our neighbours decided to act to destroy Hungary, which fact everybody need to be aware of. We are. So borders of the treaty of trianon dictates were different than what you know today. Those borders were CLOSED and GUARDED. And people whom tried to cross, lets say to see relatives, were shot. So the danube wasnt neglected by Hungarians by any means, and in contrary, our engineers worked to solve many issues, including floods prevention, or building infrastructures necessary for trade, and logistics.. But if you have neighbours, like newly born slovakia, which we had multiple issues regarding danube watercontrol.. Or huge cyanide spill into river Tisza poisoning large scale section, killing the rivers living creatures, arriving from romania back in 2000.. We got not even reparations, or apologies.. So neglecting is an empty phrase, and not speaking about the involving nations actions and behaviour...

Dan B
Dan B - 19.07.2023 13:28

Don't know why, but you forgot to mention the 2 big dams built by Ceausescu and former Yugoslavia on the Danube.
And the creation of the canal to the Black Sea, even if not intended for this, helped maintaining the Delta clean.

Ferenc Bulker
Ferenc Bulker - 17.07.2023 10:15

Kraut, you don't make enough researches for your videos. I can criticize every lines in your video.

Woloh - 17.07.2023 07:47

Thank you for the Belarusian flag. The right one.
Q. Do you see a conflict between the concepts of Danubia and Intermarium?

HauntedPancake - 16.07.2023 03:20

( I'm so sorry, but I couldn't resist 😄)
