Forward Sacroiliac joint (SIJ) torsions (Nutation) R-on-R  or L-on-L

Forward Sacroiliac joint (SIJ) torsions (Nutation) R-on-R or L-on-L

John Gibbons

5 лет назад

13,797 Просмотров

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@Fruitysfaction - 16.10.2018 08:25

Enjoying me some full HD at 60 fps

@danielb8888 - 16.10.2018 09:10

What do you do about this?

@victoriaburg632 - 16.10.2018 18:27

Where can I set up an appointment with you?!

@gonsteadchiropractordong8918 - 17.03.2020 12:37

Dear Sir got a question for you. I suffered from right SIJ pain 3 years ago while doing a single-leg deadlift in the gym and I made some assessement by myself and it may be a L-L. I have watched and learned amostly all your videos. I want to ask you if a L-L torsion of the sacrum can lead to pain near my right SIJ, just the area around my PSIS. I am learning physical therapy and sports rehabilitation as a student in China. Hope I can learn from you a lot and thank you very much.

@longce-imingti9014 - 10.10.2020 21:05

Dr.John Thank you for replying to my previous comments here on your highly informative channel. Could you please tell me if in a L on L torsion, can the SIMS technique which uses the piriformis be really effective in influencing /bringing the deep lying muscles like- scarotuburous, sacrospinous, interosseous etc which are directly around the SIJ back to its neutral state and also potentially bringing the pelvic floor muscles to neutral, incase if these muscles have been unbalanced precisely because of the L on L torsion? Basically resolving the entire L on L torsion and bringing about neutral tensegrity in the entire pelvic region. Sorry for the long question. Hope I am able to make sense to you. Thank you for considering. Hope you're having a good weekend.

@EBP_rehab_performance - 16.10.2020 17:08

So do you only use the resting position of the lumbar spine to determine your axis or do you ever use the seated flexion test?

@venkataqa8431 - 26.03.2021 04:40

Hi John
I have pain in left side buttocks
I have taken mri scan recently everything is normal doctor said .. pelvic specialist and spine doctor, orthopedic doctor is normal..
But I have pain in left side after postpartum delivery since 2015 till today vaginal delivery..I went physiotherapy but my pain wasn't reduce..

No one find out the root cause of pain
It's a nerve pain or muscle pain..

@mjclaudianava5397 - 26.10.2021 01:20

Does Lt on Lt sacral torsion make Lt PSIS prominent?

@kaitlynborges8839 - 05.12.2021 21:50

Hi Mr. Gibbons,
I have a question and hope you can answer it for me...

Through this video I understood that In prone, when there is lumbar lordosis, the sacrum is nutated and when the lumbar lordosis is flattened the sacrum is counternutated....

If the right side sulcus is deeper, the sacrum is rotated to left
And if there is a lumbar lordosis - it's neutated
Which means - Left on left Forward torsion

I was wondering if under a patho-mechanical Situation, is it possible to have a counternutated sacrum with a lordotic lumbar spine (In prone) ????
( OR nutated Sacrum with
flattened lumbar spine ?)

Thanks in advance

@carbondioxide4199 - 24.09.2023 02:10

Is there any other tests to know if the sacrum is in nutation or counter!
