What is Intimacy Anorexia and How to Handle it in Marriage | Dr. Lenne' Hunt

What is Intimacy Anorexia and How to Handle it in Marriage | Dr. Lenne' Hunt

Dr. David Hawkins

4 года назад

7,808 Просмотров

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@charmainwilliams-farrar2559 - 15.12.2020 06:02

You have described what I'm living in and desperately want to get out this place. Thank you for this video.

@lauram7101 - 17.12.2020 17:40

Thank you for affirming that the desire for intimacy is healthy and not an unreasonable expectation.

@JenniHayward - 18.12.2020 01:54

And if one person is emotionally withdrawn because safety has been violated (whether emotionally, physically, or both) in the marriage, you MUST restore safety before pursuing intimacy. There can be no real intimacy without safety and trust.

@womanatthewell9603 - 23.12.2020 06:52

You just described my life. Thank you for validating my situation, because I often think this is crazy.

@Lexilea68 - 27.12.2020 03:13

I ordered your book. I developed CRPS from a simple fall. My husband is emotionally cruel to me.

@verogarcia9592 - 29.12.2020 20:32

Oh my goodness! You described me! I always felt so lonely even at the beginning of my marriage. Used and alone. Sometimes I felt like I was playing a role of his mother.

@verogarcia9592 - 29.12.2020 20:33

Oh my goodness! You described me! I always felt so lonely even at the beginning of my marriage. Used and alone. Sometimes I felt like I was playing a role of his mother.

@lauram7101 - 30.01.2021 17:13

Do you offer information on emotional neglect? Probably some overlap with intimacy anorexia.

@debbiekinner417 - 28.02.2021 05:43

Oh this is such a painful and lonely life!

@caronlynch8593 - 17.11.2023 04:12

This is happening to me, its torment x

@JulesLeBrew - 19.11.2023 03:55

thank you!

@manalallehyani8885 - 08.05.2024 03:33

After 13 years of marriage, I feel so angry that I wasted my life with a person incapable of providing love. Even after 4 years of divorce, I am still angry. The way he made me feel unloved, unwanted, not enoug, and undeserving.

@mikegreco5597 - 05.01.2025 23:26

My wife participates, but she just goes through the motions.
