Ah yes. Now he can flex on everyone else that he got it 🔥
ОтветитьHow can u donate th, wait
Nonono DONT
I got the notification before when I discarded a sticker, but i didn’t get it because it didn’t know it was supposed to be in a field :(
Ответить29 more likes for the goal
ОтветитьWhy are you wearing the coconut canister and demon mask but using the magnet?? wth
ОтветитьOh I didn't know it was rare, just like the noob bear
Ответитьyeah cool can I have it
Ответитьi got it from beequips 💀
ОтветитьHow do you make macro do the sticker printer?
ОтветитьSince when are there stickers in BSS??? What did I miss?
ОтветитьI got it on sunflower field by accident lol
ОтветитьRemember me? When you become famous remember me
Ответитьchop chop lil bro
ОтветитьThe fact that i used it in buffs is just hilarious 🥲
Ответитьcan you get them from deleting stickers in your inbox?
ОтветитьBro i got the eviction sticker but i used it in the sticker stack since i didn't know it was rare😅
Ответитьnoooo i literally got it today but i didnt find the field to collect it
ОтветитьI just got it this morning after discarding a tough potato, spawned in the dandelion field next to the biggest dandelion
I swear the biggest dandelion has so much luck, I got a mythic puff there, petal wand sticker after ~10 swings and then eviction sticker
Bro I've got eviction and I didn't expect that Im just deleting my trash sticker I mean I think it 5 to 4 sticker and I got it
ОтветитьI honestly feel like quitting after what just happened, I randomly got it while playing and I didn’t know it was a token and so I left the game. I just feel defeated and stupid
ОтветитьOne time when i deleted it told me that, but i had no idea where it spawned
Ответитьim crazy sad since i traded it for something bad :(
Ответитьhow much is that worth tho? in terms of signs?
Ответитьdoes anyone know if this sticker can despawn in the field?
ОтветитьI just got it but couldn’t find it :(
ОтветитьI got it by just grinding
Ответитьidk bruh i just randomly got it when i was deleting a green checkmark sticker the sticker seeker machine gave to me
ОтветитьI got person doodle farming randomly in 15 bees area
ОтветитьThis is like a reference to the eviction item thst used to be in the game