You're Being Exploited.

You're Being Exploited.

Amala Ekpunobi

3 дня назад

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@SakeenahStephens - 03.03.2025 02:25

Gabrielle Union & Dwayne Wade sacrificed that boy for the elites. They both sold their souls for success, and they therefore OWED the d3vil. I wish more people understood this, but I'm glad to see so many people are waking up!!!

@Shadowdragon_TV - 03.03.2025 03:29

I didn't know how deep this went until you explained it. Wow, they are gaining off this child's confusion. We've seen this several times now with the outspoken who transitioned as children because a doctor told them its okay and live with the regret later in life. I feel bad for the biological mother who is fighting to save this child from their own father.

@Nana720jygi - 03.03.2025 03:51

It's a diabolical action any parent can do to their child, Gabrielle Union, as a step mom to this poor child, doesn't care, it's not her child, that's why she was very encouraging

@Nana720jygi - 03.03.2025 03:51

Dwayne is evil to do this to his child

@shantiwalker2237 - 03.03.2025 03:52

If you go look up Gabrielle union talking about her ex husband and their marriage… you will see that’s her ideology… she’s a big feminist

@rrobertson4191 - 03.03.2025 05:58

I pray for that young boy.

@revelcosmi - 03.03.2025 07:16

Even for certain dog breeds its recommended to to wait to neuter/spay them till they’ve fully matured because stopping their development prior to full maturity causes greater health issues. Science is respected for animals but not for humans… make it make sense.

@cassandralaveus5290 - 03.03.2025 07:42

I couldn’t even finish this video.

@Craigstacks - 03.03.2025 08:17

Great content you definitely have a new subscriber in me I love the honesty

@jjthe13th - 03.03.2025 09:06

Can't drive, can't get tattoos, can't get money, can't consent, because "kids don't know any better" but yeah they can change genders and entire s£xual organs and define their gender and on that front, they KNOW who they are and what they're into

Wtf happened to freedom? Kids just being kids? This generation is cooked I feel sorry for them.

@ILoveUs_AmericanBWandGirls - 03.03.2025 09:42

That is DW son not Gabrielle's. DW has the final say and is responsible for what happens to his son. Yall love to blame women and coddle males 😒

@DaOneDeeMoney - 03.03.2025 10:18

Zara Wade is living a very privileged life as a Trans woman and a child should not be making this typeofdecision

@truthlove1012 - 03.03.2025 12:23

Dwayne Wade and his son’s situation is one of the most demonic, shocking things I ever seen in my life🤦🏾‍♂️

@cuziMtruth - 03.03.2025 12:42

At 12 I knew I was gay. It’s different from feeling you are born in the wrong body. But I knew I was gay. And I’m still gay 25 years later.

@deewoo2776 - 03.03.2025 13:27

I lost my respect to Dwayne Wade and Gabrielle Union. They are pushing an agenda that they shouldn't be a part of.
So sad.

@AlfredVogt-w4l - 03.03.2025 13:45

Pushing the agenda the parents are gaining from it from the higher ups

@kitcowool - 03.03.2025 15:20

At 12 I was pretending to be Harriet the Spy (RIP Michelle Trachtenberg), trolling neighbors while being upset that no one would by me a yellow trench coat and I had to use my red rain coat. This is ridiculous!

@ThaCobbler - 03.03.2025 15:43

Go to God . Please !!!!! He will show you the truth . God bless

@spiritualbambina8530 - 03.03.2025 16:22

This is all confusion and selling a dream or a “fix it” to those suffering from identity issues and self acceptance

@WesleyHillard - 03.03.2025 16:48

Transitioned???? Yea, ok folks.

@WesleyHillard - 03.03.2025 16:49

Good people don't fall for the.......

@jbone2107 - 03.03.2025 17:02

Controversial take, no one is born gay. The same way no one is born straight. These are learned behaviors. There was a boy left in the wilderness and grew up with wolves and truly believe that he was an wolf. Let’s use some common sense here.

@depressed_weighted_B1anket - 03.03.2025 17:08

Exactly! This is going to lead this child to an identity crisis. Like especially in the Black community.

They better WAKE UP! This child better wake up.

@vmac38 - 03.03.2025 17:33

I've had this conversation with many people. At the end of the day, people are entitled to their opinion, based on how they feel. Then, there are the facts. There are only two sexes, male and female. How you feel doesn't change that. How you dress doesn't change that and no amount of surgery is going to change that.

I'm not saying anyone experiencing gender dysphoria should ever be treated unfairly or poorly by others. Everyone should be treated with respect and dignity.

What I don't agree with is transitioning kids to present as the opposite sex. It's cruel and selfish. It is medical care that will be needed for the rest of their lives. Why put your child through unnecessary hardship?

@morgan1999 - 03.03.2025 18:51

It's all about the money, and it's disgusting. Imagine they mom who birth the child doesn't have a say in her child's life and having to go to court to take a stand. 😢

@adaezeonuchukwu6769 - 03.03.2025 18:52

Quick question. where is that child's mother?

@bummblebee77 - 03.03.2025 19:47

I thought she was, or he was, the son of Wayne Brady. The kid looks like Wayne Brady.

@marcd303 - 03.03.2025 20:36

Some people obviously find it more beneficial to have a trans child than a gay one. Sad.

@cheesecakeonice - 03.03.2025 20:36

I grew up the only girl amongst 5 boys ..I was a tomboy at 12 and hated skirts or dresses .I wore my brothers clothes all the time .I had no female friends .I was a very sheltered child. So sheltered and protected that the first time i saw two people kissing was in college..I never thought i was a boy stuck in a girls body ever 😂 brothers always reminded me i was a girl and made sure they protected me .I stayed a focused very level headed and a virgin until i married my dear husband and moved to the united states ..I owe my brothers and my mom alot for how well they raised me despite our father passing away suddenly from a heart attack .I learnt so much from my brothers that it helped me choose the right man to date when i was ready .They kept me out of trouble and made sure i succeeded in everything i did ..Never did drugs or Alcohol, never had a first kiss or flirt with boys ..I stuck to my goals and finished college before i turned 14 ..Looking back at my life now if i grew up in the united states, id be called queer or given a weird label 😅..

@JemarckLeblanc - 03.03.2025 20:52

The scriptures say if you remove your parts you won’t be saved at all in the Old Testament

@PhantomThief7 - 03.03.2025 21:46

Girl stop spreading ignorance and focus on something productive.
I swear they need to start taking folks mics

@deebostall - 03.03.2025 21:48

i dnt care what u do with your body but i think it should be illegal until your an adult unecassary surgical procedures on minors should be an absolute no! to think you understand who you are at 12 is crazy work i wasnt even dating when i was 12 i was worried about sports and gaming im a completely different person that i was at 12 and to make a decision based on who you think you are as a kid is crazy and as a parent having grown and experienced changing yourself mentally shame on you for doing that to your child

@melindapearl7629 - 03.03.2025 21:51

I agree with everything you said.

@Cinnamon-l7w - 03.03.2025 22:19

It’s crazy how a 17 year old from a wealthy family can complain about discrimination ON THE COVER OF SEVENTEEN MAGAZINE!

@angeletac.2384 - 03.03.2025 22:43

Gabrielle has always been the mastermind

@PrideRoc - 04.03.2025 00:04

When Wade started painting his toes, I knew he was so far gone. Fucked up his son got caught up in all the nonsense. Sad part about it is, he can’t even come back 🤦🏾‍♂️

@the_sober_drink - 04.03.2025 00:59

But God…

@Pearlebaby - 04.03.2025 01:11

This was perfectly stated

@epic7224 - 04.03.2025 01:36

Sorry but Zaya does look like a boy, theres just a bone structure that doesnt go away. Idk how to explain it. I really feel for Zaya though.

@21DegrassiStreet - 04.03.2025 01:42

So she can’t legally vote or drink, but can transition. Make it make sense. I have zero issues with transitioning…..after they are no longer a minor…

@epic7224 - 04.03.2025 01:42

Zaya as a 1% rich person saying they will never be safe is crazy

@epic7224 - 04.03.2025 01:44

Gabriel clearly raised Zaya to hate men.

@Samantha-i2w3w - 04.03.2025 02:39

God gon punish us all for our sins,yet messing with children( innocent),has to come with more severe punishment- it's a shame how blk folks done lost their damned minds,picking up all these wicked ways,chasing this world!!!!!! If they not shamed, SOMETHING IS SERIOUSLY WRONG WITH THEM!!!!!!!

@christineharris3509 - 04.03.2025 02:50


@christineharris3509 - 04.03.2025 04:14


@rondadonjuan4102 - 04.03.2025 07:07

Imagine if dwade sold his child for a kidney 😮

@IRL-i6g - 04.03.2025 09:54

Wonder what he gone do bout them big ass feet? Will ue have surgery on those , too? This is so wrong and one day he will hate them and himslef for this.

@QuirkyTJones - 04.03.2025 11:00

The food and water has to be tied to this issue with this generation
