This was EXCELLENT. Thoughtful and enjoyable delivery. Want to find if you’ve reviewed Motion
ОтветитьLove this video so much ❤❤❤❤ looking at all of these now to see which is best
ОтветитьOoo would be curious about your take on where Obsidian stands on these apps, maybe that doesn’t count as it’s not a productivity based platform?
ОтветитьI love Milanote, but the idk if the price is really worth it, tbh. Working on the free one for now
ОтветитьThis was a cool topic! I'm a combination of the first type, sticky notes - they're everywhere around my command central and in my spirals and journals/planners - and the spiral notebook type (although each page in my spiral is a NEW list or jotted note or diagram - I love spiral notebooks!) and I MUCH prefer Asana to Trello. So, I think you essentially nailed it for me! I do NOT like Trello. As an aside, I just have to say, isn't it wonderful that we have so many options so that everyone can find what works for them!?! I love it!
Ответитьthis is so helpful thank you! I think Asana may be for me as I have digital lists everywhere... but I may check out Clickup
ОтветитьJust a heads up, I have been consuming your content for some time now - great work btw - thank you. Also, I am finally ready to take the plunge and sign up for Smart Suite, and I want to support your content - and wanted to let you know that your affiliate link for Smart Suite is missing from your video description above. I found it another video, but thought it would help you and people if you had it on this video too :)
ОтветитьThis video is brilliant.
ОтветитьThank you! I’m going to try 2 after Click Up wasn’t right for me. Your descriptions were so incredibly helpful! I just installed Asana and Todoist to try. (I’m autistic/adhd so it could really go either way lol)
ОтветитьThank you! Great video. Milanote is amazing!!!
ОтветитьI agree with finding something that works with your original working style. I love lists, different visualizations and not needing to rewrite the same items in different sheets. I use ClickUp and love it.
ОтветитьFantastic concept!
ОтветитьOMG, you deserve a MacArthur fellowship. Thanks for the link to the text version of this video, too, which was much better for my quick read.
ОтветитьI love this!!! I'm definitely an Asana kind of person!!! But what about people who live by calendars in combination with spiral bound and emails?
(I do find I like ClickUp slightly more than Asana, but sometimes forget to check into ClickUp)
I soooo appreciate this holistic, person-centered, style-centered approach to choosing a tool. (Count on a smart woman to come up with this user-centered way of choosing.) Your video was worth 6 other videos I watched previously. I guessed about 70% but only from 2nd hand reviews - I haven't used any of these and am now choosing. I fall in between a few categories depending on the work to be done, but I feel like this got me a lot closer to which 4 to dig more deeply into (fyi, Asana, ToDoist, Notion, Clickup). I am a solopreneur, so don't need all the team-based bells & whistles, but I do like optional views that include gantt-type management, so not sure all these have that. Thanks!
ОтветитьI am a bullet-point list kind of person. I've been using Google Keep and Tick Tick but neither have been quite right. (Tick Tick was close but there's a limit on number of tasks you can list.) I'll try out Notion!
ОтветитьGreat video. Thanks
ОтветитьI flipped between wrike, click up, trello, Google calendar and paper planners... Google calendar worked for me. But seems that todoist could be my next adventure
ОтветитьStickinote: Trello = MInimalistic and perfect for the stickynote person Agreed.
Bulletinaire: I'd say slack and/or Obsidian. Slack Where you can throw stuff at people. Obsidian where you can make connections like a bulletn board with string (I don't know about Milonote)
Bullet Journaler: (that's me I was a bullet journaler) And I use notion - which isn't good for that I've discovered. HA! You agree about using notion! But at the time of this, I use notion for notes, but not for Project Management.
Inbox hoarder: Use evernote! This was me for a while, and I've offloaded to notion. But Evernote is better if they aren't a bullet journal enthusiest. As for Basecamp. But Evernote isn't good for PM, soyou might be right.
Spiralbound notebook person: I'd say asana or Motion. BOOM Asana! But as of this writing, motion is a little bit better for the disorganized spiral bound person who uses AI to schedule events.
Agenda people: Using the schedule: Also Motion would be the best one. They would get excited over it. Click up is a clever reccomendation! But I didn't think of it, because I don't like it.
Thank you for such fantastic advice!!! I was trying to force myself to using Notion for the past 2 months and I hated every minute of it! This helps me immensely. Todoist is the perfect fit! ❤
ОтветитьI'm quite chaotic person, that dont like to make notes, and try to trust my memory, which is of course not perfect. Even if I'm going on shopping, I need to argue with my girlfriend, that I dont want to make a shopping list, because I remember everything. ;) In my job we got also a quite chaotic way of working and sometimes lack of communication starting from the top (nobody is asking us for estimations for new projects, something needs to be done let's say next month and that's it) . You never know, when new projects arrives, priorities are changing all the time so planning anything is very hard and use for example sprints does make sense. Besides of gitlab and our ticket system we we trying to use Asana in free version, but its quite limited. Personally I like trello, I like more and more Notion, but still with so many possibilities there I still dont have system, how I would like to orgranize my knowledge there. Lately I'm playing around with ClickUp. Not bad tool, maybe I would like to use it for my personal projects and maybe at work, but also I would like to stick with free version. I don't know, the number of tools on the market is sometimes overwhelming, each tool has something I like and don't like, so choosing one for everything isn't a good idea either in my opinion.
ОтветитьI love Asana. I’m an artist so I’m very visual and use a lot of color coding so I love the “add to another project feature” I’m also a solopreneur and don’t need a ton of features so asanas free plan works for me. I’ve tried ClickUp and I do love some of the added functionalities it’s just too busy for me. I like it’s project management features but it’s too busy for me to use as an information library or information management hub
Ответитьmy brain at the last part was like "excel. no wait..."
ОтветитьThe one thing I’ve been looking for in all of these tools (I have tried Trello and Todoist from your list, but others as well) is a Do This After This kind of task.
To use my house as an example: I want to paint a room, but it has a few old picture holes. If I don’t have time to tackle all of it at once, it’s helpful to break the project into parts:
- buy materials
- patch up the holes
- paint the walls
- put everything back in storage
With most tools, I saw all tasks from all projects and it’s always daunting. All I need to see is the first task: “buy materials” when I’m done with that, the new task shows up (“patch holes”).
I just began using ClickUp and they offer this feature. I’m loving it!
I like the clean look of Todoist, but dependency tasks is where it’s at for me 😀
You have done an excellent work on refering these task or project management tools to a type of personality, and is exactly what I was looking for because I was going crazy on my search for a tool. Appretiate it. I think your video could be a very valuable help for lots of people in this situation.
ОтветитьOmg this is amazing. I am #5 and you are so right. I have tried many digital tools and planners and I always go back to Asana (or to manual method of just listing to do stuff in my notebook).
ОтветитьSpeaking of personality type, Layla do you know your MBTI type or Enneagram?
You remind me a liiiitle of myself, but maybe not exactly my type.
I’m an ENFJ in Myers Briggs.
sucks that i didnt find this channel sooner. took 8 months for me to figure out clickup and todoist are my fave
ОтветитьSticky Meister: Trello
Bulletinaire: Notion. I didn't know Milanote
Bullet Journalista: ??? That is me, this is why I'm here. Ok, I don't think Notion is the best for me, so maybe it's not me? Ok, the manuality is not what I enjoy necessarily.
Inbox Hoarder: Todoist or something similar? Maybe this is me?
Spiral Bound: Ok yes, this is me. Just do it. Asana?? Wow, I thought about it at some point... but their app wasn't the best if I remember correctly..
Agenda: google calendar?
Great video! Looking for a task manager option? Watch this closely and find the solution.
ОтветитьThank you for this. I fit personality 6.
ОтветитьOMG! I'm a spiral sevant. I just downloaded Asana and love how it works. Thank you.
ОтветитьIt could be bunnnies 😊
ОтветитьPersonality Type --> My Software Guess
1. Sticky Notes Master --> Sticky Notes App in Mac or Windows.
2. Bulletinaire -> Canva or OneNote
3. Bullet Journalist --> OneNote
4. eInbox Hoarder --> Tasks in Outlook
5. Spiral Savant --> ??
6. People with Agendas --> Digital Calendar
I sucked at this experiment, but the last bit of this video was a 💡moment for me because, like you Layla, I'm always changing the way I capture and view my information. And I'm learning to use SmartSuite in Foundations (with you)! :D
no jira?
ОтветитьVery good vídeo. Thank U.
ОтветитьAfter researching for a couple hours, I was feeling overwhelmed by all the choices of apps and programs and this video REALLY helped me focus down. Thanks for the unique perspective!
ОтветитьMilanote has such great potential but it so limited at the moment.
ОтветитьGreat video!
ОтветитьYou took the guess work out of my task management. You're doing the lords work.
ОтветитьSubscribed and shared. Great video!
ОтветитьThank you! I'm going to try Milanote & Notions. Hoping they're not as awful as the rest.
Ответитьmy god I consumed so much task management content, and all of it was barely scratching the surface level, your personality approach is honestly genius, for that I'm subscribed
ОтветитьI am an agenda person and I guess Notion would fit me best
Ответить1- GOOGLE KEEP
I think mine will be ClickUp