How to Make Pixel Art Isometric Tilesets

How to Make Pixel Art Isometric Tilesets

Apox Fox

5 месяцев назад

19,590 Просмотров

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@ThdButterMan - 22.09.2024 02:18

great tutorial, straightfoward and simple to follow. thank you.

@cheesymcnuggets - 22.09.2024 04:17

This reminds me of AdamCYounis

@dailydoodle42 - 22.09.2024 13:36

Great video! For anyone who wonders these two examples are called dimetric. Then you also have trimetric in which all of the angles are different

@Hex_is - 22.09.2024 16:14

Awesome video this helped me a lot! earned a sub!

@zdeloffline - 22.09.2024 17:42

Man your videos are helpful I'm adding them to my playlist

@limeyrolls - 27.09.2024 21:40

awesome video dude. I just bought asesprite today and am testing out diffferent tilemap variations and this helps a ton with understanding how they work. You got a new sub :)

@Skeffles - 29.09.2024 14:26

Brilliant video! I love seeing what people can make in isometric worlds.

@rmdcompositions - 01.10.2024 00:51

Awesome quality explanation video as always Apox Fox 🙌😎

@LetsFranciOfficial - 04.10.2024 03:23

Hey, I found your channel because I want to make my first game in this style, and which canvas size should I use for isometric art, or what size are you using for isometric? I don’t know whether to use 16x16 or 256x256. I’m very new to pixel art and isometric art; I just started this month with pixel art in this style. I’ve made some pixel art before, but it was for a Minecraft texture pack, and the things I made weren’t very big or complicated. And for the game i wont some texture to be more detailed.

@edzu2771 - 22.10.2024 05:06

Dude, this is crazy! Like my brain was actually scratching itself. Do you think this would work in RPG Maker?

@karmakunh552 - 04.11.2024 22:25

Super cool video, thank you mate! Is the game you are making already available ?

@johnonyango3166 - 05.11.2024 01:19

Great video. I was following a long in Aseprite and it came out pretty well 😊

@daisukeyamamoto3705 - 08.11.2024 15:55

OR Make it in Asprite and then test it in Tiled, No engine required

@SadTown99 - 10.12.2024 02:29

Thanks for uploading this dude, I never would have attempted this otherwise.. Love the building block examples you showed, appreciate ya as always 👏

@GulshodaBoqiyeva-r4t - 17.12.2024 16:33

is it aseprite?

@GulshodaBoqiyeva-r4t - 17.12.2024 16:34

is it aseprite?

@beepie7673 - 30.12.2024 16:49

My main worry about making a 2D isometric game is creating all the artwork, then finding out the grid is set at a slightly different angle and I have to redraw everything. Or do I set the grid to my artwork? How do I know what height/width, ange etc to draw at?! Thank you!

@albertgracilla4306 - 11.01.2025 08:18

please make more videos, the ones Im watching are either made 3 years ago or have not uploadedany new videos for the past 3 years

@manasik6108 - 11.01.2025 16:54

As someone whose drawing skills is limited to stick figures this is the best tutorial i have watched so far. Any tips for shading and highligiting? my drawings does seem to have depth but colours seems slighly off or not as blended.

@maisu_art - 15.01.2025 21:55

Too long intro

@smoogles.5534 - 19.01.2025 19:47

so crazy there is courses on COLOSSO that teach pixel art for 300 dollars and you're here teaching it for free, love you for it.

@ActuallyRenard - 14.02.2025 03:13

Thank you, that was a lesson for sure!

@MarkUdaundo - 06.03.2025 12:57

Hi can i ask how do you make the waterblock? it looks cool and i want to learn howd you make it work
