HOUSE TOUR | Inside A Classic Colonial Home in Connecticut

HOUSE TOUR | Inside A Classic Colonial Home in Connecticut


1 год назад

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@silvergirl7810 - 21.03.2024 17:54

That equestrian painting was just killer! 300? Omg what a find- I’m so jealous! I love her home- she did such a great job creating a soft, cozy and classic environment- I love this tour. Very inspiring 🩵🤍🩵🤍🩵🤍🤍🩵🤍🩵🤍🩵

@Loupadron2010 - 24.03.2024 05:13

A phenomenal warm, amicable, loving woman/person that you are thank you for sharing the sensibility and privacy of your domain and an outstanding colonial home in New Canaan, Connecticut. I hope someday soon in the future I can have my dream home a center hall colonial with more room than the humble abode which we have now mother and I since we lost my father. All the best in your future endeavors and with those beautiful little ones Miss Lillian and Mr. Pierce. God Bless.

@judyderieux8484 - 25.03.2024 18:39

Sorry but I had to stop watching. Everytime you said "om" I cringe.....please take time to quit using that word. It's so,so annoying......Sorry...

@MarionMarcy - 27.03.2024 21:02

Gorgeous home! Thank you for inviting us in- What is the paint color in the dining room? Thank you!

@marieschmidt9416 - 02.04.2024 05:21

Lovely home inside, but I could have done without the 101 ummmms and the name dropping. It was the decor that I was interested in, not "old money".

@AlexandraKozub-tp7fe - 03.04.2024 07:41

Nice home I have loads of collectibles and vintage furniture etc only problem is the home is a brick ranch and Have not much room/space for all the things I love.

@AlexandraKozub-tp7fe - 03.04.2024 07:43

We have a problem lol every surface is covered that’s what my son says . There is no room to set your coffee oh boy

@AlexandraKozub-tp7fe - 03.04.2024 07:45

I hope I win the lottery soon I’m getting a huge A frame wood home on the ocean so I can here the waves and will rock me to sleep.

@AlexandraKozub-tp7fe - 03.04.2024 07:48

My home too small no room to linger I buy sale trade collect things jome is partially storage no spare guest room it’s full of goodies and finished basement is full to the ceiling of stuff

@AlexandraKozub-tp7fe - 03.04.2024 08:05

I have many gorgeous things home decor capidemonte pinwheel crystal Murano glass loads of porch it I have no space home is too small lol plus I am not a show off I have everything want a huge home hope I win the lottery lol

@beatricelutchmiah8399 - 11.04.2024 22:24

Beautiful home almost. She was too careful more color is needed.
Dont be scared

@meowma201 - 13.04.2024 12:59

Too much chatter and less visual

@janpatterson6302 - 13.04.2024 18:18

Beautifully staged. I like a cozy home that I can sit in a chair and put my feet up on a footstool and a end table to set my drink or coffee on.

@voulaspiros5847 - 15.04.2024 14:21

Halo. From Australia You Home Is Gorgeous. Amazing I love Everything thank you for sharing it with us lots of love from Australia 🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇦🇺

@leem200 - 21.04.2024 04:05

I love your home. Mine is small but I can get loads of Ideas from you. Your home has wow factor every area when you see it. Thank you so much for inviting us in your home it was a joy. Peace!

@CheriePanetta - 28.04.2024 14:25

Love the tip about using indoor/outdoor carpet in livingroom! My favorite items were the antler chandelier and the childrens artwork on the fridge

@donnadelany1797 - 29.04.2024 21:53

I just love her style! Her home is beautiful ! I was wondering if you could tell me the name of the painting and the artist name of the large horse and dog painting? It is so beautiful! Thanks so much!

@julierichardson-y4g - 04.05.2024 01:55

excellent do you keep it clean with

@tisherby2998 - 04.05.2024 07:52

Your presentation whom have fail if you worked the big 3. Your constant hmn would have turn your audience off. Good desigh. Bad presentation.

@May.Mae_ - 08.05.2024 18:27

The ummm's are torture 😫

@Twiggs2562 - 10.05.2024 11:20

What a beautiful home ! The classics always last !

@veronicatricinelli2567 - 11.05.2024 13:51

beautiful home however video way to long and alot of self gratification

@denisemcgovern2485 - 13.05.2024 01:28

Your home is absolutely stunning! The timeless decor adds such elegance to every room.

@marcelafernandez2902 - 17.05.2024 01:03

The must Beautyfull house , i am in shock

@gayajega5653 - 22.05.2024 15:12


@gayajega5653 - 22.05.2024 15:13

My thinking also like you thank you for sharing this video❤😊

@JessGRealtor - 31.05.2024 07:43

Beautiful home. I love how she repurposes pieces. Personal style always outshines trends.

@paulakeenan9377 - 11.06.2024 01:19

I enjoyed this home tour very much.
What a lovely home and beautiful gracious homeowner. I love how she speaks with so much endearment of her parents, grandparents, children and husband.

@mollydunlap7896 - 18.06.2024 21:58

Umm, I had to turn off the volume; I couldn't take one more, "umm". Love her style, and her sense of fashion.

@PP-hs3ep - 20.06.2024 19:19

My favorite Homeworthy Tour!

@omavomkarimkarimsoma - 23.06.2024 12:30

.... so wundervoll.. gratuliere❤❤❤❤❤❤

@kirky9347 - 27.06.2024 05:56

I love her story of going from a super modern apartment to what she has now. It just shows how your style can change completely the more you lean into what you love.

@Ms.MD7 - 08.07.2024 17:30

Beautiful home; I'm just distracted at the amount of "ums" you said; almost every other 2 words. I know it's a habit that's hard to get rid of but I just couldn't help but noticed it.

@shaylee8680 - 15.07.2024 15:28

Beautiful home. I wish I could have listened to what she had to say about each piece; however, I had to mute this episode after a few minutes in. The repeated use of "uh/um" every few seconds was highly annoying to me. Homeworthy should definitely work with people who are showing their home...stop filming and start again after helping them collect themselves because, unfortunately, she isn't the only one who has done this during the home tour. Absolutely ANNOYING and hard to listen to this.

@Angel-vf1gf - 17.07.2024 02:38

No, you had a financial advantage during the pandemic; let's keep it honest.

@VEE-rd7cu - 17.07.2024 17:48

Beautiful. I love the beauty of CT.

@barli7153 - 18.07.2024 02:36

The Hermès boxes as display pieces are a bit conspicuous lol

@christineMcalister-du7yw - 03.08.2024 01:56

A beautiful home filled with heirloom pieces.

@kelco64 - 23.08.2024 15:23

Beautiful home, and lovely woman! I only wish I was half as talented!

@denisepiperato7246 - 26.08.2024 03:25

Beautiful home,granmalineal great discription !!!!!!!😊❤❤❤❤❤

@scsmith4604 - 26.08.2024 15:49

I like the horse painting. Very nice.

@WowWee84 - 29.08.2024 22:42

Never too many chairs!

@BrandoTolerrari2277 - 03.09.2024 02:34

umm umm umm ummm

@HarrisPilton789 - 09.09.2024 17:47

The Hermes china is chef’s kiss! 💙 and not one, but two dining rooms!

@aliciawilliams8117 - 08.10.2024 21:47

She keeps saying "um" every couple of words and I have lost interest in showing me any house or her work

@joboo4451 - 04.01.2025 23:18

It's not too much seating. It's practical for accommodating company and companionship. Looks beautiful!

@RussellAlami - 18.01.2025 18:18

You preserve beautiful antiques for future generations to appreciate

@GwenMotoGirl - 05.02.2025 20:20

I’ve watch this episode twice. Beautiful home and what an amazing professional life the homeowner has experienced.

@TeresaLeandro - 26.02.2025 11:04

Beautiful! It’s a pity we couldn’t see the rest of the house.
