Just received my coffee order of Chocolate Surge, so delicious. Love your content & coffee ☕️ 😋.
ОтветитьLola needs an ID
ОтветитьThey sell channel locks with springs so you don't get hand fatigue. Probably easy enough to rig one up down there too. good luck
ОтветитьCongrats on the footer progress...hard work and a great have a good the independent spirit of Sadie...she is an amazing little girl. You guys need to have a big barbeque after you finish the footers and invite Rodman and
ОтветитьI once lived on a ranch in the Texas Hill Country and one year we encountered a plague of scorpions! They were coming out of the faucets and A/C vents…they were everywhere!
I got 4 chickens, caged them in under the house and had Zero insect problems after that!!!
Sounds like a wonderful plan for the workers. It would helpful to make sure they are masked when working with concrete.
ОтветитьLooking like Lola had some beam dream,Lol,✌️❤️❤️✌️
ОтветитьPlease make your helpers wear masks for their health to avoid cement particules in Their lungs.
Ответитьdo you switch to a dark roast later in the day for lower caffeine?
ОтветитьSadie for president. LOVE, kim
ОтветитьYes, $1.- over there because growing there,
Here, it has to be chipped (gas and sailers to be paid, then pay taxes, driven to the store (gas and driver paid), in the store (workers to be paid and sell taxes) $5.- might cover the costs and maybe $1.- profit
Love how you interact with your daughter nowadays a lot of parents just give the children a phone or tablet and expect them to entertain them selfs she’s going to grow up to be a great person xx 😊
Ответитьfinally made the jump and am trying the beam stuff , but just to let you know on the kids beam powder there deal is a little better than this. hopefully the kids powder will work for adults as well but we will see I struggle with sleep apnia and insomnia so if it helps I will do that over a prescription any day given I am a cardiac patient and have had over 12 surgeries for various reasons.
ОтветитьI have an important question to ask.....when and where is the zip line going in?
ОтветитьIt's going to be a beautiful house ❤
You deserve it.
You work so hard ❤
The guy who is pouring dry concrete in the mixer NEEDS a respirator. At the very least a N-9. In case you didn’t think of it. Thank you.
Regular watcher. Thanks for sharing your life. Really enjoying the build.
I'm just checking in after a few years and I am shocked how you guys went from talking about sustainability, tiny living and creating a small homestead for yourself, to literally creating your dream "steel- and concrete" luxury McMansion... What happened to living simple and sustainable? What drew me to your channel was the idea of wanting to tread lightly here on earth. So I am actually genuinely curious, how has your thought process changed over these last 5 years?
I’m going to keep commenting this comment on all your videos until you see it lol. Use an Allen key on the end of a drill as a bit. Hook the Allen key into the rebar wires (the same way you had them when using that hand tool Rodrigo purchased) and hit go on the drill. This will tighten your wires and also make it easy without you having to twist! Hopefully you see this comment soon to save yourself time 😂
Wow that’s one of the biggest parts you have put in that hole , I watched when you built the first small one you built for your tools but then decided to live there to this is a monster of a build 👍
ОтветитьWow you look so beautiful Sadie getting your ID with your mother , your dad loves how you look 👍
ОтветитьIt’s so beautiful where you live and you all work so hard Jordan and I appreciate seeing you all so amazing to see ❤
ОтветитьHi, beautiful family. It's so wonderful to watch you guys. It's working so hard and nice to get it. Can't wait to see your house. It is so nice to see you. Sharing the eggs with everyone. Egg prices are.
So high her in America is ridiculous❤❤❤❤
so cool too see your advecing in the bilding of your homme
ОтветитьI love watching you Jorden, Kaylee, and Sadie.. question though. Will you ever market your coffee in k pod form?
ОтветитьGreat video again! Sadie is a doll!
ОтветитьLOL!!! Yeah, so much knowledge doing it the wrong way!!
From what I see as you broadcast with the improper use of tools, and not being trained properly on how to at least tie re-bars together, along with their improper cage building of what you guys are doing, I seriously wonder if you are building a home that can with stand hurricane wind loads of a class-5 sustained? Hope you guys at least consulted with a structural engineer and have had proper detailingvof your drawings by a, U.S. Engineer and, "not an Architect" from Panama or U.S. The Architect is the visonist and the engineer Iis the actual structural expert. If it was my build, I would have spent good money witn an American firm doing my design in build and engineering. Then it wouldn't matter so much on the self build, so long as you follow the drawing designs.
Just wanted to share from what I've been watching.
For your sloped property, I would've thought about a windmill on the highest point of your property along with a solar roof and a decent size energy battery bank for self sustaining energy of running the farm.
Enjoy you kids in sharing your dreams with us the viewers please continue in building your family dreams, children are such a blessing and I hope you consider more much more. Your family Iis beautiful. ❤😃👍🇺🇸
Sadie is so cute today
ОтветитьCan't wait to see the end results. Super excited for the three of you. ❤❤❤
ОтветитьLove you more!!!!!❤🥰
ОтветитьKaylee says she likes the drive into town . How many miles is that drive?
ОтветитьJordan you have a skid loader. Save their backs. Load the loader. Put a tarp down . Fill it with rocks and sand. Carry the bags with the loader. At least make it a little easier.
ОтветитьQuestion: I know its a long way off but when your finish the house whats next?Like all the other stuff you built was in prep for the house.
ОтветитьLove yas fam ❤
ОтветитьThe way you are doing stuff is truly inspiring. I've been following you guys for a while. You get so many comment so not sure you will even read this, however want to just tell you to ask the guys to wear some masks when poring the cement into the mixer. The dust from cement is very harmful. Keep going, keep building and keep being an inspiration to the world. You are showing us all how we can live and share in a way that is more sustainable. Take care all of you on Lola's farm.
ОтветитьFrom what I know about scorpions they live in the ground. Since you have disrupted the ground they are looking for a new home but will eventually migrate away from the disruption.
ОтветитьJordan in a hole over 6 ft, "Too soon" 😂
ОтветитьAs a bowwoman it is lovely to see Sadie practicing with the bow! To give her more power, her back arm elbow should be turned out and the top of her hand should also face out with a straight wrist. She has good strength for a little one and could actually become good at it!
ОтветитьEggs in Ohio are $7.59 a dozen! Those eggs you have are precious lol! Love watching you guys
ОтветитьThat will be a LOT OF CONCRETE! Please order some N-95 masks for you and your crew!!!
Then teach them how to wear them correctly.
that house will last until the next inca empire gets to panama ... 1000 years !!!! so much concrete
ОтветитьGreat job Guys!
Sadie is just SO Grown up for her age! & Polite. - You guys are Fantastic parents! 👍🏻
Ps. You HAVE to start wearing proper filter masks around that concrete or you'll pay dearly for it with your lungs! Rags don't cut it! They have to be able to filter out micro particles! Don't want to see you or the guys go down with chronic lung disease or worse!
Kaylee I ❤ that you not only eat clean, but just watching Sadie drink from a metal straw makes me smile. I use my metal straw in my metal cup every single day.
ОтветитьGoggles for concrete work I know a guy got chemical burn from it can’t see out out one eye. 🙈
ОтветитьCan i have your old house? I dont see whats wrong with it
ОтветитьJordan please order Kaylee a Bowtech so she can start shooting arrows all over the farm.
Ответитьyou guys might have Scorpio eggs in the house, first make sure spray the corners, under the coach and any dark place.
ОтветитьSadie is adorable! Lucky girl!!
ОтветитьI hate bugs and snakes