Making Peace With Nepal's Maoist Rebels | The Peacemakers - Ep 1/3 | Full Episode

Making Peace With Nepal's Maoist Rebels | The Peacemakers - Ep 1/3 | Full Episode

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@ptavishkarpudasaini1899 - 09.10.2024 22:06

Still Nepal is not what Switzerland hoped for.

@mayrobintamang - 10.10.2024 03:24

Who gave Democracy to Nepal in 1950: India
Where did all the political parties of Nepal born: India
Who created Maoist and civil war in Nepal: India
Who massacred Royal family of Nepal: India
Who and Where did the 12 point peace agreement happened: Delhi
Who blocks the border in Nepal(1975, 1989, 2015) when it's interest are not acknowledged: Delhi
For sure, nothing happens in Nepal without the acknowledgement from Delhi DURBAR..............

@computerworld-cj7br - 10.10.2024 09:47

we nepali youth are watching silently

@neking5085 - 10.10.2024 09:55

A king died and few dictators emerged.

@Dnspnt - 10.10.2024 12:50

This is a shallow and incomplete documentation. This insurgency of Nepal was upraised from ground people participated, external power centre played, there are many victims all parts should have covered, before and aftermaths should have looked but this is annoyingly inadequate documentation, shouldn’t have made

@PSVlogs66 - 10.10.2024 18:14

have to say, nice try. too many wrong facts. this is very biased and one way flow of biased docu

@dikeshshrestha2473 - 11.10.2024 17:23

Chor maobadi atankakari

@SagarKatuwal-o4o - 12.10.2024 05:39

Even look at the video or feedback from whom we are getting the info,baburam and some politicians 😂😂.cna insider never make such video if you want to do so then just visit the actual people rather than them who never think about us nor the country or the people 😢

@cheltooktribefreethinker1028 - 12.10.2024 10:20

Baburam will be remembered for his contribution he had done for the nepalese equality and freedom 😊

@santoshbista7216 - 12.10.2024 17:49

USA , EU and the Indians played a very dirty game in Nepal.
Now look at what is happening in their own country.

@tonde2.0.t-2.0 - 12.10.2024 19:51

All are mf bad ass !
Long live monarchy in nepal was our identity. It's todays youth voice !!

@c.p.sapkotabasanta2420 - 13.10.2024 04:42

Let’s elect the good people in democracy. The system of monarchy can not be imagined in todays world because we all are liberated to become the president and pm of Nepal if we desire.

A kid living in any corner of Nepal can imagine to become the president or pm of Nepal. This is democracy.

So far, we have elected wrong people.

For example, after constitution was promulgated, OLi was not supposed to become the Pm knowing that he is zero about how to lead modern Nepal.

Now Balen is coming.

Many more are about to come.

The Nepal’s history about Monarchy- their system, their authority and all- they never thought People they only took advantage of the the poverty, illiteracy and innocence to reign over them.

Maoist dismantled and brought this system and with out becoming sentimental, let’s support modern political system. Let’s advance the system.

Let’s go for the directly elected system.

Monarchy could not develop the country over 240 years and we can not blame republican state within 15 years.

We have better days ahead.

@mainali_birochan - 13.10.2024 23:12

Jai Nepal

@Simnasimu - 14.10.2024 09:30

Yo chutiya haru le official nai bhandiyo ta dipendra le vanera jun USA kai media le Nepal ko official news aaunu agadi nai publish gareko thyo

@Saroj9863 - 14.10.2024 13:31

Looking at the current situation in nepal . it doesn't matter whether there is monarchy or democracy . From top to bottom there is corruption and all youths are flying aboard for their future . Unemployment is at it's peak , many degree holders are unemployed in nepal , there's nothing to say about those who doesn't has degree and has not any educational background. Political parties are just fighting for the power and chair each and everyday in their political career .

We have prime minister who has a kidney failure and got replaced few years ago . instead of dying or taking retirement he has become prime minister of our country . As of right now he is building his new party office instead of helping peoples who was affected by flood.

@Bijann7 - 14.10.2024 17:46

As per my understanding, maoists did have some positive impacts in the life of backward and marginalized people in the beginning but foreign powers wanted their puppet leaders in Nepal. They killed the king and his family as the Royal Family was an obstacle to those foreign powers. Later they used maoist leaders as their puppets to influence the development of constitution in Nepal but things didn't go as per their plan and they started changing their support from maoist to other parties. Corruption, mismanagement and political instability has destroyed the country and sadly most of the maoist fighters who fought at the ground level are working in Gulf countries under strict Monarchy.

@david4122941 - 15.10.2024 01:02

I only wish that King Gyanendra had not left his throne. What would have been the fate of this country? Tremendous respect for him. Therefore, he will be the people's king forever, except for some political badass.

@darktoxicmonknischalshrestha - 15.10.2024 03:42

This maoist is such a ridiculous they destroyed NEPAL AND SEND NEPAL 25 YRS BACK

@darktoxicmonknischalshrestha - 15.10.2024 03:42

So called maoist

@ManjitkrSingh-cs5gs - 15.10.2024 17:53

We had expected a bright developed corruption free country, but we got this idiot politicians fighting for power and money

@Miguelangelflix - 15.10.2024 19:24

This documentry is so biased 😂😂 Baburam bhattrai so called brilliant student have become prime minister also, but what he did?? Once he used to feel proud that in his era nepal earn huge remittance money😂😂😂😂 such a stupid and idiotic person he is and praising himself for throwing monarchy and bringing banana republic... so in conclusion what nepalese achived???? Economic crisis, weak passport, instable politics.

@agg8056 - 16.10.2024 23:54

India played a huge role that’s it

@jarvis111 - 17.10.2024 08:07

chor mg haru

@jarvis111 - 17.10.2024 08:07

the are the biggest culprits the threw the king and now ruling my country

@Investonepal - 17.10.2024 15:18

The revolution is now successful 😢maoist rebel top leaders are now living standard life.wearing branded clothes and accessories 😢.involved in gold , Human smuggling as refugee to developed countries😢 as well as thier son,daughters studying and living abroad .ther families near and dear ones are enjoying different giverment position and earning healthy income😢long live our king and queen 🙏

@prakashsingh-li3wy - 17.10.2024 18:32

There was no any so called "JANA ANDOLAN". It was staged coup designed by external security agencies for their own interests. People were brainwashed by their propagandas viavis couldn't choose right path for our country at that time.

Nowadays no any leaders are left who could preserve the interest of our country.😢😢😢

@bidhan42 - 18.10.2024 13:50

MR Baburam just say that "We did gave wrong knowledge to uneducated villagers cuz its easy to manipulate them and started killing people and army to threaten king with mastermind Mr Prachanda" Randi ko chora haru

@Jenzenkarma - 19.10.2024 19:51

What’s common within all Nepali political parties that every representative politician of every existing political party of Nepal ???? Those cultural background are the worst disease that keep growing in our country. And who gain when our country crumbles and suffers??Constant bullying from India 🇮🇳 and theirs interfering behaviours in our national matters is growing deep then ever. Every political party are fed well enough by the Indian government to coup the whole country system when ever they want to turn the tide in theirs benefits. Kleptocracy roots is linked from the heart of Kathmandu capital to the india. And these all political parties of the Nepal 🇳🇵 have one most common figures that is every leaders background is from brahmin family background. They are well known for theirs discrimination behaviours towards the indigenous community who are very much rightful of the land. Settlers’ the word I prefer for them who came here and destroyed everything where ever they go. Misusing,misguiding and misleading the innocent natives communities. Anti- brahminism dosent indicates anti caste but its anti caste based discrimination that been existence in our country.

@traderampmskm - 19.10.2024 20:08

All these was India funded, protected, trained and all ...

@amitx4243 - 20.10.2024 18:37

Political parties are nothing but pawns for the international players to take control over a country and its resources, with an illusion of freedom and democracy. Everyone has a price, and these politicians come with dirt cheap price tag, only true leaders who care for their people and the country cant be bought. Maoists are the biggest curse to this country. They are what Bolsheviks were to Russia.

@Tsechen287 - 20.10.2024 22:11

As a Tibetan, I lived in Nepal during those political turmoil. From vantage point the entire coup was a classic case of Orwell’s “The Animal Farm”. My wish was thats Dalit and Indigenous communities would not involve in political mess as I knew it wouldn’t benefit them an ounce. Sadly they were peddled in the forefront of the movement. A mix of backlogs of classic Hindu Bahuns use of Dalits & indigenous communities to establish another Bahun dominance - I went back to Nepal in 2022 & was surprised to learn that - From the inception of referendum in Nepal, Nepal hasn’t seen a single Prime Minister from a Dalit or Indigenous communities. On positive note I saw more people from marginalized communities stepping forward, making marks - but the path moving forward won’t be easy for marginalized people as the merging of Bahuns from Nepal & Brahmins from India seem to align ideologically in establishing Nepal back to Hindu Nation. That will push Nepal back to square 1.

@prakash_rai169 - 22.10.2024 05:10

This issue creates by India and western country now all Nepalese people very well known

@amritdhungana1614 - 22.10.2024 06:48

This civil war was caused by Russia & US cold war.
Maoist gained all those finance & ammunition from Communist Russia through India being a mediator. India, China and Russia was furious about Kings close-ties with US and near future Nepal could have given Airbase for US creating tension in the region between 3 giant military powers.
It wasn’t only civil war I rather call it result of cold war.

@hustler_lxxx7300 - 22.10.2024 18:17

We still love our king more then anything and anyone📢

@TravelingDrukpa - 26.10.2024 10:34

Such a shame. I remember once the PM of Nepal in his official visit was received in India by a junior Officer. The respect to the country is shattered when a naxal with Maoist agenda could overthrow the great country of Nepal. The country is still impoverished and backward. All the youths fleeing the country to work as a daily waged laborer in Middle East. The little changes you see in rural part of nepal with CGI roof is Middle East impact. But this will not take the country anywhere. I feel very sorry for Nepal. Love from Bhutan.

@commentator6477 - 27.10.2024 12:47

These Maoist are the culprits, they have destroyed our generation old civilization, our prestige, our honor. These days Nepalese are meant for nothing unlike pin the past. See the luxiours life they are leaving coming straight out of jungle. The one who called themself Maoist like baburam has left his ideology if so what was the war for. They helped massacr our beloved king Birendra. Every country who thought our close ally has helped these so called Maoist/ terrorists of Nepal, they were keen to occupy position in Nepalese politics. Whole social foundation has been disturbed and we don't know how much generation this will take to build a proper foundation again and for that a revolt like that of Srilanka is perhaps needed, through out these current leaders of congress, Maoist, amale out of the country.
The murderer of 17000 people if living luxurious life means justice is not served, where is the ICC , where is human welfare? Every thing is bluff and is working for limited countries out there.

@UpamaRai-lx4cv - 28.10.2024 06:36

This is so evident that India was behind this. I refuse to believe that Dipendra did this.

@3amyam - 04.11.2024 11:59

Still Nepal is undeveloped still waiting when it will be developed . Future PM Samyam Karki !

@vivekaryal8928 - 05.11.2024 20:28

India, king conversation with Maoist nothing is mention properly. too much biased documentary. total rubbish... no single party can take credit for the republic or demolished of the king. King, other parties and Maoist each one of them had their own selfish motive but in that process king got outplayed by these parties (btw both king did worse) and obviously with some benefits they agreed. and still Nepalese fanatic mindset towards political parties and worship culture has made Nepal worse than ever.

@TheMagnusCarlson - 08.12.2024 17:52

Darkest Day in history of Nepal 😢😢

@Nocou - 14.12.2024 09:46

All of these people in this video are neoliberal sellouts.

@Avengers88009 - 22.12.2024 08:32

Baakhra le khako baali ra bahun le looti looti raaj gareko desh kaile uhbhoo lagdaina.. india bata aako bahun ra bahuni haru le nepal lai chuusnu samma chusera pachi yesto pani din aaucha ki yoo chikne bahun bahuni haru le nepal ko satta india ko hatt ma thamai dine din pani na-aaula vanna sakinna yoo madarchood sukumbasi pode ko santaan haru ko kunai bharosa hunna.. usstai pare aafno aama dd baini chori pani beechna pare pani paachi pardaina salaa kode haru. Yoo, hindu bahun haru lai nepal bata nadhapauda samma hamro desh nepal ko kaile pragati hune chaina.. yoo sukumbasi ko santaan haru laatt hani hani lakhetnu parcha

@GvanSharma - 12.01.2025 14:57

Great n fact documentary

@denimgurung1726 - 19.01.2025 04:35

K garyo tani yo mula Maoist haru le??

@Mauno_majava - 01.02.2025 13:43


@n.nembang10 - 15.02.2025 11:54

What a plan made by maoist(prachanda) and RAW

@maheshkatwal7680 - 18.02.2025 11:52

K pais nepali.... 🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌

@aryandixit229 - 22.03.2025 19:50

Very dark chapter in the history of not only Nepal but also India. Most Indians sadly don't know about the role of their governments in destabilizing Nepal and how a once friendly country feels betrayed. In my opinion, they are absolutely justified in feeling angry at India, but it should be directed towards the government and not the Indian people, who are generally in favour of better relations with Nepal and don't really care much about secularism even in their own country, let alone elsewhere. And some of these speakers are just speaking rubbish, UAE, Saudi Arabia, the UK, Qatar are all monarhies and are amongst the most the most developed countries, while countries like India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Nepal are all decades behind and still are obsessing over democracy instead of eradicating poverty. Even Pakistan is technically a democracy, and yet it is among the least free countries in the world (except for terrorists). Democracy only works when the citizens are educated, something fools like Nehru didn't understand, while great visionaries like Lee Kuan Kew and Deng Xiaoping understood, and the difference is clear as day.
