Hello, unfortunately the father of the family has been arrested illegally and our current efforts to meet him have not been successful.
ОтветитьAK he seen Kitna dikhate Ho dusra seen dikhaiye Buddha Ne naya shaadi Kara use ghar MI rakhega ya jaega naya naya seen dikhaiye India Kolkata
Ответить마음이 아프고 눈물이 나네요.
핫산과 가족들 힘내세요!!
한국에서 응원합니다.
얼마나 난감하고 괴로울까요?😢
NOW..all these Nomad channels are starting to use this fake scenario about family members fighting with the police. Seems suspicious to me. At least 5 that I know of. Just a way for sympathy likes and comments. WhatsApp is just another way to get donations from viewers. Ahamed of Hassan. I thought he was more honest😡😡😡😡
ОтветитьWatching this video was very sad for the family. God is good and will take caer of your family. Hassan take care of your parents. God bless.
ОтветитьReally don’t blame anyone but themselves for not having the proper documents here in USA
is the same you need those documents to build in your land,
Desculpa cinegrafista agora eu entendi tudinho ele não tinha ido preso ainda coitada dessa família fiquei com medo de dar um enfarto nele esse governo não tem misericórdia o coração dele é de pedra 😢😢😢😢
ОтветитьBoa tarde cinegrafista porque eu não assisti o velho saindo da cadeia você não fez o filme eu nem sabia que ele tinha saído da cadeia ele tem dor no estômago compr pra ele pantoprazol 40 mg o meu médico passou pra tomar direto é ótimo Deus os abençoe grandemente eu amo assistir o povo nômade 😂😂😂
Ответитьأول مرة في حياتي أرى دولة تبيع لك أرض و لا يحق لك ان تبني فيها!!! لا يعقل.. يعني ماذا يفعلون بتلك الأرض اذا لن يسكنو فيها !! حتى و ان كانت ارض زراعية فلابد من الشخص يسكن في مكان زراعته... غريب أمر عذا القانون!! اول مرة اشاهد هذه الفوضى
Ответитьانكم تبتزون مساعدات المتبرعون ثم تهدرونها بددل من تساعدوا الفقراء فعلا في ايجاد ماوى لهم في القرى والارياف
ОтветитьY tu camarógrafo porque no te acercaste tenias miedo pienso que estas medidas de arbitrariedad es denido a sus canales
Ответить왜?또 호메드를 잡아가나요?
경찰이라는 인간들은 경찰이란 감투만쓰면 깡패처럼 무자비하게 행동하네요
법이 너무 허술하군요?
경찰이라고 마구 폭력으로 사람을 때리는나라는 전세계에 몇나라안됩니다
이란이라는나라에대해 실망이큽니다
이란 법이 허술한건지?
아니면 관료직에 있는사람들이 근무소홀 근무태만이었거나 둘중하나입니다
이영상만 집이 헐린게아니라 너무 많은집이 헐렸습니다
무허가로 집을지었다면 조사를해서 그때바로 조치를 취해야하는데 수백채의 집을짓고 살고있을동안 가만히있다가 한꺼번에 무자비하게 모든집을 헐었습니다
한심한 이란정부 이런영상으로 이란정부의 공산주의적행동을 알게되었습니다 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Tại sao họ ác độc quá vậy ,k cho ở thì phải thông báo để họ dọn đi chứ ,sao đến rồi phá huỷ như thế ,cầu xin chúa luôn che chở cho họ ,các bạn cố lên nhé ,chúa luôn ở bên các bạn,❤❤❤❤❤
ОтветитьSao k có phụ đề tiếng việt ,❤❤❤❤
Ответитьthe shugar channel has engaged a lawyer who is NOT asking for hundreds of millions as a fee to help ,please reconsider the lawyers you have engaged
Ответитьdevemos ser solidarios con las personas que sufren el maltrato de su gobierno si ubiera una forma de donar dinero, como apoyo todos losque deseen mandar alguna cuenta o forma de donar.
ОтветитьNo me alegro de las desgracias ajenas pero hay que ver cómo están todo el campo lleno de casas sin permisos para construir . En mi país se construye en suelo urbanizable si es terreno rústico no se puede construir nada
ОтветитьTərcüməsi hanı?😊
ОтветитьBe sure that Lord is watching you from a distant. His eyes can see from afar his ears can hear from afar. Karma is coming for some people. Some people are cruel. You ask yourself what type of womb was carrying this type of person.
ОтветитьНе могу понять, если есть разрешение на строительство дома,а его сносят. Почему нельзя подать в суд на этих беспредельщиков. Такое ощущение, что все эти кочевники абсолютно безграмотные,,не знают своих прав, поэтому над ними так издеваются.Посмотрев на этот кошмар, поняла, какое счастье, что я родилась в России.
ОтветитьҚазақтың юртасын яғни қарүйін құрып алыңдар ең дауасы сол
ОтветитьIt does not matter what what the situation is they can not hit the police. They are lucky they did no take them all. If they do that in the USA, for sure they all go to jail.
ОтветитьUnfortunately what these people went through is devastating that’s for sure. But I have a friend you was in Iran at the time and was told that the nomadic people were warned ahead of time this was happening. How far before I can’t say but they were told. I actually watch Rustic Echo and couple days before he did get a call he answered it and he was being told it was going to happen. He did try to say that this house was seasonal only for the summer. And Fatima and Soyara were sitting there when he got the call. If you notice they were upset but not hysterical. It was totally devastating for all of us to watch for sure. Sakhine father also shakes the hand of one of the officers there. Just go back and watch.
ОтветитьThis is very sad sorry for you people having th worst government this is crime God will take care you will see this
ОтветитьQuatro covardes desgraçados vestidos com fardas inúteis,eles devem q não tem mãe, não pode chamar de animal porque animal é muito melhor que eles
ОтветитьВаше правительство с ума сошло , сегодня решили весь Иран разрушить ...это что такое творится , куда людям идти , нету крыши над головой , о небо ты видишь что творят .......
Ответитьمانوع هذا الاستعمار في بلدكم
ОтветитьАли дорогой ,пока не строй езжайте в земельный департаминт,документ сделайте на строительсво дома.как жалко столько труда потрачено
ОтветитьNegara yg terkenal kejam pada rakyatnya terlebih para pemimpin memperlakukan wanita wanitanya seperti permainan bahkan perkawinan di bawah umur di perbolehkan oleh pemimpinya saya pernah membaca artikel ada anak kecil di nikahi mut'ah oleh para pemimpinnya...
Ответить국민을 벌레같이 취급하는 나라는 언젠가 망하게되어있다 국민이 있어야 나라도 지들 권력도 있는것이지 국민읗 지들 맘대로 주무르는 권력은 망하게돼있다이 나라는 못사는 국민은 사람대접도 못받네 권렷 기관들아 국민을섬겨라 니들은 인간이 아니다
ОтветитьThương quá,đã nghèo lại càng nghèo thêm.
Ответить국민을 벌레같이 취급하는 나라는 언젠가 망하게되어있다 국민이 있어야 나라도 지들 권력도 있는것이지 국민읗 지들 맘대로 주무르는 권력은 망하게돼있다
ОтветитьO kadar emek yazik
Ответитьلانه قال كل مستمسكات الارض والتصريح موجود ليه هدمو المنزل حتى يغطون جرايمهم بس همه نفظحو كل العالم شافتهم
ОтветитьВсё Боги Ислама, Буддизма, Христианства помогите этим кочевым народам❤🙏🙏🙏
ОтветитьHamsan la conversacion deberian traducirlo en español🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💖💖💖💖💖
ОтветитьEvery country in this world is trying to solve homeless crisis but this country is making their people homeless.😢😢😢
ОтветитьPraying every day for Angel & Berdia to return safely🙏...
No one is hurt, thank goodness...
A home can be rebuilt but the loss of a life is forever...
Thinking positively that things will get better & improve...💞Vivi 💞
alt yazı yok
ОтветитьMy heart goes out with everyone in the villages without home 🏠 😭😭
ОтветитьHasan es peor k una mujer....
No se le puede haser nada porque se desmaya mo parece hombre carajo
ОтветитьEspero que el pueblo se levante y reaccione y los defienda a ustedes y le lleven comida y suministros. Espero que nadie vuelva a votar por ese gobierno malo. Lo que debió hacer fue entregarles escritura a quien no las tenía. Ustedes son gente trabajadora que el gobierno no se puede quejar de ustedes y debió de felicitarlos y ayudarlos. Eso no se hace, uno no oprime ni castiga a su gente. Ahora soy team Nomada. Espero que el mundo despierte y empiezen a defenderlos a ustedes. Desde mi Puerto Rico USA, un abrazo. Los amo y sigo varios canales. Ustedes son gente humilde y trabajadora. ❤