Some kinks need to be shamed.
ОтветитьIf this level of information providing continued, Michelle, you may want to consider offering a degree program. Just sayin’… 🥂
ОтветитьI know this is a year old, but I almost spat wine across my kitchen when you pulled the Red Devil from Cow and Chicken out
ОтветитьI finally decided to visit the doughnut website and honestly, as a T1D. It made me VERY happy to find that the birthday cake doughnuts were only 17 grams.
ОтветитьNot kink shaming; kink asking why
ОтветитьSomeone liking you regardless of your weight... awesome. Someone likes you ONLY because you're fat, and wants you to be fatter... no thanks. If they liked them as a person who happens to be fat that's awesome, these guys/gals wouldn't leave their partners because they lost weight, which I heard happens. P.S.: People's preferences are their personal affairs, but to me when those preferences can harm another person, like encouraging someone to be extremely unhealthy, and even then gain more weight that can lead to a heart attack and an early grave, that's my limit on being accepting, that's what makes it gross to me.
ОтветитьIt’s probably Tammy’s money..
ОтветитьHonestly the Internet hooked these two up. I remember looking at his whole acct BEFORE he made it private. And a lot of people commented on his page when they saw that he was into big girls, and said, basically, "well, you should get together with Tammy from 1000 Lb Sisters, she's big as hell" or comments to that effect. Sometimes he would respond and say "that's my dream woman" or something like that. Very typical looking inside Vegas home, nothing very impressive. He doesn't own any jewelry, clothing or car that would convince me he has actual wealth. He doesn't have any kids so yeah, by now he's got a few dollars saved. He appears to sell drugs.
Either way any woman with three brain cells that work can tell he's shady bc obviously he could have settled down with a nice fat girl by now. Right around the time I noticed him on TikTok, bang! Suddenly there he was on TAMMY'S Tiktok....I said lawd she's gonna sleep with him easy as anything, then she'll tell the world they're going to get married, then they'll break up bc this guy is for the streets and she'll look stupid again like she always does. And look what happened. Even for his image to be televised he got paid, and was careful to go around and make sure he gound every channel mentioning him and try to claim their videos......god what yuck.
Not only are there guys into big women who are feeders, there are, ahem, the MEN WHO SUPPORT EUGENIA COONEY that like anorexic women. There are many men who support Eugenia's channel. They cashapp her for various sickening imagery and video of her dying body.
Ответить"DON'T KINK SHAME!!!!"
..... or you'll do what? These people shouting out commandments like they have any control over others 😂
I h4te diet food, but I love donuts and find them too sugary sometimes. Also, I need way more protein in my diet than the average bear because of schizophr3niA (protein keeps you sane, strong, and clear headed. keeps depression and paranoid delusions/hallucinations away) It’s been proven that ADHD kids meed more protein to focus.
Also your bombastic tone and uncensored candor works best when you’re covering heart breaking/enraging content
Yeah I’m fat & totally done eating now. Thank you Michelle for again inspiring me to do better. Wow the stomach on the table & the feeding while rubbing the stomach 🤢 I’m sorry oh God! Are more black men into than white men? No shame in it, you just rarely see a preppy looking white dude into larger women.
ОтветитьA huge lump of fat that has migrated to the forehead thus pushing down on her brows will make anyone look mad.
I agree with everything you preach.
When looking deep into those kinks it is sad that most of those large women are desperate to have love and companionship so they settle for disgusting men and women that get off to these insecure individuals gorging down more food💢
ОтветитьIs this a thing for women too? I mean, do they find pleasure in feeding an obese man/woman? Because it seems like mostly males who do this. Honestly I'm too afraid to research this to find out because of the gross content I might see.
ОтветитьImagine making a tik Tok about someone when you don’t even watch a single video.
And all she does is make fun of skinny or fit people.
I did the same thing now.
There is someone into super skinny women, might have done something super bad. Keith Rainere.
ОтветитьIm offended you look that good in vest top. 😂😂 i need to work out more
Ответитьfirst rule of bdsm is ssc: safe, sane and consensual. if at least one of them is not present then you can't practice it. gaining this much weight is definitely not safe and i really doubt that putting yourself in a life threatening health condition is sane. things like that should not happen.
ОтветитьMichelle I love this lipstick!!
ОтветитьFor the people saying "oh kink shaming is bad" let's remember that "p*dophilia" is a type of fetish. R*pe is a type of fetish. T*rturing is a fetish. When your kink consists in destroying someone's mental or physical health we ABSOLUTELY should shame it. You can't control your kink but you can control whether or not to satisfy your desire.
ОтветитьI was today years old when I learned about the kinky side of obesity
ОтветитьBBW dude isn’t my king. I didn’t vote for him!
ОтветитьHey im a new subscriber and I just want to say I really enjoy your content. I am just starting my own weight loss journey and watching these videos is fantastic motivation for me and I know the body positivity community is angry with you and I'm super glad you ignore them.
ОтветитьWhen is the 2nd B going to apply, to them? 90% just BW. THIS IS WHAT MENTAL ILLNESS LOOKS LIKE.
ОтветитьWho cares what these people think, they are mentally ill, back in the day they would be bed ridden in some hole somwhere.
ОтветитьU know who i feel sorry for...the EMTS and fire fighters that will have to deal with this cadaver the size of 5 people.
Ответитьme as someone with a fat fetish thinks that this shouldn't be real since being fat is extremely unhealthy I want everyone to be healthy and I think that for all people into fat chicks DO NOT FATTEN ANYONE UP IN REAL LIFE just RP also not having a fat fetish is totally fine I think that its funny as well its slightly part of the fun because I like seeing girls waddle because its funny cause I like someone who lets me chuckle at them no one deserves being unhealthy also make art, RP, fatisise but don't do it IRL every cause this dude is an absolute Motherf*cker for making someone more unhealthy
I feel sick
I’m new here..but after watching the first video I came across, I immediately subbed and now I’m on a NOSY BITCH ALSO roll of catching up on your content. Well done! And I dream of having a pug. His name will be CHOLLY. Love the sarcasm and skits..
ОтветитьStill waiting to get offended 😂 come on, Michelle…. I agree with you on everything so far
ОтветитьLmao "my channel will offend you, I will offend you, my dogs will probably offend you too."
ОтветитьIm just in his weight group this is insane motivation to lose 😂😂😂
ОтветитьI think everybody is beautiful, inside and out, but when it starts to effect your day to day life-thats when its an issue and you need to loose weight, people should never influence earing disorders whether its over or undereating.
ОтветитьWoah, ya know I find chubby people attractive, not really fat & certainly not obese people. But I have never heard of over half this shit, I am freaked out I completely agree with Michelle that squashing & suffocation shit is WEIRD as fuck!!
ОтветитьI’m offended by not being offended. As a 6000000000 lb woman I came here this be offended and rant on twitter. All I got was reasonable and scientifically proven facts.
ОтветитьThe kink is from inbreeding
ОтветитьI've been stuck at 89-93 pounds for awhile now and i look younger than i am, I'm almost 23, f, and the anorexia fetishists rattle me to the bones. I do struggle with eating disorders personally I find it hard to gain weight. I work at a convenience store and I often get creepy comments about my weight, about my size, about how young I look, and it erks me every time. I even wear 5 inch goth platforms to try to look taller, wear bulkier cloths and wear makeup to try to hide all the things I get harassed for while at work. It makes me sad that I consciously have to think about that every day when I'm getting dressed for my shift. I find your videos actually pretty inspiring to help me gain weight because being in the opposite end if the spectrum isn't really healthy either. I can hear my spine when I move 😂
ОтветитьActually... F*tish on the opposite side of the spectrum does exist and it's f*ing damm creepy
ОтветитьI have nothing wrong with you being attracted to someone, but when you are feeding them because you want them to be more unhealthy, that's when I've got a problem with you. BBW isn't my kink, and I don't care if it's yours, but the feeding thing, how do you feel morally okay. I worry about my partner's health, and if that's not something that you think about, it's not love, it's lust. You are slowly killing your partner and you're okay with that because you find it arousing. If you're in love with someone who's plus size, I don't see why you wouldn't want them to stay healthy. You can exercise and eat healthy and still be plus-size. You eat more than you burn. Not kink-shaming, just feels morally wrong to slowly kill the person you love.
Ответить"Dont kink shame!" Bro's literally into feeding someone to death, people like this SHOULD be shamed for their "kinks"
ОтветитьMan. Now I want to gain 400lb, just so I can turn this dude down 😂
ОтветитьA King of Hippos or a King of Lionesses. I'm going with the Lionesses Guy. I'll take muscle over fat anytime. As long it's not scary. Some chicks overdo it with the training and roids. I bet Michelle knows some of those people... Um.... I'm scared I was right.
ОтветитьI'm offended that Butters didn't get his Squeaker noise in the intro!
ОтветитьIt's beyond wierd girl... The flopping thing 💀 no, just no...
ОтветитьI'm actively watching your content to keep me motivated to get my steps up and start trying to lose weight. 340 now, aiming for 160 as goal.
ОтветитьThis entire video made me nauseous 😨🤮 particularly the defining feederism part blegh