Cry - sped up

Cry - sped up


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@u.luvash - 06.08.2022 19:07

- Here is the real lyrics cause somebody put the wrong ones in the comments -

It's making you cry every time
You give your love to me this way
Saying you'd wait for me to stay
I know it hurts you
But I need to tell you something
My heart just can't be faithful for long
I swear I'll only make you cry.
Maybe I'd change for you someday
But I can't help the way I feel
Wish I was good, wish that I could
Give you my love now
But I need to tell you something
My heart just can't be faithful for long
I swear I'll only make you cry
I need to tell you something
My heart just can't be faithful for long
I swear I'll only make you cry

@Momo_20066 - 30.05.2024 16:21

I miss u

@user-nn7yi7un2z - 30.05.2024 07:59

And now lets cry 😢😢..


@virgile9829 - 29.05.2024 03:27

cm bck pls

@Cinnamonroll_wife78 - 28.05.2024 17:32

I miss my dad,he left me when I'm 11 yo(he died with heart attack)
I feel rlly sad when i saw others girls with their dad.i used to be my dad's favorite girl

@JAKE-00 - 28.05.2024 07:50

I miss her

@user-br1em7um1n - 27.05.2024 17:17

She told me she was fine with other friends 🫶🏻💔

@theunoudom - 26.05.2024 17:17

B sl o pp sml @eii yean 😖💗💗🌷

@gewurzgurkenkaiser2575 - 25.05.2024 00:45

I get even more depressed by reading the comments while listening to the song

@user-sq6mn5oh5h - 24.05.2024 23:17

yt comments are the best fr

@TheBossOfTheYear0 - 23.05.2024 22:18

I failed as a daughter..

@user-si5rp1hg9l - 23.05.2024 19:00

All these years, I hated everybody in my school. I couldn't communicate to everyone, I'm not friends with everybody, I don't know most of the people heree unlike my old school, everything is different eversince I transferred to a new school. Sooner I realized, I was just afraid change.

@charlottethonova - 23.05.2024 18:07

I'm cry😢

@gamer_zone4485 - 21.05.2024 23:36

I tried to cure her depression but I ended up getting myself into depression while trying to help her out, she was my gf.. I don't think I'll ever fall in love..

@magbear5585 - 20.05.2024 13:59

Am I the only one who cry’s when I hear this song

@marianfrias8323 - 19.05.2024 04:21

I have a ulcer ☹️

@Lameisnigga - 17.05.2024 21:21

Is it wrong to laugh frequently ??
Everytime i do problem falls around me !🙂

@iqhmalll - 15.05.2024 11:32

about you..

@dreamer_5637 - 13.05.2024 15:23

This makes me realise everytime I'm not worth enough for my parents. They should have deserved a better son instead of a loser. I get thoughts of dying every time, living like a hollow body like a dead body without soul without emotions just trying to escape from reality just trying to pass time and waiting for god to take me from this hellic planet, hopefully I don't get born in my next life........
The only race i won was the sper* race which i really regret.

@mcavian - 13.05.2024 02:44

My daughter listens to this and she thinks about the journey without her grandma and I heard her crying cause she misses her so much.

@ethanfps4327 - 11.05.2024 03:45

One week ago my girlfriend broke up with me after two and a half years of relationship she doesnt love me anymore. She was incredible and the first love of my life, i was her first love too, i cant descibe the amont of happiness that she gave me everyday and cant explain the beauty of this girl. I cant stop thinking about her and the thousands of good moments with her. I love her so much. I dont think i'll ever forget her and i dont want to i just want to stop loving her so much.
I dont know if anyone gonna read this but if you read this right now just write your storie and why you're crying or not crying.
Love u all you deserve the best in your life ❤

@user-uw4vl2qk7b - 10.05.2024 16:52

احس نفسي مختلفة عن بقية الناس الي بعمري، حياتي فوضوية، عانيت من المشاكل العائلية بسبب السحر الي يسوونه اقاربي الي خلا يصير بيه امراض هواي، من ضمنهم مرض ما احب اتكلم عنه اكرهه بشكل وهو الي مدمر حياتي، اتمنى لو اني جنت اعيش حياة طبيعيه مثل الناس الي بعمري، واقدر اني اكمل مرحلة الطفولة بسلام بدون كل هذا، ليش كل هذا يصير وياي انا؟ ليش انا شخص ملعون مكروه؟؟او اوقات النوم الي انامها الي محد يتخيلها، انا اعيش اسوء حياة ممكن يعيشها طفل! وليش جاي اكتب التعليق وانا ابجي!! ليش محد يواسيني غير نفسي! وليش اتصنع السعادة قدام الناس! انا اكثر شخص يتكلم و يلعب ويمرح بين الشلة بس هل الشلة فكروا ليش انا شخص مرح؟ يمكن وراي شي؟ وليش اعصب عليهم بسرعه؟؟ يمكن مو كرهاً يمكن لسبب ثاني! وليش اقارن حياتي بحياة الناس البقية!

@Alejandro_Ann - 10.05.2024 10:39

Quiero escuchar tu voz🦋❤️

@nhf404 - 10.05.2024 10:07

I just want leave, to going be wind , flowers or just something but really ever don’t be human . But my mom , i love her , i scared, i can’t no more see her , just tired and cry . Fuck that live

@Pinakamalakas69 - 10.05.2024 06:00

i have anxiety cant sleep in night..

@user-ce5km9xx4x - 09.05.2024 15:32

Ohh baby🥺🥺

@x.6lil - 08.05.2024 21:51

I feel the sadness and loss of a comforting passion 😿

@newarchi - 03.05.2024 12:55

Life IS beautiful ❤

@LucianCravid-nb9uy - 02.05.2024 20:38


@KUR0M1L0V3 - 02.05.2024 05:07

i remember listening to this song the first time i ever attempted i cried and broke down in tears I never really felt like i was here for something whenever i have a breakdown i always listen to this song because it brings me comfort maybe one day ill recover from the trauma i have

@xer2647 - 01.05.2024 21:08

U r family to me
I’ll care for u and ur needs like ur big brother

@swaggynavia - 01.05.2024 00:10

this song makes me feel sad in an uwu way

@user-oo3ch3hx9c - 30.04.2024 19:19

Cry - sped up

@HazWaniEy702 - 30.04.2024 17:40

I want a friend so baddd:/ at least one

@iqpw6524 - 30.04.2024 17:22

In the vast tapestry of life, amidst the woven threads of joy and sorrow, there exists a prfound melancholy, a haunting melody that whsipers of lost dreams and unspoken desires. It is the lamest souls who wander through the corridors of existence, burdened by the weight of unfulfilled promises and shattered hopes. each passing moment echoes with resonance of what could have been, casting shadows upon the fragile fabric of our aspirations. And yet, within the depths of our sorrow, there lies a glimmer of beauty-- a poignant reminder of the human experience, where pain and longing intertwine to form the bittersweet symphony of life's journey.....

@Umi.-uv7oo - 29.04.2024 10:25

Обожаю эту группу.

@TotallyxMxdilynn - 28.04.2024 16:22

Everything reminds me of Felix, His warm smiles his voice made me so happy but now he has took his own life on February 28th he was our best friend ever. He was only young i’m at his age where he died. 12, 5 months he was only 12. he doesn’t deserve this

@super7ace - 28.04.2024 10:14

never give your love to someone, its the most precious thing you could ever have. don't let someone break it.

@park_jennie79 - 24.04.2024 21:13

تعالوا احجيلكم عني.
اني اسمي "ايه" وعمري "14" واني هسه بالصف الأول متوسط وما احب اصادق بس عندي صديقه وحده مقربه بس جاي تنكلب عليه شويه شويه بس اني عادي جاي اتغاضه.وجنت حيل احب المدرسه وما افكر اغيب لأن حيل احب اروح هم حتى ادرس وهم حتى اشوف صديقتي.بس هسه اتعاجز اروح للمدرسه ومرات انجبر لأن عندي امتحانات فَ اروح ومن اروح اصعد فوك بالطابق الثاني وارسم لأن حيل احب الرسم ومرات احب اكتب يعني اي شي يصير وياي واي شي يضوجني اكتبه ومرات احرك الورقه ومرات اضمها.وحاليا ابتعدت عن البرامج مثل "الأنستا" و "التلي" وصارت حياتي مثل ما اريدها اني..حرفيا احلى ايام جاي اعيشها..هيه هاي الأيام.وما يمي شخص حتى اخاف اخسره وما عندي شي يخليني اعصي ربي.يومي حلو مابيه شي.
هو اكعد من النوم واسمع اغانيي "BTS"..وبعد هم اسمع اغانيي المفضله "cry" و "k" ووراها ابدل واروح لدوامي ساعه "12" وارجع للبيت ساعه "4" وابدل واروح انضف البيت ووراها اتابع مسلسلي "doona" ووراها اتأمل وجهه تايكوك..ومن اكمل ادرس قلييييل ووراها اروح اكل وبعدين بليل اصعد بالسطح حرفياااااا مكاني المفضل لأن هادئ ومرات واكثر شي اصعد من يصير الجو بارد ومطَر واخذ وياي لو "ايس كوفي" لو "مشروب طاقه" ووراها انزل اسولف وي شخصي المفضل " Hassan " يلي ما يخليني ضايجه ومرات نطلع اني وياه بالمطر وكلما اطلع اشر ملابس يجي وياي ونسولف بالحديقه وحتى كل ما اجيب ورقة الأمتحان هو اول واحد اكله ع درجتي.ومحد يعرفه غيري." حَسن عمره 23 واحد لطيف ومتفاهم ودائما يفهمني بدون ما احجي وهو كلشي يعرف عني وماعندي احد افضفضله غيره وهو دائما يدافع عني ودائما نطلع اني وياه بالسطح ومن اكله خلي نصعد بالسطح ما يكلي مابيه وتعبان.لا هو اصلا هذا مكانه المفضل وهو مثل جوي وهو علمني الرسم وهذن اغانيه المفضلات " cry " " k". وهم اغاني " BTS " ومفضلينا " تايكوك " " وهوبي "....ممم صديقي المفضللللل🖤✨✨

@kaitosh_ - 20.04.2024 02:28

I live between the letters of the words of this song with the sincerity of my feelings .

@reqexc - 19.04.2024 23:32

this reminds of one of my friends that i actually like and heres why. he may not be beautiful and all, but we were actually so close for so long.
i remember how close we were in like december, i was really sad at the time and felt like everything was going downhill, but he was the only person to tell me to be strong, be happy, and the most important thing: that he was always by my side. and he actually was, but not anymore. and i remember when he wss asking so many times "are you sad?". i used to lie everytime saying that im ok because i didnt want to make him worried but he somehow knew whenever a tear crossed my face, and he would do anything to make me happy, and we were not evem togheter!
everything was okay, but i noticed he was dry, and then after a week or so he was like "we cant be friends anymore because our classmates make fun of us" and it was true. I had 3 panic attacks and cried every night to sleep thinking of him. I even cried in the school bathrooms.
now we are okay, we are friends again, but its not the same anymore. im praying every night so i can get just one more real talk about our feelings.

@anatradacqua-my3x - 18.04.2024 19:44

That’s amazing how nice people can be🫶🏽 I also love how powerful and positive can those comments be

@rawanammar2234 - 16.04.2024 12:26

In a month, I will take the ministerial exam. I am very afraid and collapsed 💔✨

@rand_eych - 15.04.2024 17:57

this song still hit hard. its been a year since im crying my self helplessly while this song is playing. I hope on someone reading this was to have a good sleep and without a heavy heart.

@Only_thv30 - 12.04.2024 18:31

هذا العيد ما جته فرصة انه يتحرش هه.

@skyguysproduction5439 - 12.04.2024 06:12

Opening your heart to suffering is the same as opening your heart to love. You get both of two worlds. Or you'll end up all alone. Open your heart, little Jonathan open your heart.

@TaoSolos. - 08.04.2024 23:53

"enjoy your years before a teenager" if you believe im gonna make it past 12 your insane (my birthday is in 7 months and 4 days)

@tiadaromar6013 - 08.04.2024 20:26

Guys my bsf she is gone so is my will to live😊

@tiadaromar6013 - 08.04.2024 20:25

I don't think i deserves to be alive
