Day In My Life As An Orthodox Jewish Woman | Miriam Ezagui

Day In My Life As An Orthodox Jewish Woman | Miriam Ezagui

Miriam Ezagui

1 месяц назад

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@pirkkosalo-gl1ko - 02.02.2025 01:21

❤äidin elämä on näköjään samanlaista asuin maasta riippumatta😊❤hyvä äiti on❤

@lisa-mariexx5944 - 02.02.2025 13:39

It's so interesting hearing Jiddisch because I'm german and can understand so many words! I didn’t know that german was so present in jiddisch! "Gefilte-Fisch" translates to "gefüllter Fisch" in german wich basically means stuffed fish:) Thank you so much for sharing your culture, it's so interesting and lovely to learn about it:)

@Mabobo333 - 02.02.2025 21:47

The little baby is so smart❤

@EstyNir - 03.02.2025 23:40

Wow Miriam, I'm so proud of you! I hope you remember me; I'm Ayala's mom, you came to us for Shabbos a few times before you married.

@Manuela-og9kw - 04.02.2025 00:32

Shalom 🕎🫂🌹 Thank you so much 💖😊 from Germany 🇮🇱💐

@gorgeousbydesign2437 - 04.02.2025 03:11

I am now switching to your you tube channel for content. Thank you for sharing your family with all of us. I have become protective of you, your hubby and girls. Prayer is the most powerful tool that we have, and I will keep your family in my prayers.

@frankschiro7387 - 04.02.2025 22:01

Cute kids 😊😊😊😊😊😊

@hajerlabidi2306 - 05.02.2025 02:59

Do you leave in the stolen land of Palestine?

@rosanecalvet8034 - 05.02.2025 04:59

Linda família ! Shalom !

@carleen2841 - 05.02.2025 06:11

That baby’s hair is AMAZING!

@JERockcu - 05.02.2025 11:43


@francessayyed833 - 05.02.2025 20:31

The question to ask is a Zionist or anti Zionist jew? Zionism is not Judaism and visa Rabbi yaakov Shapiro book the empty anti Zionist Israelis and Jews and others

@Splite-moj - 05.02.2025 21:19

If she really was an orthodox jewish woman, she wouldn' t be filming this or have an You tube content. Simple as that.

@kriter2010 - 06.02.2025 00:32

❤ I love seeing your videos beautiful family

@LoveIsrael123 - 07.02.2025 02:52

YaHaVaH love is all saving YsHWH Yshua Hamaschiac ❤

@alisonrosenfeld1620 - 07.02.2025 06:35

Miriam I LOVE you! im a reform jew and I truly learn alot from you about your sector of judaism. you present it in such a fun, honest and loving way. happy almost shabbas <3

@trishacolonna4350 - 09.02.2025 05:12

Omg that baby! Just beautiful

@vaishaliwalawalkar7013 - 09.02.2025 09:02

From which country you belong?

@mandimoo87 - 11.02.2025 01:57

Hey did you know if you microwave or pressure cook a squash you can just scoop the flesh out. No difficult cutting or peeling required! With a pressure cooker you can then saute your onions whilst you're scooping the flesh out, add all your ingredients (I do 1/2 cup water only) and pressure cook for 10mins and soup is ready. I blend and add cream but oat cream is good too. For butternut we like nutmeg in it. We prefer it thick and smooth but you do you. We freeze it condensed like this and add water as we need it as it saves space (I make a massive pot that takes us a while to get through but handy for lunches at work or kids take in hot flasks in winter).

@PartyCrewCoolPAD - 11.02.2025 15:06

Hey 👋

Good Morning 🙏 🌄

I'm here to purchase a Victorian storytelling book & a Victorian lined leather bind journal

Please and Thank you ✌️

@eunicedavage-jones8378 - 12.02.2025 17:42

Thank you so much for sharing a small chunk of your life with us. The free education you are providing is priceless.

@LovetheWorldHCJ - 12.02.2025 21:14

My husband is of Sephardic ancestry, and I speak Spanish. Your surname strikes me as possibly from the Iberian peninsula. That said, you are definitely rooted in Askanazi customs. Just curious.

@hatarismom - 13.02.2025 07:20

My mom used to poach fish, smoked Haddock, and she would poach it in milk, not unlike your Gafilta Fish. Different but somewhat the same.

@AkhiSulaiman - 13.02.2025 07:38

Great video! Shalom aliechem

@IKayIRin - 13.02.2025 18:19

Love these longer vlogs

@izza.truroothealing - 15.02.2025 03:18

Your kids are adorable but oh my goodness the baby is the cutest with all that hair🎉

@JacindaChamplin-dk4ey - 16.02.2025 05:38

Jacinda Só much fun so Cute

@JacindaChamplin-dk4ey - 16.02.2025 05:38

Jacinda Só much fun so Cute

@tinagaffney986 - 16.02.2025 06:13


@ahuvachambers3333 - 18.02.2025 12:03

The blessing on the plack is Lighting of the Candelas.

@jackiekaminowitz6236 - 23.02.2025 18:20

Hi Miriam I found you on utube ❤❤❤❤🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱❤️❤️❤️

@Sorrely1 - 24.02.2025 00:00

Just discovered your channel. What a lovely family. Weirdest coincidence is I’m a Jewish woman in Leeds, UK and remember my parents had an acquaintance called Messody Ezagui!! My grandma made the best gefilte fish balls which we had with chrain.

@mariekatherine5238 - 25.02.2025 03:23

This reminds me of spending the weekend at my friend Cindy’s house. Her family was Orthodox, mine, Catholic. We managed to have the best time despite differences in our religious traditions.

@bexxg2123 - 25.02.2025 05:14

Wasn't a huge fan of gefilte fish when I was younger but now I LOVE it! I'll have to see if I can find that brand.

@alesslazzara2552 - 25.02.2025 07:25

Bet your waiting on that boy!

@colleencarling - 26.02.2025 04:37

Love the name Naomi…from Book of Ruth? 💙🙏

@monicagaitor6751 - 26.02.2025 16:04

The children look like beautiful doll babies.....I love the Jewish people, they are God's chosen people.

@kellyalonzi2917 - 26.02.2025 17:51

You are a gem. Such a beautiful family. Love your channel.

@veronicaprovder6585 - 26.02.2025 18:22

Your family is so beautiful! The way you and Aaron interact with your children is amazing. Love this long form content!!

@joanntessel1026 - 27.02.2025 06:26

PLEASE READ! I’m Christian
But have many Jewish friends who are wonderful people n to me! You have beautiful children. Can I give you a word of advice if you want to get more viewers you have to make your channel more interesting people love to see cooking from the beginning to the end so I advise you to show a whole dinner that you’re cooking and I’m telling you will get more viewers! Good luck n love from New York City! 😇❤️🌺

@MoonpieLee - 28.02.2025 18:28

Miriam looks just like my tosh if he were a woman. I've loved him since I was sixteen. I'm thirty five this year. He's stuck by me through all the lows not just the highs. He's an honest man. I really love him. We're Jewish by DNA but we don't practice.

@marystout1606 - 28.02.2025 21:22

Stand up to your husband and don't cut off your daughters' beautiful long hair.

@breatherepeat - 28.02.2025 21:42

I'm not religious, but I enjoy studying various religions and faiths. My family is a wonderful mixture of faiths... Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Orthodox Christian. Thank you for sharing your lives and your faith. Your family is beautiful. Wishing you all joy.

@amberp5207 - 01.03.2025 05:34

You have a beautiful family. I can’t stop staring at your baby’s beautiful hair. ❤

@belindakittrell4884 - 02.03.2025 22:27


@julzz1812 - 02.03.2025 23:23

Was that your only Shabbat menu two things?

@Atypicalhousecat - 05.03.2025 11:43

I recently heard some medications are non kosher, would love to know which medications are kosher friendly(coming from someone like you with a nursing background)😊
