A Simple Way to Plan Your Week

A Simple Way to Plan Your Week

Bullet Journal

55 лет назад

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@silvijap7 - 26.04.2022 16:03

This is Gold! Was weekly in the book? I don't think it was in the book. Rewatching and taking notes.

@belkybanegas4108 - 26.04.2022 16:12


@tigerlily6512 - 26.04.2022 17:00

I don't understand. Too early I think...

@jadenlightnight7695 - 26.04.2022 22:45

this was really short but surprizingly helpful.

@samuele.marcora - 27.04.2022 01:20

I have been waiting for months for this video.

@gabrielaherrera9229 - 27.04.2022 03:16

Thank you ♥️

@JCarderera - 27.04.2022 15:23

Recently started bullet journaling, anda the Last few days I was wondering how to do these

@BlairSlavin - 27.04.2022 16:38

Interesting. But still not worth $250+

@apriljohnson6191 - 28.04.2022 01:42

I think this was immensely helpful. Got one question: How does the weekly log work if you roll over from one month to the next in the middle of it?

@93zhai - 28.04.2022 07:12

BuJo book and community really saved me. 😍 I don't think I'd be able to gain so much insights and make the right decisions with all that mess happened in the past few months without the method. :)

I'm a very wordy person so I use up much more pages for each day and even put a bunch of doodles. But that's amazing about the flexibility of the BuJo.

My personal addition was to use tape to make tabs for collections I flip to often and monthly logs. Even with the index, it's just nice to flip to these pages quickly.

@helgarodrigues8317 - 29.04.2022 14:19

This is a completely different approach to weekly logging. Very different from what I've been doing without success. Should I index this?

@Parkitloveit - 29.04.2022 23:04

This is perfect! It’s exactly what I’ve been looking for as I nearly never can complete all my weekly to-do’s.

@Millaine_xSeitenSeele - 02.05.2022 17:01

It is gorgeous. I am just a little bit sad, that it is only possible to enroll the course with a credit card. Not everyone who wants to be in the course has a credit card. Maybe you could make it possible to pay with PayPal. Thank you very much.

@RoseErifnosi - 12.05.2022 01:08

Ooooo I love this, this is what I've been missing!!

@nagatorenin9069 - 02.06.2022 14:48

Can I get a free course as gratitude

@nehhachadda208 - 09.06.2022 14:40

i didnt understand it at all

@Rizkimash - 03.07.2022 11:38

Hi Ryder, i have a question regarding weekly log: Do we need to migrate any tasks list that in the monthly log but the deadline it self on the week that we do weekly reflections?

@yquintana5673 - 13.07.2022 09:50

Oh my goodness, this is something I’m excited to try out

@pohyokelo - 25.07.2022 03:10

The system improved a lot. I started doing the revised system before it came out. It is very helpful.

@jonasb8124 - 07.08.2022 19:28

The audio is quite bad on this. It sounds tinny in some sections and changes volume. I hope this is not the quality in the course.

Other than that this inspired me as I've found that I often lose focus of what I planned for the month and also tried to do too much with my weekly spreads. I'll try this.

@DonBozzi - 09.12.2022 11:06

I just discovered this Bullet Journaling and I’m very curious to try it out. I’m a freelancer and I work on appointments…I have no problem managing time for my job: I’m precise and I schedule my week easily… but with my routine changing from week to week it’s hard to find the time to do other things in my life, especially to invest my spare time constructively. You always start from the purpose when making a BuJo but honestly I have no goal, I just want to check where my free time goes during the week and what kind of patterns I naturally follow. Maybe I’ll find out I can make better choices with my spare time.
I have just one question: is there a functional way to track incomes? I don’t have one payday, so I need to track when clients pay me and when I spend money. Could collections serve the purpose? Do you think it’s better to have 2 separate collections for income/outcome or just one?
Thanks for your reply and thanks for sharing this very good method.

@smaaahen - 06.01.2023 01:44

I can’t believe I’m discovering this weekly log explanation just now, this is everything that I needed to know for now, that’s reassuring me thank you !!!

@sinosabesnotemetas - 04.02.2023 12:58

Thank you for this suggestion but doesn't work completely for me. It's ok with the past week's resume but not for upcoming week tasklist. I prefer to migrate tasks to the monthly task list already created: having to look for tasks into many places could be confusing for me.

@Steph6Mc - 21.03.2023 20:48

I don’t get it completely..

@Dreblueskies - 21.03.2023 20:50

Love this so much!! so simple. I love that the Bujo method as it was intended isn't meant to be fancy or cumbersome. You are awesome Ryder!

@susanking9173 - 22.03.2023 01:13

Another practical tip which includes reflection and action. Love it and will try it for sure. Thanks so much! You were one of the things I was grateful for today. 😉😉

@DavidStosik - 31.03.2023 13:21

Hello Ryder! Love the BuJo method, been trying to be consistent with it for a few years now (though I first learned about it way longer ago 😅).
Thanks for this video on the weekly log, this looks very useful, so I started trying to implement it last week, and I'm already hitting a snag: how do you handle a month transition when it does not happen on the same day as your week transition? (Almost always, basically – 11 out of 12 months this year.)

- For me, weeks start on Monday (just saying, as I understand some people start their week on Sunday).
- I have my weekly spread for weeks 12 and 13 ("03.20~26 (w12)" on the left side and "03.27~04.02 (w13)" on the right side). Reflection on the left, tasks on the right.
- Tomorrow's April 1st (Saturday). So tonight or tomorrow morning, I'm planning to do my monthly reflection and migration: create the April spread, migrate March pending tasks (some go to April, some to the future log, and the rest trash), and also bring future log tasks to April.

What feels weird is that I have two non-daily places where to pick tasks from: the weekly spread that I started last Monday and the monthly spread that I'll create tonight.
Though we're only talking about two weekend days, it could be more, and my impression is that I have broken the system a bit: usually, there is one place to look at one place when starting my day, but during this transition phase, there are two? How do you deal with this yourself?

@I_am_the_one101 - 08.11.2023 01:24

what does the '2' stand for? is it the 2nd week or the number of the month? Can anyone help me out?

@coreystickland - 05.12.2023 07:44

is the rapid log the daily log

@sangpeters - 18.12.2023 19:40

Wow. Your writing is so heavenly

@missicanbeanything - 01.03.2024 18:16

question: if i'm understanding this right, if you use monthly, weekly and daily logs would this mean that some tasks would be rewritten multiple times as you move it from month -> week -> day? and does this count as part of a migration?

@Andrew-dg7qm - 19.03.2024 20:25

How do you migrate the weekly Tasklist if at all?

I recall the book says you don’t always use a weekly log, only when you’re very busy or overwhelmed

@MarianneHMiettinen - 19.04.2024 22:58

2 minutes worth Gold in this video!

@hoperoesler - 23.04.2024 15:54

This is the reverse of the monthly log.
Why do we not do monthly task list, weekly task list, daily logs, weekly reflections, monthly reflection?

@scoogsy - 10.07.2024 12:00

So much of what Bujo does seems steeped in complex system theory. Which is fantastic. I get a certain scrum vibe from it. I’ve been doing Bujo now for three years, and going from strength to strength. It has had an enduring impact on me. Wonderful Ryder (also, bought the fancy Bujo journal from you guys 😊)

@vitorsousamiranda6603 - 11.08.2024 01:04

Why isn't the "Weekly Log" Collection in the book "The Bullet Journal Method"?

@kishgia85 - 12.08.2024 02:59

Do you keep weekly log in another journal book (assuming you are using hardcopy only)?
