Here in 2024
ОтветитьOkay juist
Nhung this
Reached th
2030 anyone?
ОтветитьI woke up today with this feeling.
That better things are coming my way.
And if the sunshine has a meaning,
Telling me not to let things get in my way
When the rainy days are dying,
Gotta keep on, keep on trying
All the bees and birds are flying
Never let go gotta hold on and
Non stop 'til the break of dawn and
Keep on moving, don't stop rocking Ahhhh...
Get on up When you're down, baby,
Take a good look around.
I know it's not much, But it's okay.
We'll Keep on movin' on anyway
Feels like I have should be screaming,
Trying to get it through to my friends.
sometimes it feels that life has no meaning,
But I know things will be alright in the end.
When the rainy days are dying,
Gotta keep on, keep on trying
All the bees and birds are flying
Never let go gotta hold on and
Non stop 'til the break of dawn and
Keep on moving, don't stop rocking Ahhhh...
Get on up When you're down, baby,
Take a good look around.
I know it's not much, But it's okay.
We'll Keep on movin' on anyway
When the rainy days are dying,
Gotta keep on, keep on trying
All the bees and birds are flying
Never let go gotta hold on and
Non stop 'til the break of dawn and
Keep on moving, don't stop rocking Ahhhh...
Get on up When you're down, baby,
Take a good look around.
I know it's not much, But it's okay.
We'll Keep on movin' on anyway
I LOVE THIS SONG 🎵 IT'S MY FAVOURITE SONG 🎵 💕 ❤ 💓 💛 💖 🎵 💕 ❤ 💓 💛 💖 🎵 💕 ❤ 💓 💛 💖 🎵 💕❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
I heard this on heart uk and now I’ve got a health problem it’s called I can’t stop listening to this song or for short I.c.s.l.t.t.s
You know when i'm dead that yellow is my saving grace
ОтветитьGenkhis janet
Ik m'n famiel
Gewoon voor
Iets te beginnen
Bidden tot maria moeder kerke
Jaa ik heb jou graag nhung hell mother yes
Vond ik een verklikker tq westside vrouw
Jann ik heb jou graag but hell yeah
Is een motherfucker dus geen tq westside
Landsmartelaren , experten en a ontstaner
ОтветитьKien vut thu day di kg blijv duoc in do
64 werker en studeerder .. vecht ke m
Waarom niet bvi gapp toan maquy dung blijv in ho ho
Nua, dan jij bent niet bij ons bij ket is een vo duyene
Cause .. .
ОтветитьThey said it's the black man i should fear
Auropeans are blacks , but me i
No no girl its love game iss brutality
Ik was u arthur en u nga judge ngoan
64 .. .
When the days are dying
But moong to nhat dough
Giet duoc chinh phai ban
But moe eui minh khoi and tring kien
If somebody broke all the rules is him
Dan sss than lijkt op
I finally found it 's the fault of kien et ket
Doe uw jullie best he ... . 64
When the rainy daze are dying
Brenda never knew a mom a dad
Since there is no more you there is no more me
Hieu chua no love from the public side
You are my sunshine
Bup bê day bvi womanical black panth
Black panthers
ОтветитьFeels like childhood
ОтветитьDat is azia
Neukers suong ra chua nhung never complete
The end was form bye her
Iemand stommer vijand er niet mee
Je suis tres content
No no no no stranger will be free
Steeds komen met publiek zij onze vrienden
Toi de loo bi mat cuo no ja rule chi tufik
Vertrouw geen vreemde
Niet bevrienden met zich
The world was of yours
None of my business
Anders thiën eric congo
You can run to me when you need
Here with me you her er a home n a police guy
I know it's not much but it's okay
ОтветитьZo iemand is zo een bewijs als moet praten
Chinh mi ie er een smerigaard
But when i look up ik alleen windels jan
Iemand auropa vreemde sss..
ОтветитьHere the fault von wie strengere broer
Gewoon wachten tot het uitbreekt
Als jij hebt problemen
Met jou laat
Dan weten
1 fout die van ke? Dan flikker ont
Dit de fout van brosteaux and landsgenoten
Allemaal psycho's best you can do is not to save it
Dido don't leave home
Quayy tro lai chien tranh di roi tra lai
Hemelen cuhm bramm massing ar
It's been a good day you saved my
But wait till parkinson than dat ik vraagde
When the raining days are dying
We having it not trying yet 64 in your quon su
Thriller kien is just a ont boy
And that ended not just a chinese restaurant
O day iemand die meest voor werkt voor
Verdwijning die verdwijnt eerst
Chauu b batt naat
Than nobody me
If the sunshine has no meaning
Tell others nothing could get my way
Shitses thus stuffs
ОтветитьKhi fou von haar wil jij alstublieft weggaan
Jáa zoals een shemale
Thriller zij vormt het ongeluk
😢 En ik ben het de dief nooit een god
Gehouden but ick verdenk armen
Thus publieke meerderheid zij alleen tú
Laat ons wegwijzen
No no lions when the males fhi getting
High we are our parents that can't be friends
Okh bye is een automaat or.. .
Roi tiec ky thi tro thanh ann capp
Affi reek ann
Azia is niet
Umer icca
Aurora pas
Kian don't get there do you enjoy of being
Hurts welke weg nu di ve bian mut
Avid 5ive fans here since 1998 up to now and counting i still love 5ive..❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤