Top 5 Zelda Enemies - Zeltik

Top 5 Zelda Enemies - Zeltik


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@ThePhysicalReaction - 21.08.2022 06:02

ocarina of time: gerudo valley sword ladies

@davidbehrens4760 - 23.08.2022 06:50

Haven't watched yet but Twilight Princess Darknuts better be at or near the top of this list

@chrislecount4801 - 26.08.2022 22:42

Am I the only one who finds WW Redeads the scariest enemies in Zelda?

@jokig - 31.08.2022 06:56

One thing I've always liked seeing in any game is enemies as a natural part of the world, not simply just generally evil monsters. This is a big criticism I have against BotW, where 90% of the enemies you'll be fighting don't feel like real living beings.
If I had to pick a favourite Zelda enemy, I'd probably say Iron Knuckles from the N64 games since some thought is needed to engage in combat.

@scantopup2226 - 29.09.2022 02:04

the most deadly legend of zelda enemy, squarespace

@dubiousdeliquite6641 - 29.09.2022 06:42

Will say that my one issue with botw is the lack of enemy variance. I never really notice it while playing, and combat is still always fun in the game, but it really doesnt feel as natural as the other games where undead monsters and random beasts are part of the world and not just ganon spawn. Hopefully since tears of the kingdom is using all the same assets they will have more enemies since they didnt need to spend quite as much time refining gameplay mechanics and graphics

@MamaWolf920 - 30.09.2022 06:56

Look closely at a bokoblins neck.. they still wear the skull ornaments from skyward sword.. I think it’s neat

@hime8347 - 05.10.2022 01:35

ah yes my favorite zelda enemy, squarespace

@plasmamonkey6997 - 15.10.2022 05:55

i love the personality of the bokoblin in botw

@nahoric1312 - 05.11.2022 01:40

The wind waker moblins are hilariously dumb looking😂 and darknut DARK NUT WTF IS THIS NAME😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Also the botw bokoblins are funnier than wind waker moblins

@weisstofall2615 - 23.11.2022 04:05

I love your vids

@小林雪-o9t - 23.11.2022 08:49

Darknuts were my favorite enemies to fight in Twilight Princess. They were the only ones to change their tactics. I hope they show up in Tears of the kingdom, ReDeads too.

@liamnesty66 - 20.12.2022 03:07

I think he’s just biased to the Windwaker, like I am to BoTW

@JoseRodriguez-jn2ur - 01.01.2023 21:01

Nothing will top seeing a moblin throw a bokoblin

@Cupno00odles-hn - 16.01.2023 18:49

You gotta love bokoblins

@thrjfi5360 - 26.01.2023 11:44

No koloktos

@nicolemoon4404 - 30.01.2023 03:17

Why does the moulin get fat in skyward sword

@Sonicisawesome19 - 25.02.2023 19:42

I’ve actually mastered killing lynels I don’t die to them anymore.

@nicotect - 13.03.2023 06:16

first 2 yes, 3 next no. 2 not from a zelda game and one you see 2 mins in all the game.

@maxximumrockatansky7186 - 14.04.2023 07:59

I have to agree that BOTW's Boko's are probably the best enemy here, I'd even go so far as to call them adorable.

@Mikefilms419 - 16.04.2023 22:25

I am NOT ready for Tears of The Kingdom’s Redead 😭😭😭

@OziasEv - 18.04.2023 10:18

I know this is an old video now but since the new one is coming out in less than a month: I really hope they bring reDeads back. I know they weren't in BotW but I feel like there's every reason for them to exist and the graphics now would be terrifying. The Lynels in BotW is absolutely my favorite currently, with reDeads being the ones I fear the most in the whole franchise so far.

@Fabio-lq7wb - 18.04.2023 15:25

I never really played the 3D Zelda games just BOTW so I can not say much about the enemies of the other 3D games, but in BOTW, Lynels and Bokoblins are my favorite ones. Lynel is such a fun enemy to battle with and the rewards are normally amazing, not to mention, it is the only enemy that is not really agressive against the player, unless if you get way too close or if you do the 1st move, I wonder if they will change the behavior of this enemy in TOK. And Bokoblins are the most expressive enemies of the game, is such a fun time using a Majora Mask or a Bokoblin Mask to join their group.

@Mr.Foxhat - 24.04.2023 19:42

Lizalfos are probably my favorite enemy overall (and BoTW has my favorite incarnation.) There are hints in OoT that they worship reptilian deities, protecting the dodongos, and possibly worshipping the snake wrapped around the goddess of the sands. In BoTW, they are also the only race that has actual "villages" sprinkled through Hyrule. We even get lore entries showing they are intelligent enough to not only forge impressive weapons, but they even have had a hierarchy with their own generals.

Skyward Sword also added to their lore, showing they may have worshipped the dragons such as Lanayru and Eldin.

@alexandertkachenko1432 - 27.04.2023 12:52

The one thing we can take away from this video is that wind water has awesome enemy design

@Tony-hv8wz - 28.04.2023 20:34

I hope there are skulltulas and poes in tears of the kingdom. I missed them in breath of the wild

@jessicamadsen7092 - 09.05.2023 00:28

I remember one time seeing a BotW Moblin scratch its armpit, look at its hand, then put that hand in its mouth.
Needless to say, I was grossed out. 🤣

And the first time that I played master mode was pretty funny.
There was a beautiful sunrise coming over the Great Plateau, and I could see a four legged figure, silhouetted by the rising sun, and I thought, “oh fun, they have a horse-riding Bokoblin up here!”
So I pulled out my scope to look at it - HOLY FRICK ITS A LYNEL! 😱
Not only that, but a White Maned one with a Crusher, to boot.
And when I had the unfortunate instance of trying to run past him, I could see the tips of his arrows glowing ever so slightly, and I realized a second too late that he was wielding bomb arrows. 😂

And when it comes to ReDeads, the ones in Ocarina absolutely scared me the most. The scream that comes from them is so much more chilling, also because it has that simultaneous ripping sound effect. Really creepy.
The scream that comes from the ones in Windwaker just sounds like a high-pitched trumpeting elephant to me, and I feel the sound effect could have been better. 🤷‍♀️
Although I did think it was really freaky when they would be sitting there, and when you got close enough, they would lift up their head and twist their neck so they could look in your direction with those black soulless eyes. And they would just sit there and stare at you .

@bowser_the_flamingshell - 09.05.2023 03:51

ah my fav zelda enemy, squarespace

@petercatalano6574 - 10.05.2023 04:10

moblins are by far the scariest in ocarina of time going around those corners is terrifying

@goblin0887 - 10.05.2023 15:02

My favourite appearance of the bokoblin is the one holding a fire rod near an ice block. If you kill it and melt the block, another boko will come out of it. He was just trying to save his friend and you killed him!!

@harmagedonFR - 10.05.2023 20:18

every mobs of wind waker is bad for me, i REALLY don't like the style

@Only1WithAnE - 11.05.2023 04:27

Yeah those zombie things in Wind Waker scared me. The screeching sound they made and how they made Link freeze up in terror. Ugh I'm getting flashbacks!

@jfxme-f - 29.05.2023 10:31

My theory to the fact that the lynels Arent bosses is that in the trial of the sword you have to fight a lynel but you can insta kill him with an anciant arrow
Wouldnt be pissible if He was a boss

@LizardMane - 30.05.2023 14:56

I'm very disappointed with the diversity in tears of the kingdom. We don't get many new enemies. The gleeoks are AMAZING. BUT WE NEEDED MORE OF THAT

@sctkarter1111 - 05.06.2023 10:07

I used to always feel bad killing dodongos in OOT lol

@Gearthepunk - 06.06.2023 09:12

Agree on the Bokoblin's, they're great

@melonrats - 11.06.2023 02:13

Am i too late foe the amiibo?

@megamario3696 - 19.06.2023 05:15

Wind Waker’s Moblin just looks like a gangster with a phat ass.

@rud5101 - 22.06.2023 21:17

Yesterday I watched a Lynel dodge lightning bolts

@ShadowWizard224 - 30.01.2024 14:24

My top 10 Zelda enemies of all time:

#1 Lynels
#2 Darknuts
#3 Wall Masters
#4 Stalfos
#5 Octoroks
#6 Moblins
#7 ChuChus
#8 ReDeads
#9 Lizalfos
#10 Big Poes

@Cainb23 - 28.05.2024 17:21

you can see bros ww bias in this one for sure lmao... i gave him moblin thats whatever but redead one was absurd

@joeyc.9622 - 02.07.2024 03:39

If you haven't seen the mockumentary "Tears of the Boko" by Tasteful Thickness, you should get on that! I think you'd enjoy it.

@SamLinDuer - 23.09.2024 13:11

Haven't seen anyone comment this yet but.....

In WW, if you keep your distance and shoot an arrow near a redead, they don't get up to attack or anything.....

they just tilt their head and stare at you for a few seconds before going back their previous position, it honestly makes them more creepy.

@Finley-s5h - 28.12.2024 22:58

buddy. why did you say moblins are in every 3d zelda game, when you just said that they aren't in twilight princess -_-

@IiaFilipova-sq1dq - 10.02.2025 05:33

ocarina of time and majora's mask are not n64 games.but they do have a 2ds/3ds remake.

@ScaricoOleoso - 27.02.2025 04:08

Ocarina of Time's moblins were the biggest. 🤓

@AlaskaSedelaere - 05.03.2025 18:24

Pretty sure its somewhere in the comments, but somebody made a Natural Geographic Style ingame documentary about Bocoblins, wearing that mask and narrating what is happening. It fits your observations about them very well.

@Zeltik - 29.11.2019 03:01

Thanks for watching! Who are your favourite Zelda enemies?

(EDIT: Congratulations to @blackclohz for solving the secret in only an hour and a half!)
