I don't think Bongo Bongo should count. It is a boss, not an enemy
ОтветитьI loved the wind waker...the sounds ,the music, the story . Much more enjoyable than twighlight princess . I never finished twighlight princess. I got bored or something
ОтветитьWouldn't it be terrifying to see 5 floor masters together?
Tears of the Kingdom developer: taking notes
So glad that Wallmasters made it onto the list.
Also, this was made before Tears of the Kingdom, so I want to say, as they’re related to Wallmasters (TotK fans, you know what’s coming):
Fuck the Gloom Hands
the gloom hands in totk💀
ОтветитьUpdate: gloom hands from TOTK
ОтветитьTwilight Princess. The answer is every enemy in Twilight Princess. They are FREAKY
ОтветитьI hate SEAHATS
ОтветитьDeadhand was my original Zelda nightmare fuel. these days it's the Gloomspawn.
ОтветитьThese are some of the aspects the new Zelda games are lacking heavily *
ОтветитьDead hand did not scare me when I fought him
ОтветитьI confirm for the seahat's redead of wind waker & especialy for the guardians of skyward sword the silent realm's traumatized me that why i dont play it anymore :O
ОтветитьFun little observation:
The Death Sword demon totally looks like its based off of Ghost Danshaku's final form from "The Fantastic Adventures of Unico."
Not just that, the entire escape from Gannon's castle and the final boss of the original Zelda 64 seem heavily inspired by the climax in Unico.
Whoever gets hired to do the concept art for the Legend of Zelda movie is gonna have an absolute field day.
ОтветитьIt seems to be an uncommon one for most, but an enemy that i refuse to approach is the like likes. I hate them! They are disgusting!!
ОтветитьWhat happened to the gloom hands in totk
ОтветитьThe redeads were scarier in WW and TP.
ОтветитьSeahats weren't scary, but could be frustrating. Skulltula don't belong to list. Poes aren't scary. Death Sword is scary. Floor Masters are worse the wall masters. Bongo Bongo doesn't go on the list. Neither does Dead Hand.
ОтветитьSoooooo floor masters where foreshadowing gloom hands?
Ответитьafter totk be like: top 15 scariest zelda enemies, (the last five) gloom hands, gloom hands, gloom hands, gloom hands, gloom hands, oh and don't forget the terrifying gloom hands
Ответитьdeath sword was the creepiest
ОтветитьGloom hands terrify me (the legend of Zelda tears of the kingdom)
Ответитьtotk comes out: poes alright we’re chill
Ответитьskullchulas ah skull turanchula
ОтветитьFor me, the most terrifying will always be the Ghost Rats from Twilight Princess.
I have a deep seedeed phobia of rats, but they usually don't bother me in Zelda games because they are typically cartoony looking. In that game, they went for something more photo realistic, so they creeped me out. However, the sheer terror I felt when I first saw the Ghost Rats all over Wolf Link's body made me jump out of my chair.
Twilight Princess was the one zelda game I wanted to play. The enemies actually made me want to fight them. So badass. The enemies actually intimidated me.
ОтветитьDeath Sword and Stall Lord are my all-time favorite horror bosses in the whole franchise. The Gloom Hand is my favorite enemy.😮
Ответитьyour missing the hand from Zants castle in twilight princess
ОтветитьQueen gohma inside the Duke tree was epic and quite intense the first time playing ocarina of time
ОтветитьI had completely forgotten about Skyward Sword's silent guardians but, yes, they were terrifying.
ОтветитьGloomhands made me shit myself the first time I saw it
ОтветитьPost totk, Where would u put the Gloom-hands? I would honestly say that they are even scarier than dead-hand
ОтветитьWith the release of Tears of the Kingdom, where do you rank the Gloom Hands?
ОтветитьPeahats from Ocarina of Time were terrifying.
ОтветитьDead Hands will always hold that number one spot for me. I remember playing the Bottom of the Well for the first time late night in my room back when I was 13 when Ocarina of Time first released and it scared the hell out of me.
ОтветитьI love Dark fantasy
ОтветитьDeadhands name in german version is Hirnsauger which means like Brainfeeder, which is even more horrifying bc he attacks with bites
ОтветитьI wonder what that last tall Poe from Twilight Princess was saying. Considering that it was talking, I was thinking that it was probably saying, "We are the masters of these grounds! Leave, or suffer!"
ОтветитьKeese from various games are what scare me the most
ОтветитьAs a kid when I played the legend of Zelda ocarina of time and I did not solve the poes sisters heck sheik taught me a song that I thought it might help but all it does is warp to other places of hyrule
ОтветитьThe Goatman in the deserttemple in TP scared the shit out of me 😂
Ответитьocarina of time and majora's mask are not only on n64 but also the 3ds.
ОтветитьWhy haven’t you used Ocarina of Time for Nintendo 3DS? I like that version better.
ОтветитьWhat about the Gloom Hands in Tears of the Kingdom?
ОтветитьThe stalllord would i love to see as a living one