10 Rules to Get Rich in 10 Years or Less | The Bedros Keuilian Show E0112

10 Rules to Get Rich in 10 Years or Less | The Bedros Keuilian Show E0112

Bedros Keuilian

3 месяца назад

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@Rossdink - 04.12.2024 15:54

200 million? You should put that on a plaque behind you. Holy shit

@Kingchino305 - 04.12.2024 18:09


@nsabbag - 05.12.2024 06:52

Android is superior to Iphone

@GosiaCanoFitness - 07.12.2024 09:32

I cannot thank you enough for this episode; I am learning so much valuable information on how to become a better leader and a better entrepreneur ❤

@melpeezy - 07.12.2024 19:38

Free Game.. thanks 🙏🏾

@GrandMasterHmClock - 08.12.2024 03:54

I'm Grandmaster Stock Trader 🎉
99% accurate, 50% gain monthly ❤
No stop-loss needed 🛑
lets make this 💰

@PedroPerezx - 09.12.2024 11:03

Thanks for the advice bedros

@sunilsamuel2328 - 09.12.2024 17:04

Thank you for this amazing message.
You're energy and ability to know what to say and how to say it is profound.

I am a new entrepreneur and will be launching by businesses next year.
Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and taking the time to reach out to millions of people. I really hope that one day I can meet you face to face and shake your hand for all that you are doing for so many people

@mitakon21 - 09.12.2024 22:07

Shoo, that's a radical resume'.😊

@LXMaverick - 10.12.2024 07:11

Great Episode.. needed to hear this.

@PrasanthQHSE - 10.12.2024 14:13

pure gold

@ShephardInvestments-o9z - 10.12.2024 17:52

Total truth!

@camela8445Mar - 11.12.2024 02:15

Diversification is key, Consider diversifying your portfolio with a mix of stocks and stable assets. Seeking professional advice now could provide valuable insights and strategies to navigate market uncertainties and protect your investments.

@disebalikpintu2024 - 11.12.2024 10:00

THank YOU!❤

@porichechannel - 11.12.2024 13:00

Thank you❤

@JudahOstara - 11.12.2024 16:52

Great content, thank you Bedros!

@veraalfredo2005 - 11.12.2024 18:01

You just answered a big question for me related to partners. I always appreciate your advice and guidance. Awesome podcast. Thanks!

@racquelcummings8428 - 12.12.2024 03:45

Whats the best thing to invest in

@richardpage7323 - 12.12.2024 14:28

financial insecuity is a very real problem.

@raph1024 - 12.12.2024 17:43

Cops and firefighters do bring an enormous amount of value. They would be millionaires if they ask money to the beneficiary of their service before they intervene

@levasquez4025 - 12.12.2024 21:09

Bedros. Hurray for you, so on target! I truely appreciate your message. I am getting your book when I get home. I can’t wait. Thank you so much.

@Fadi-b3y - 13.12.2024 13:48

Send some money here my brother much respect from Assyria.

@Dearrarara - 13.12.2024 17:48

there's a book called whispers of manifestation on borlest , and it talks about how using some secret tehniques you can attract almost everything in life it's not some bullshit law of attraction, it's the real deal

@raviadam4565 - 13.12.2024 18:17

There’s a book called The Cosmic Wealth Frequencies on Borlest with secret techniques that actually work. This isn’t theory—it’s the real deal.

@ranacreation411 - 13.12.2024 20:17

The fact that nobody talks about the book whispers of manifestation on borlest speaks volumes about how people are stuck in a trance

@chriss4365 - 14.12.2024 19:14

Million by 27 and I'm 37 still trying to figure out how to get to the first million.

@donkay9454 - 14.12.2024 22:15

Wow thanks for the teaching❤ I'm an Artist and I need money for my music career

@donkay9454 - 14.12.2024 22:17

I'm open for music business and sharing my art with interested investors

@barbie3139 - 16.12.2024 05:35

Real wisdom.

@tonysilke - 16.12.2024 13:59

Most rich people stay rich by spending like the poor and investing without stopping then most poor people stay poor by spending like the rich yet not investing like the rich but impressing them. People prefer to spend money on liabilities, Rather than investing in assets and be very profitable

@lstephen - 16.12.2024 22:48

Can you explain on “money loves speed”?

@LeonardoAldana-d7m - 17.12.2024 01:24

Too much bla bla bla

@FreedomSoulTravel - 18.12.2024 13:21

I understand, we all want to be well! ❤I can say what i see in this world! If i do a bussines in your way ,i will limit peopels ,you give them an salary who limit all his life,your team agree with you? To be limited? What about other way included Love, to share with each others for real? We work toghter,no more leaders with this mind set up! 😢 I dont agree! Why? I see how this system make so much peopels poor,limited,PROVERTY!After when we see them cry,we feel sorry! You dont like to be used in same way,but you use others this way😢after you want be nr.1 to help childrens! ! Can you see yourself actions? Can we see this system dont work for all of us😢teach us to fight ,to control each others,make others poor for you to achive wealth😢 For me Love ❤looks different!

@TrynaBeABetterMan - 23.12.2024 22:03

Thank you for the knowledge and perspective you give. You are very inspiring and I'm greatful I found your show! Happy Holidays ☝️❤️💪🪙🚀🌛

@Skannerz - 24.12.2024 21:38

This guy actually looks like he sounds... lol.

@Mgray345 - 02.01.2025 04:23

You’re promoting slaves dude. Stop promoting hustle culture. Thats not what we need more of. We need LESS government. Not more. WTF man

@gerardo100 - 08.01.2025 04:31

You miss qouted Einstein , he said Money doesn't fix all your problems but if you have money problems then you have all the problems.

@WealthyChronicle - 11.01.2025 21:25

Ignorance IS the biggest tax! If you’re not actively learning, you’re just paying the price for staying in the dark. 🔥

@Dr.Fr-grant369 - 21.01.2025 18:42

Most of the points on partnership doesn’t add up too much low knowledge

@mapools - 22.01.2025 17:59

Easy to say all this when you have money

@kmatti4 - 22.01.2025 19:07

Thank you for this. I'm a Doctor and I'm venturing into business

@arnabchatterjee694 - 28.01.2025 21:53

1. Most people over estimate what they can accomplish in 1 year and under estimate what they accomplish in 10 years.
2. Avoid partnerships and retain equity at all costs
3. All money is time for dollars
4. If you can manage your time and energy, you can manage your money
5. Make money and then invest money in yourself
6. Audit your bank accounts and your spending
7. Ignorance is the highest tax that broke people pay
8. Develop money making skills such as marketing, sales, communication, persuasion, management
9. Build your personal brand
10. Money is directly proportionate to the amount of value that you add, wealth is directly proportionate to the number of people you serve.

@trusailietazperlinski4717 - 29.01.2025 00:10

Speaking of funny math.. 🤔 that would be -31 of them negligence that were directly a result of medical support teams, and/or radical hazardous material. 🏋️ And Soo.. I came home..

@boodgiek8146 - 01.02.2025 22:17

GEE A wealthy person that looks like an MMA fighter .guess I'd better watch all you videos.

@RhondaFike-hopefuldrag - 07.02.2025 21:35

😂 I don't need encouragement 😂I did my patented nonprofit all on my one well with legal counsel and a great one at that !!! But I'm stupid .....remember 😂

@benbessette8911 - 07.02.2025 23:35

Your comment section is full of scammers.

@daymonpancheri8846 - 23.02.2025 19:55

Bedros, thank you for lighting a fire up under my ass🔥 You inspired me to workout harder & get my first business started! I pray I’ll be a strong, business owner like you!
