Should you choose Delta 8 or Delta 10 THC?

Should you choose Delta 8 or Delta 10 THC?


2 года назад

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@Exodus26.13Pi - 07.03.2022 17:26

Solid information. After intro kill music or at least turn it down more please.

@andrewsiasparks - 07.03.2022 23:10

Won’t legalize weed in the US but they regulate synthesized variations?

@dxc12345 - 08.03.2022 02:08

I have tried D8 and didn't get any effect. Nothing. Zero. Zilch.

@proditoresmoriendum86 - 12.04.2022 17:39

I'll stick to regular weed fuck all this nonsense

@Postulatedstate - 09.05.2022 18:52

Smoke regular marijuana

@ThiagoDVaz - 10.06.2022 14:53

Great presentation. I learned a lot, thanks. 😊

@kodiiayyeee256 - 20.06.2022 06:30

D8 for night time 😴 D10 for day time to still be productive lol

@bcyz1000 - 18.07.2022 19:59

Answer: No.

@stay60feetawayfromme33 - 08.10.2022 02:00

“Subtle mild high”

Translation : Hit this once & you’ll be like 😵‍💫 (but we don’t wanna say that & trigger concern from anti drug groups) lol

@TruRaidersG - 01.12.2022 14:53

Okay the information is delta 8 and delta 10. But the thumbnail flowers is delta9 and the video flowers they smoke is delta9. 😂😁🤣 every flowers in this video is all THC9. None of them is THC8 or 10. Good information but the video is BS.

@venturad-kod968 - 20.12.2022 21:28

weirdos as scientists would be more mind catching...thx anyway

@tajthekidd999 - 30.12.2022 14:33

When I smoke my wax pen delta 10 helps me sleep, so good it clears my head. I try delta eight not a fan.

@LayerCake420 - 07.04.2023 17:31

Is ∆10 in all cannabis flower because most things don't get listed on the label & I have yet to see ∆10. 9 is the main, THC, were I am & their is ∆8 listed products but not many. I noticed 8 is lighter then 9 n focuses more on pain then potency even when both r same %. I had it in gummies that were 10mg∆8 each with like 1mg∆9 something low. Didn't notice effects. Had a 24k gold, cart. 80's% for ∆8, with like 10%∆9, so total of all thc, was in 90s, with a little tad amount cbd. B4 I got used to it, the 1st handful of times I was in a rocket ship sent to space. I also have had a ∆8+9 blend distillate & earlier thus yr tried a tincture that was mainly ∆8+ terpens. Each MLS was low ∆9 ✌🌈💖😉
