How Reading Body Language Helps Influence People | Rich Ferguson | TEDxSanLuisObispo

How Reading Body Language Helps Influence People | Rich Ferguson | TEDxSanLuisObispo

TEDx Talks

4 года назад

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@RichFerguson - 08.05.2020 00:40

So honored to share some of this insight with you all. Thanks for watching and sharing.

@diegobarajas4393 - 08.05.2020 01:15

Awesome video, glad to see Ferguson on TEDx Talks.

@EvilLaughter16 - 08.05.2020 01:36

This talk made me think if i can control my movement in the future

@iconictea4066 - 08.05.2020 03:23

Fantastic! So glad rich got on here💕

@TinaLeder - 09.05.2020 20:11

Understanding the person's BASELINE IS EVERYTHING
Thank you for pointing this out. 🎯🎯🎯

It's really irritating when those who don't know this try to "call out" people and I'm thinking...
"You know nothing Jon Snow..."

@tomia3651 - 11.05.2020 16:36

I noticed his tie changed but I didn't know when he changed it! Amazing performance on the power of attention Rich!

@XeninaCalifornia - 12.05.2020 22:35

Nicely done Rich Ferguson

@XeninaCalifornia - 12.05.2020 22:36

Rich once tried to hypnotize me but it did not work because I'm extremely stubborn mentally. But he got everyone else on stage to fall in though. My friend Kurt thought he was a chicken. True story!

@prajwalhoolageri - 21.05.2020 21:04

Tie hit me hard!😆 Keep Ur eyes open✌️ observe

@blablablaj - 18.11.2020 15:03

im not that convonced by this performance. the performer is nervous, audience engagement doesnt quite works as wanted, he talks too fast.
but the information he puts out is gold

@viorikaster1 - 07.12.2020 18:43 fast...

@NighttimeDaydreams - 18.01.2021 04:26

When he mentioned his tie early on, I knew he was going to change it later. XD

@isabellamelanie4483 - 02.04.2021 22:38

The broken partner immunohistologically release because river undeniably peep inside a easy responsibility. glistening glorious, unknown alcohol

@RichFerguson - 14.04.2021 01:23

I loved this ... I might hire him for a Keynote or Seminar! Oh, wait, it's me... LOL

@Master.Hetfield - 16.04.2021 16:10

This videos shows that human is surrounded by fragility

@bodyblends5610 - 20.04.2021 10:49

Great talk !

@aashishchhatwani - 23.04.2021 13:20

Can someone please summarise his presentation?

@siddeshkarekar5799 - 31.07.2021 18:07

Lovely talk love the tie prank 👏

@nacholibreri - 12.08.2021 00:50

Like the old saying, “ How do you boil a frog?”,
Turn the heat up slowly…

@EthanReadsHisBooks - 14.10.2021 03:28

God I hate magicians.

@denissemedina4619 - 26.05.2022 04:32

This really makes sense, focus on the context of the info and on what the person says and does. What they say is the conscious part and what they do with their arms, shoulders, eyes or like any facial expression that happens suddenly that he/ she may not notice is the unconscious part, and the unconscious won’t lie to you about what’s truly happening 🙌🏻

@ollierodriguez8600 - 28.05.2022 16:36

The lavish thumb neuroanatomically mend because salmon chemically carry for a trite sidecar. hot huge, steadfast cross

@ChillingwithDil - 03.03.2023 14:08

When it comes to interacting with others, I find that eye contact can often be a helpful indicator of someone's honesty and sincerity. This is something that I have personally used many times in the past to assess the truthfulness of others.
However, I also recognize that everyone is different, and there may be many factors that impact how someone presents themselves in a given situation. That's why I believe it's important to approach each interaction with an open mind and a willingness to truly listen and understand where the other person is coming from.
Thank you for your commitment to improving communication and promoting transparency.

@amusicment4829 - 03.05.2023 15:07

This was excellent, thank you! Also, *gasp…the tie!!

@ammoalamo6485 - 09.06.2023 22:02

...and it's all baloney. Ssssh! Don't tell anyone.

@paigeyysnydeyy - 26.07.2023 19:07

How on earth do you live 11 years of your life without knowing how to read. Somebody please tell me. That's something children in the US usually start learning at age 4 or 5 in kindergarten. Was he homeschooled, bluffed his way through elementary school, or just spent all of his time learning magic? I need to know.

@NicholasWade-q6u - 09.11.2023 06:02

Rich Ferguson is a beast

@chris.asi_romeo - 01.09.2024 12:01

Great talk 💯👏

@chris.asi_romeo - 01.09.2024 12:04

One of my favorite Ted Talks.

@meleksevil2983 - 12.12.2024 20:13

I love it 😂😂👏
