Planned Parenthood CEO discuss abortion rights in a post-roe America

Planned Parenthood CEO discuss abortion rights in a post-roe America

Good Morning America

2 года назад

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@TopGun_- - 28.06.2022 00:24

Never thought I’d see the day that sluts and hoes would have to take responsibility for their Promiscuous actions.

@billbercik944 - 28.06.2022 00:26

This lady simply fears for her job. Read the Constitution's Bill of Rights. Abortion is not a right !!! Abortion is murder !!! These leftist want to violate our actual RIGHTS and want to push immoral legislation onto We the People.

@TopGun_- - 28.06.2022 00:27

I can’t wait til technology one day allows us to study the DNA of an unborn baby and decipher weather they will grow up to be conservative or liberal. Then, only allow abortions of potential liberal voters. I’m pretty sure we can simply identify these future liberals by pointing out those fetuses which have limited brain wave activity 🤣.

@MrMcgooOG - 28.06.2022 00:28

The planned parenthood executive is upset for the loss of revenue of selling parts, chilling isn't it.

@foxtown7662 - 28.06.2022 00:29

Planned parenthood?!!!GMAC should be aborted for supporting this as well.Nothing worse in life than a democrat

@SmoothOperationofLawTM - 28.06.2022 00:30

Thank God that the Lord Jesus Christ is coming back and that all these single moms will stop killing their babies to live their so-called best life being a hoe amen

@blindeyecandy - 28.06.2022 00:33

Planned parenthood has been saying for years that only 3% of their revenue is abortion. Liars hahahahah

@JasonZakrajsek - 28.06.2022 00:34

“Roe” should be capitalized.

@deathmetalweedman3572 - 28.06.2022 00:34


@patrickmccarthy7877 - 28.06.2022 00:41

If you don't like slavery, don't own one. Same logic.

@silverdamsen2680 - 28.06.2022 00:43

The comments here are terrifying. It confirms for me that those that are elated by the taking away of this right, a right available in all other wealthy countries and only banned in religious extremist countries are fascist. I don't say this lightly and I dont say it to attack people but for the others on the Center and the Left and those waivering in the Centering trying to decide what they feel.

Please consider how taking away rights from adults and adolescents on their body in favor of a group of cells that might or might not be human--it is debatable what a group of cells are. It is alive but so is tree or a pig or a dog. What does human life mean?

What human life means is debatable. To say that it isn't debatable ingores histority. There can't be a good outcome for one segment of the popoulation trying to take the rights away from another segment. When this kind of persecution has occurred in the past it has been labled fascism--and that seems a fair lable.

Thus, those in the Center please reconsider if you want to side with the Far Right on this.

@patrickmccarthy7877 - 28.06.2022 00:43

Those for abortion, if their moms aborted them, they wouldn't be here advocating for it. The right to life is from the womb to the tomb.

@patrickmccarthy7877 - 28.06.2022 00:46

To avoid prison and pregnancy, do nothing. It works every time. Planned Parenthood is an evil enterprise, and I hope they go the way of slavery. Margaret Sanger was an evil, vile woman.

@nickmedley4749 - 28.06.2022 00:48

Sure is a lot of hell-raising by Planned Parenthood for 3% of their services.

@shelleycecilian361 - 28.06.2022 00:51

Abort the screamers

@SocialismSucks - 28.06.2022 00:53

If Democraps didn’t have $hit for brains, they’d have no brains at all.🤡

@josiahwyncott7519 - 28.06.2022 00:53

Ruth Bader-Ginsburg:
"Roe isn’t really about the woman’s choice, is it?” Ginsburg said in a 2013 event at the University of Chicago. “It’s about the doctor’s freedom to practice. … It wasn’t woman-centered, it was physician-centered.”

Ginsburg united these criticisms as early as 1984, saying in a speech at the University of North Carolina that Roe “ventured too far in the change it ordered and presented an incomplete justification for its action.”

@michaelmckinney1409 - 28.06.2022 00:53

Abortion is not a right. Show the wording in the bill of rights were it says it is. It was supposed to be decided by each state. Even RBG said the ruling would not stand. 64 million abortions later a case before the SCOTUS brought by a liberal got it reversed and now each state will make their own laws.

@t.m9341 - 28.06.2022 00:56

16 upvotes and 1430 views tells you how much ppl care about what PP ceos think

@jasonkroll2735 - 28.06.2022 00:56

Sluts n hoes crying bout being sluts n hoes..
What's new?

@joerogan3079 - 28.06.2022 01:23


@Paul-lm5gv - 28.06.2022 01:27

Democrats beware on election day! A new poll shows 70% of independents agree with the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe. Also, an analysis by the A-P (Associated Press) shows 1-Million Democrats have switched over to the Republican party in the last year. The Democrat party is committing political suicide by kowtowing to the radical left.

@jaobidan2358 - 28.06.2022 01:45

I'd love for the PP CEO to discuss how this ruling with derail PP's fetus harvesting operations and how this results in a significant loss of "donations" to the DNC.

@fullforged1953 - 28.06.2022 02:44

Ugh. Witch.

@wchocobunny - 28.06.2022 03:47

The decision to overturn Roe V. Wade, DID NOT make abortion illegal in America.... so, why all the fighting and calling for violence? Also, it's completely ridiculous to me that there are attacks, violence and protests happening mostly in areas where their rights to abortion HAVE NOT CHANGED. If the decision has been returned to a state level, meaning the people of that state get to vote for rights like this, and government can no longer overrule whatever the decision ends up is that a bad thing? Any states that predominantly votes for it, will have the support of what they believe (no changes to abortion laws). Alternatively, states that predominantly vote against it, will have the support of what they believe as well. Why all the boo hoo and fighting over democracy working exactly how it was meant to? Thought.... if abortion wasn't pushed to the point of saying that an abortion could be performed up to the point of birth or after, would this decision have resulted the same? The answer is no. Had it stayed the way it was, where an abortion could only be performed up to a certain point in early pregnancy, this decision wouldn't have been so easy to overturn....

@김덕진-r1s - 28.06.2022 04:24

Abortionists are extreme egotists

@JennyL.I - 28.06.2022 04:54

Shouldn't they make contraception 100% effective if they are going to ban abortions?

@catbee1452 - 28.06.2022 04:56

Aahhh, boo-hoo.
Abstinence. It's 100% effective.

@devilsadvocate1602 - 28.06.2022 05:20

By being pro life you’re not saving a life. In actuality your condemning a child to be born into a world knowing they weren’t made because of a love. Instead they learn that they weren’t a happy accident, or born from assault or incest, or that they were simply not wanted in the first place. It sucks but some people are not fit to be parents, so we shouldn’t be forcing parent hood on others regardless of their situation.

Remember, being alive doesn’t mean your happy to BE alive, you simply are. No child should know what it’s like to not be wanted or been born the benefactor of rape. So if your pro life FOR the children, think again. Because what you’re really doing is preventing a women to have control over her own body AND setting an unborn sack of jelly up for a life full of confusing questions and painful answered.

I would know, since I to am adopted… and lemme tell you, the fact that I GOT adopted is a feat in itself. I might have gotten answers I didn’t want but I have many close adopted/ fostered friends who have had it 100x worse compared to me. I can sleep just fine knowing I was a fuck up. But I can’t sleep well knowing there are more children like me. Born and not spared every… single… day.

So if you don’t know what it’s like to be a child that was surrendered, abandoned, not wanted, an accident, abused, or given up on, you really shouldn’t have anything to say about abortion since you haven’t LIVED through it like some of us.

And while I have a family that loves me, I still struggle to look at life as worth anything since I wasn’t even supposed to be here in the first place. It’s hard, and I wouldn’t wish this kind of life upon any unborn sack of jelly you people call a “baby”.

We got enough “Second hand kiddos” with shitty, dead beat, irrational, parents who didn’t think things through on this tiny spec we call earth. Gonna be honest, we DO NOT need more. Trust me.

@davidlemieux398 - 28.06.2022 07:01

The planned parenthood executive doesn't have to worry about needing an abortion. I should be ashamed.

@brigspearman2171 - 28.06.2022 07:02

I kind of disagree really I’m not some woman do the wrong thing for their kids and children in the body system that if a woman drink alcohol every over a child we have to be careful of that we had to protect that right Obama didn’t do that because what he did with this some women had to be careful with that I’m not saying that because you’re so what do you some women do bad things to our their child abandon your child decent little things to your child how is that harm to your child if you don’t want a child yes we have to protect that right the Democrats want to protect that right

@johnny-brings-a-good-point - 28.06.2022 19:46

I got a vasectomy. So I'm good. If you and all other feel men, should be responsible, allow men to get a vasectomy, without reason. Yeah. Remove the criteria or requirements that dictates if a man is authorized to get a vasectomy then all we have to worry about is men transmitting or receiving STDs.

Because in all honesty men are ducking with out a condom anyway. So you might as well minimize one risk (getting a female pregnant) Vs 2 risk (getting a female pregnant and sharing STDs) by allowing men to get a vasectomy.

@johnny-brings-a-good-point - 28.06.2022 20:03

I got a vasectomy. So I'm good. If you and all other feel men, should be responsible, or want to reduce pregnancy, allow men to get a vasectomy, without reason. That is a great option no many present on the table. Yeah. Remove the criteria or requirements that dictates if a man is authorized to get a vasectomy then all we have to worry about is men transmitting or receiving STDs.

Because in all honesty men are ducking with out a condom anyway. So you might as well minimize one risk (getting a female pregnant) Vs 2 risk (getting a female pregnant and sharing STDs) by allowing men to get a vasectomy.

@DemonDog444 - 28.06.2022 23:58


Discuss Margaret Sanger, eugenics, and fetal tissue harvesting for $$$.

@davidpuritz3323 - 29.06.2022 04:02

Because of this whole topic even being discussed I have decided I don’t want children anymore. Not because of money but because we live in a world where both sides are in a trench war and won’t get the most important problems solved like basic woman’s rights. Pitiful

@belle7581 - 29.06.2022 04:42


@vacaspen5038 - 29.06.2022 07:27

I'm going to shut up and give back the money they collected when they're donors

@lautaroaguilar9584 - 29.06.2022 15:49

I’m soooo happy it was overturned!! 🎉🎉

@carenwebb9044 - 29.06.2022 18:00

Planned parenthood has been lying all these years saying they do other services besides abortion and the proof is that the clinics are closing now.abortion is murder

@user-qx9wv3xf6u - 30.06.2022 09:12

We should not have profit motive as part of this. We need socialized medicine. Planned Parenthood has failed and is part of the problem. They are grifting and scamming.

@25lbcarp - 30.06.2022 16:08

Question for all! women. When you were in your mothers womb, was it your body or your mother's body??

@carogame - 01.07.2022 01:25

planned parenthood is one of the most racist organizations ever formed. Margaret Sanger wanted to exterminate minorities. They don't tell this to people applying for a job there, do they.

@sympathy4thedevil88 - 01.07.2022 17:36

I have no idea why people are so upset about the roe vs wade decision. It's not like they outlawed dumpsters.

@christianshaw9102 - 03.07.2022 21:04

Now let's here from the pro life side

@katemallory - 07.07.2022 02:04

I say put MORE clinics in the poor neighborhoods.

@carlycoppi4769 - 07.08.2022 00:52

Dude they cannot take away birth control wtf??? I'm so upset and can't believe that is real!!! They took away safe abortions which is horrible and now birth control??!!! Not everyone in this country is a white Christian!!! Get the F out of here! This is not a free country!!!

@sidali2590 - 31.08.2022 06:23

Hillary Clinton is responsible for this

@jasonwitt3423 - 23.09.2022 21:25

Stop killing babies! If you don't want to get pregnant don't spread your legs. Any woman that chooses an abortion should die alone in an ally with the rusty hanger stuck out of her!
