Facts about a really small country: Luxembourg

Facts about a really small country: Luxembourg

Sebastian ioan

9 лет назад

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@JoyHoffi - 08.01.2017 22:03

You forgot english 😉

@flamencobeertje - 14.01.2017 18:34

Luxemburg has ALWAYS belonged to the Spanish and later Austrian Hapsburgs , dynasty that lies at the origin of Belgium. Later (in 1839) it became a personal posession of William the First of Holland,
putting a relative on the throne. It is not because you talk a hardly understandable dialect ( Letzeburgisch ) that you are - SUDDENLY - a separate nation. With the rebellion of the Belgian '' patriots '' in
1830 against the Dutch ( low-life Brussels scum , supported by the French ) , Luxemburg took the side of the ''rebels''. In 1839 with the 24 Articles-Treaty between Belgium and the Netherlands .
it became a private property of ing Willam the First of Holland , just to weaken the newly-born Belgian state .... YOU should take up again your history books !

@AlejandroPeralesgodsglory - 23.01.2017 01:58

You get her under god you will not have worry filling University Students Universal under my God other wise no i would go if you pay me.

@nicolasgavriel722 - 04.02.2017 02:15

no country beats Cyprus

@Sneewitchen1 - 12.03.2017 00:03

Why do they show Dollars at the beginning if local currency is Euro?

@comfee - 16.03.2017 18:13

this is legit the polar opposite of my country lol

@andreewert1142 - 31.03.2017 12:13

Great little country where I was born..I used to live in Hollerich, go Downtown, buy Fire Crackers and throw them from the Main bridge onto the Petrus stream Below..My Dad built much there as an Architect... and then we moved to Montreal , Canada to build Expo67.

@slomojoe9395 - 01.04.2017 07:52

My people came from Luxembourg. I guess just decent people are left.

@rrider3946 - 20.04.2017 13:57

Wisconsin along the Lake Michigan coast probably has the largest number of people of Luxembourg ancestary . Even a village named Luxembourg . I don't think many in the younger generation speak any of the languages anymore.

@joyfungonsalves4466 - 29.04.2017 11:52

ok thanks man a great help for me

@nihi876 - 02.05.2017 00:07

70k hearts of iron 4 players were here

@AliAbbas-iv1sm - 18.05.2017 09:42

i want to live there

@johnnys.2718 - 23.06.2017 02:29

We make the best Beer in the world

@jacobnleth - 01.07.2017 00:45

Luxembourg is a shitty excuse for a country

@gtrvariedades - 02.07.2017 22:41

Luxembourg is amazing, I Like of Know, What still exist castles of middle age

@5kimberly3 - 06.07.2017 18:39

The last few summers in luxembourg have been really hot and more than 28 degrees

@PeterAlfonsLoch - 24.07.2017 03:54

Everything is expensive af here, and how do tehy even know how happy a nation is? Since the refugee crisis started we are in constant trouble. Right wing movements are growing.....

@tiguz2755 - 24.07.2017 13:55

No we get taught german french Luxembourgish and english

@traviscollins830 - 23.08.2017 03:35

Why is it the same flag as Netherlands? My name is Travis Richard Collins, 39, Southern California. I am the unbroken Grand Master #38, the 6th High-King, sole-blood-heir of every unbroken male and female lineage, start of, and into, every gene-pool EVER. I am the Blackhole specimen. I created and own every kingdom and wealth-system on Earth.

@rahmiariesty6606 - 26.08.2017 18:25

Fel nanti kamu bantu aku yah pas ke meso miss u fell leah nih miss u fell cuma kamu fell

@josaraujo9425 - 28.08.2017 00:22

I love Luxembourg and I actually live there ❤️🇱🇺

@prathmeshmaheshwari8360 - 29.09.2017 19:01

I am interested to come to your. Country
Please give me details

@mohammadiq2973 - 09.10.2017 16:56

Is it really the second richest country in the world??

@thebomvlog4173 - 14.10.2017 16:33

I used 2 live there, my childhood was so awesome, my mom was paid a LOT and she's just a cleaner, now I live in England, it's nice, but nothing compared 2 Luxembourg

@abhcy - 31.10.2017 17:58

Luxembourg cannot into sea

@سرالحضارات-ي4ق - 24.12.2017 23:40

Please could you help me to get luxembourg visa

@parketsliparinn - 26.01.2018 02:02

No thanks.. Í just came from Luxembourg. Dirty streets, cigaretts and chewing gums all over. Beggers at so many places.
Clean up please))

@500iqmolester2 - 12.03.2018 06:39

Its not luxembourg its outlanderbourg cuz basically everybodys french in luxembourg which is piss fucking annoying

@neutronpixie6106 - 17.04.2018 15:16

No.8- It's an entire country that launders the money of the greedy and corrupt from other countries for the advancement of their own greedy and corrupt wants.

@mindfull2199 - 19.06.2018 02:12

is it hard for someone from belgium living in luxembourg?

@fm4282 - 13.07.2018 09:22


@fabi8657 - 29.07.2018 17:36

lol ech liewen grad an letzebuerg

@DeejaySICK - 16.10.2018 00:13

we actually learn 4 languages in school including english lol

@davidbalderas2375 - 16.10.2018 10:50

Luxunburg teaches English starting at age 12 as well. Great video, on point with all 7 points

Also they have 1/5 ot of population is Portuguese due to immigration

@josefklimes7642 - 09.01.2019 18:34

Dear LuxembourgIsh people, I have a few inquiries to make and will be thrilled if any of you would be willing to share your opinion on the subject.

I consider to move there, after my studies (hopefully soon to be MSc in business management), speak 🇨🇿, 🇬🇧, 🇩🇪. I wonder what are the options with such language skillset. Also what salary may a fresh graduand may expect if finding a job.

Furthermore, I crave to know more about education for kids (free of charge?, system structure - when to start, amount of years spent, etc.), general environment for raising children in the country (perks and downsides) and what's the health care system like (paid - unpaid, what conditions)?

In addition, if any of you could provided me with her/his overview of the country (including perks/downsides) I would be very thankful.

Either way, I appreciate your time if you read up to this point and in case you decide to devote your time and effort into answering my questions, I sincerely thank you in advance.

Otherwise, have a nice day. :-)

@joyflanagan2546 - 03.03.2019 08:16

Lux is a german ethnic city state

@mattisaderp8929 - 18.04.2019 11:04

Tan ku for video, I have received knowledge.

@hollister1860 - 27.04.2019 14:02

Luxembourg is a great country in terms of looking after its people. Good social services , cheap ( free for students and soon to be free for everyone ) public transport, cheap alcohol , diverse and high wages.

Downsides? Expensive housing, clothing. Social expectations are ridiculously high. If you get below 80% in a test , you’re classed as dumb. Everyone is expected to do incredibly well and this has led to every single student being stressed and unhappy.

I speak 4 languages and I’m at a top 30 university in the UK , soon to be learning a 5th language. But this still isn’t enough for a lot of people in Luxembourg, you need to do better in their eyes.

@satan1189 - 08.08.2019 01:20

Literally every foreigner pretends like luxemburg doesnt have any city besides the capital and its fucking annoying

@laarnieermita - 16.08.2019 06:52

Thanks for sharing stay connected visit my🏠too

@sho0c5 - 21.09.2019 10:21

Luxembourg is really big if you compare it to the size of Lichtenstein,San Marino and more

@gustavomiranda9544 - 24.10.2019 17:24

Its not Small!!

@reuterromain1054 - 27.04.2021 11:13

Luxembourg has 630.000 inhabitants, not "half a million".
When you`re there, you see that it isn`t that small after all.
There are many countries in the world that are actually smaller.
And in geo-political terms it is not a dwarf-state such as Monaco, Liechtenstein and many others.
The rest of the info is quite accurate.
